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Everything posted by Hare

  1. Here's a finished puffy cat! I'll message you my contact info for if you want to buy him/want any changes! Otherwise I'll stick him back in my shop. =D Other colors are just there to show the shading because it's not as visible on the black one.
  2. I have all the original PSDs for the adoptables I did, TGL's welcome to them. Nice description on the lizards. I drew the tail to look vaguely like the lizard's head (in a smaller, simpler form). When it evolves, the tail looks even more like a head because it has eyes too. Just threw it in there last minute. I'm not much of a writer when it comes to publishing. Been writing online with friends for a long time, though.
  3. I agree that I think more members is the best thing for TGL right now. It's off to a really good start! Unfortunately my Facebook is the wrong demograph (though I did post there and there are a few people I know) and I don't have a Twitter. I managed to refer 1 person, but it'll be great if we can get some more folks to join. Advertising and keeping the forum active should help.
  4. Not sure when it started, been drawing a lot since I was a little kid, but I definitely got started in the digital art direction upon taking a Photoshop class in highschool. And then when I discovered a pet site forum many years ago, I dedicated myself to being able to draw for browser games. I fell in love with the cellshaded style like tgose found on Neopets and Subeta. It really captured my eye. I fell in love with vectors, too. There's a certain cellshaded style that just captures me completely. Most frustrating time was probably early on before I could produce anything remotely like I wanted. There were no aha moments. It took about 5-10 years of practice to be able to draw things the way I wanted them. Before then my art was just one disappointment after another. I still have those disappoints here and there, but other pieces that I'm really proud of that make it all worthwhile.
  5. Agreed with SingSong. I think the third one would be most effective at encouraging people to post. In fact, I'm wondering if the first two might be counter-effective (allowing people to boost power without posting).
  6. Good to know! I'll be sure to do this. I'm also making it in such a way that you can change the color easily.
  7. Thank you! Can do, I will work on it and let you know when I have a finished version. =)
  8. I don't have a TV, but I watch shows online regularly: Simpsons and Steven Universe is all I can think of for TV shows. On Youtube I watch Phil Defranco and some other Youtubers.
  9. I'm still working on the content and haven't attempted to reapply, but so far it's coming along! I updated our home page with more info about the game. I also removed the navigation links from the top of our home page for when people are not logged in. Since all the links are to places where login is required, I figured there wasn't much point... (they still show if you login, though). Instead, I was thinking of putting up new links to things that visitors can use, which the google bots can crawl over. One of those links will be to a comprehensive genetics guide, which I finished making. I'm waiting to finish a few more content pages before adding the links, though. The other one I just got started on is an art tutorial for drawing rabbits that (like the genetics page) uses images from the game and premotes signing up. I'll need to come up with a few more ideas for content that is appealing to visitors and premotes the game in a relevant way.
  10. Wow! Impressive! And what a great win-win-win for everyone lol!
  11. Yay, I'm totally in. =D Looking forward to evolving my corgi.
  12. Oh my gosh! Thank you =D That works just fine! Yay.
  13. Another maybe-not-bug but an observation =D I notice when typing, hitting enter will take you two lines down. Like this. It would be a lot easier if it just went one down. The backspace does the same thing, so I'm a little baffled as to how to get the cursor down only one line.
  14. If you decide to bring it down to 200x200px or less that might work out well. Either way but definitely takes up less space and easier to get cheaper art done. But I don't think it's a big deal, just a nod of agreement over here. =D
  15. Yay! I got my eggs. Excited to see what will happen. =D
  16. Thank you for the heads up!
  17. This is awesome =D Thank you for the update! I'm excited.
  18. It's pretty humid yeah. Also rains and storms a lot. There's a few oddballs who like it, at least beaches are nice.
  19. I live in Florida is my answer to that. lol Will be going to CA, already bought the plane ticket.
  20. Do you plan on having alternate colors for the same creatures? If so, will all potemtial colors be hatchable from the same egg, or from separately colored eggs? Or should there be no alt colors? Love the backdrop, description, and naming features. The store looks nifty too. Nice idea to help build some revenue for the site. Is the naming feature available to you when you hatch them initially? I'd love to be able to name my critters for free on the initual hatch (and evolutions like you said), but wouldn't mind buying an item to rename them if I changed my mind about the name. And yeah tons of progress! Looks great.
  21. No prolem! I'm personally in no hurry. Will be good to get more people sharing this site in the meantime.
  22. Been working on getting all the broken (spotted) variations done for Giant Angoras that I drew for Leporidae. =D
  23. The site has been very active and fast-growing =D I'm really happy and excited for it, too.
  24. Hey! =o Nice to see your intro. Sofware engineering sounds awesome, I would love to get into stuff like that some day (too busy right now though). Pet sites and other animal SIMs are great.
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