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Everything posted by Hare

  1. If you ever do, I might be interested (if I'm still looking for a volunteer job by then). I would definitely feel more comfortable with a programmer overseeing things. But yeah, that would be mutually beneficial.
  2. I've never worked as a coder for pay, have just been coding on my own site (with PHP and MySQL). I have no idea whether my coding abilities are up to par with hired work and might be in a similar situation as you because I also have no idea what to expect (and was interested in seeing people's replies here, thank you to those who did!) Before I attempt to get hired, I plan on doing volunteer work at least once (preferably on a few different projects) to get a feel for what the work will be like, what it's like to work with an already built site, and get a scope for what will be expected of me. I don't know PDO for example, and am not sure whether I'll have to learn it, but am sure I could get the answer to that and many other little questions through some volunteering. This might be a good way for you to get started too. Or like others have said, study up and get yourself to a confident place where you think you're ready to try finding paid work.
  3. Nice to know it is helpful to creators. I never really looked into it before. Might give it a try.
  4. These are great updates! I really like the level system and greater difficulty. Thank you, Digital.
  5. They've been going downhill for years, so I'm not surprised Lol I remember using photobucket for everything back when I played Neopets. That was before the site was rendered practically unusable by ads. That's fine, there are plenty of other free image hosting sites that are less ad-ridden.
  6. I had a few accounts that were letters and numbers. PL826d1gsl66 and various others.
  7. I found this video on youtube about the mid stage of game development, deemed 'mid development hell' by the person who did it. He says it is common for games to have a mid development phase where you have to do a lot of tedious work, and to not be discouraged by this. As a new developer, I found this very encouraging. What do others here think, though? Have you experience 'mid development hell?' Was it similar to what this youtuber describes, or was it different for you?
  8. I used to play Subeta. They have lovely artwork =D
  9. So here is the working code. Here are the sorting variables (it gets the custom sort options that a player has in their settings). $sort1 = 'breed'; $sort2 = 'name'; SELECT CAGE_TABLE.rabbit, CAGE_TABLE.pig, CAGE_TABLE.id, PIG_TABLE.breed, PIG_TABLE.name, RABBIT_TABLE.breed, RABBIT_TABLE.name, COALESCE (RABBIT_TABLE.breed, PIG_TABLE.breed) as animal_breed, COALESCE (RABBIT_TABLE.name, PIG_TABLE.name) as animal_name FROM CAGE_TABLE LEFT JOIN RABBIT_TABLE ON CAGE_TABLE.rabbit=RABBIT_TABLE.id LEFT JOIN PIG_TABLE ON CAGE_TABLE.pig=PIG_TABLE.id WHERE CAGE_TABLE.building='$player_building_id' ORDER BY CASE WHEN RABBIT_TABLE.id IS NULL THEN PIG_TABLE.id IS NULL ELSE 0 END, animal_$sort1, animal_$sort2 And then we have the SQL statement above. It gets the name and breed columns for each animal table and uses coalesce to turn them into animal_breed and animal_name so we can easily put the variable in for whatever data we want to order by. I added all the other sort options too (not shown in this example). This is the simplified version. I also added a CASE BY to make empty cages show up last. I don't fully understanding what the else 0 means but it's doing the job. =D
  10. I got it working! Thank you everyone for the tips. I'll get the query all set up and try coalescue, then post it here for anyone who might need it for reference.
  11. Thank you =D I've done it without the *, just having the columns instead (ike CAGE_TABLE.rabbit, RABBIT_TABLE.breed, PIG_TABLE.breed. I can't get it to give me any results either way when I join 3 tables. It only works when I join 2 tables.
  12. Thanks Digital! Yes I included the table. (like RABBIT_TABLE.breed). It works with the rabbit table and cage table, but I can't get it to sort with pig table. Am I right in assuming my query needs to join all three tables in order to sort by all three?
  13. I wouldn't know, but am interested in this. =D I know there are a lot of forumulas out there for large games. Maybe you could base it off of the most balanced game you can find? I have no experience with this, though.
