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Everything posted by Aminirus

  1. Completed Artwork for Patron Reward from April 27th: 

    You can also view this on deviantart as well is Twitter is not your vibe:


  2. I'm in Michigan, in the USA. Like, when it was announced, it was actually fine here. People seemed pretty obedient to the request to stay at home, shut business, social distancing and all that jazz, but people still bought things out at stores like mad. After about a month, it's only become worse here. People holding riots and protests, claiming their freedom is being taken from them and non-sense like that, while doctors are struggling heavily to try and keep things under control. It even became super bad here at one point where the protests blocked major roads for ambulances to get to and from hospitals, so honestly, I've been stressed as heck and thus cooping myself up more than usual. For family, we had a couple of us get sick but recovered, but my mother is still sick, but with just a cough so they won't test her and it's been hell trying to find a doctor who will put forth a bit more effort to see what's wrong. Both my parents are at high risk, so it's scary. I also had a close friend who has a whole other plethora of issues from respiratory problems to MS and spinal issues and she got covid and we all nearly flipped out. On the upside, they did let her go home after a few days for she slowly started to recover, so that was good at least. Job wise, it's been a nightmare. I generally work from home as is, but I can't file for unemployment because I don't have "official certificates" of my job title, so...that's another can of worms right there. Luckily, my husband was able to get the unemployment, but his job can't decide yet if they want people coming back starting May 5th or not given that stay at home notice has been extended to May 15th, which doesn't surprise. It's honestly scary here with the lack of care from people as well as how to make up for the financial losses. I was lucky enough to get a break on my loans for a bit of time, but even then, many of our bills are still expecting to be paid despite the either lack of work or heavy drop in work. We're holding out here as best as we can and at least making use of the time to spend together since it's just my husband and myself stuck at home with our two dogs and our cat. We do the best we can and we'll figure things out on a day to day basis.
  3. To view my activity and what I've been up to as of late, you can see most of my work at my Trello: https://trello.com/b/G7u4xkqk/aminirus-artworks-ventures

    I hope to be much more active around May 2020. Thank you to those who have stuck around with me and continue to do so. I look forward to the future and how to be better Community Leader, out of the shadows :3

  4. Some newer artwork to try and get me back into being here properly again. I know it's been some time and I sorta have just been hovering around, but I'll try for better.