  14. Hello! I have an SQL question about joining 3 tables for my game? I have rabbits and guinnea pigs in my SIM. When you look in your shed, you see all your cages. The cages can either be empty, contain a rabbit, or contain a guinnea pig. I got this to work (shown in screenshot), but it doesn't allow you to ORDER BY pig and rabbit data. I can get ORDER BY working if I join the Cages_Table with either Rabbit_Table or Pig_Table table, but not both. The rabbit and pig tables don't have a common ID with each other, they only link to the Cage_Table. The Cage_Table has a column for rabbit ID and a column for pig ID. 0 means none. If both are 0, the cage is empty (one of them will always be 0). Is possible to join the Cages_Table to both Rabbit_Table AND Pig_Table or do I need to go about this another way? Any help would be much appreciated. I've been messing with this thing all day without much luck and am pretty baffled. Not sure if what I'm trying to do is even possible. This is the code that works but only joins rabbits to cages: SELECT CAGE_TABLE.* FROM CAGE_TABLE LEFT JOIN RABBIT_TABLE ON (CAGE_TABLE.rabbitid=RABBIT_TABLE.rabbitid) WHERE CAGE_TABLE.shed='$shedid' ORDER BY $sort1 ASC, $sort2 ASC And this is one of the codes I tried that doesn't work (I've been trying a lot of other stuff though): SELECT CAGE_TABLE.* FROM CAGE_TABLE LEFT JOIN RABBIT_TABLE ON (CAGE_TABLE.rabbitid=RABBIT_TABLE.rabbitid) LEFT JOIN PIG_TABLE ON (CAGE_TABLE.pigid=PIG_TABLE.pigid) WHERE CAGE_TABLE.shed='$shedid' ORDER BY $sort1 ASC, $sort2 ASC Screenshot of the working code in action. If only I could sort the pigs and rabbits by breed and other data, and get the empty cages to show up last, it would be perfect. Please excuse the -1 years and months old, that'll be fixed later.
  15. I'm sorry about the late reply, only now saw this. I added a couple pages of public HTML content (some tutorials).
  16. Most people who have severe enough visual impairments (as in enough that they can't see certain things on basic websites) use assisitive technology like screen readers and other accessibility features that come with most devices (Apple especially). One of the neat features you can use is color modes. You can access them through Voiceover and other accessibility software. I've used them on my phone, computer, and CCTV (a device that helps visually impaired people read books etc.). From my experience, the color modes are pretty universal, they have the same ones accross different software and hardware (the basic grayscale, inverted, black background with yellow text, etc.). If you want to see examples, you can check out the accessibility features on any iPhone or Apple computer, Google them, or check out the color change options on this site: http://www.afb.org/myafbcolors.aspx Here's a pic of my phone with inversion on. That's my favorite, personally. They have some other stuff like increase contrast, switch contrast, grayscale, etc. I can't speak for color blind people, I have a different visual impairment. Have you spoken to anyone with color blindness about it?
  17. Thank you! I wish I hd known how to use Imagemagick back then. It was what I originally wanted for the site. But we shall have it!
  18. I'm about 2/3 of the way done with completely redoing the 100 or so layers on about 60 different artworks. This process has been taking about a year, which has slowed down development. It's extremely tedious and I'm eager to finish. I'm close to being done with it, though! There's a few other daunting tasks ahead, but not as bad as this relayering thing. =D It'll be worth it all in the end.
  19. There's no universal color scheme for people with color blindness or other impairment, there will always be someone who can't see it well because there's so many different ways eyesight can be impaired. If you have different color themes, that's the best way to go! I would just make ones that are varied, have the default be one that looks best for your site.
  20. Thank you for sharing your experiences, both a the player end and as an admin. I'm not very familiar with this topic and have taken away a few things from the above posts to hopefully help my site out.
  21. These backgrounds are lovely! Thank you!
  22. This sounds better =D Levels make more sense to use than power. I like the progression bar!
  23. I got another one I'll send you the cat Pepper-Head (don't know whether the dragon you wanted was the lizardly one not but I have that too).
  24. Have had four tablets so far that I can remember. My favorite tablet is my small Wacom Intuous that I got at Best Buy for $60. I LOVE that it has a little holder for the pen. Losing pens is a pain in the butt and so easy to do with these things. I've had a Bamboo tablet that worked well and lasted a long time, too, but that was a while ago. My grandpa gave me a Wacom FUN he found lying around in a center he goes to, so I have no idea of its use history, but it works perfectly. It came with a mouse to use with it, but I personally never find myself using the mouse. I bought a $200 Intuous once and personally never made use of any of the fancy features (like all the side buttons and buttons on the pen). I also learned that I preferred smaller sized tablets because I don't have to strain my hand as much to move the pointer. A lot depends on what you're looking for, but if you want something cheap and simple, I recommend smaller Wacom tablets. I've never had anything other than these four, so I don't have any experience to compare to, but all my tablets lasted years and worked great. I would make sure that, whatever you get, it should have pen pressure/sensitivity. That's the only 'tablet feature' I've ever really used and don't know anyone who doesn't make use of it.
  25. Great quote and way of thinking, Digital =D All those exploits were exciting on Neopets back in the day, it's nice we have better methods now.
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