  5. Updated to include some more asset examples and now there are Backgrounds and Environments! Be sure to also check out my latest WIPs and projects by visiting my Twitter or Instagram below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Aminirus0 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hayley.dubay/ Do not hesitate to contact me via email or even through Discord! Email: [email protected] Discord: Aminirus #1824 September, as of this post, has limited slots to hire me. If you hire me for September, you are guaranteed to receive your work within that month, unless otherwise stated or the project is long term and broken into pieces. I already have 2 out of 6 slots full for September so make sure to ask and get a slot today before you have to wait another month!
  6. @Bingo Yup, you can sell things on Artstation. It's under "Marketplace". Most of the stuff there seems to be for 3D related games, but I have seen people selling their Digital drawing knowledge as tutorials and personal help sessions too. I most do game related artwork. These days it's been a lot of items of all kinds, from fantasy to plants to odd things. I do usually also get a few personal commissions of people's characters. When I do have downtime on my jobs, I either work on Wild Howlz, my comic project, and then usually make up a few YCHs to sell. I post frequently to things like twitter and instagram with WIPs and commission opportunities. The point is, is that I'm always doing something to keep my pace. I know what sells the most versus what sells the least but has a higher price, so I know what to focus on each month in order to get the income I need and then some. These days, it's been improving. The more work I do, the more I get to show off to others and thus I tend to get work requests from others. The main thing you can't be afraid is actually showing that work off and telling everyone what you are capable of and where you've worked at before. You not only promote yourself that way, but you also please your client by saying something like, "Look at this awesome work I do for ______ game! Be sure to check it out and hire me today to get your own cool items!" Keep in mind that it is always okay to say that you're looking for work and you need work. Sometimes, if you don't say it, no one knows and thus no one will do anything. You also have to keep reminding people. Sometimes those silent fans of yours are building up their savings and can forget if you don't remind them.
  7. Given from someone who has worked in the art industry for years now during and even after college, art is not always a steady source, but it is not impossible to work solely in art. The main issue that comes with artists is knowing how to reach out their niche and market themselves above others. It's not easy to do and is not something that is taught. When we enter real life then with real bills to pay and real responsibilities, many of us, without this taught skill, fall short about how to get jobs in their desired field and thus have to fall back on things like part-time jobs. A lot said here seems to be a tit or tat on whether art is a good career or not and if the reason you aren't getting enough art related is work is due to lack of school or effort. Many seem to forget that it is not an easy field and we are not taught how to market ourselves towards the clients we'd like to receive. The other issue that tends to be neglected is time management. As an artist working from home, if you don't know how to manage your time then you're not going to make the goals you desire. I've had on and off part-time jobs during my career and I still usually take on some holiday work to build up some extra income, but the rest of the time, I do actually depend on my artwork to get me by. It has not been easy going way of life, but I took the time to try hard and stay focused. I understand my own personal limits and though hard, learn to say no to other jobs to prevent piling up work. It's not easy to keep yourself motivated and functioning all the time. I know there was a time a few months back when I suddenly had no work for almost 3 months, despite me putting things out there and showing off what I had to offer. Due to that, I took the time to reevaluate myself and a few things and find a method to help myself market my work better by understanding the audience I'm trying to target. Everything and anything is a market, but knowing how to do and target it to your benefit takes time and skill, but in the long run helps you in every way. For example, I knew I needed to get a bit more well known if I wanted to expand my viewing audience so I could have more eyes see the work I do and more chances to get hired for work. I joined Artstation.com for this reason as they Challenges, usually about every other month or so, and many people, including those looking to hire, check these out. It really puts your skills to the test sometimes and you can get some real good work out of it if you put forth the effort and time. Plus, on Artstation real people also post freelance jobs and you can also sell your own content on there as well. So if you have a batch of items, you can sell the batch of items there to potential buyers, I've seen people sell tutorials and help sessions. I'm sure there are other options out there, but I'm still learning things myself but mainly, I just advise to not give up. When you're not doing a part time job, keep practicing your artwork and your craft. Look around for different marketable areas, like FB groups that may be in your desired drawing field and so on. Today's world is a lot about social media and that tends to land me the most work. I keep posting things and show what I have to offer and I usually get a wide range of interested audiences.
  8. @Shinobu I'm not exactly asked to draw birds very often, but I assure you I don't have an issue drawing them at all. These are all the examples I could find from this year, and the others would be from prior years. Hope these help anyways since I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for as an example.
  9. Either or would be good @dracula . I don't have an exact replica of your desired style, so I know not everything in the examples I provided would be perfect. The lines are definitely one thing that is different, but mainly wanted to show that I understand that the background and its pieces are drawn in rather than just straight up colored and painted. I'm not moving from DA, just limiting my time there heavily. It's no longer as ... reliable... as it used to be and I can't continue to use their endlessly breaking system, if you know what I mean. It's good in its own way, but no longer is as functional for my purposes as I'd like it to be.
  10. Well, since the lines are already available and it's just greyscale, I could do it for half the cost I normally charge, which thus make all 90 items total around $180 and I can definitely get 60 of those to you by October, if not all of them. I don't currently have any work scheduled for September so you'd be the top priority then. Let me know if that is good with you and we can discuss things further if you'd like. Thank you for you interest @Deloryan!!
  11. Edited material and provided examples of most recent artwork and styles for the work I can do for you! NOTE: August 2018 is quite busy!! If you'd like to order something now, please keep in mind it may take me till September to get to it. Thank you!
  12. I'd be interested in the job for you if you'd like and I can definitely meet your deadline! The cost for it in the style you desire would be around $85 usd Here are some examples of what I've done in a similar style to what you're looking for. I haven't done exactly that style, but I think the styles I have provided, if merged together, will suite what you're looking for:
  13. To me there's not much of a difference in terms of definition, but there could be potential differences in the choice of words and how they sound. Pet Site to me is pretty generic and I probably wouldn't expect much from it other than the basic aspects of a pet based game. When I read Pet World, that intrigues me a bit more as it sounds like they could potentially have lots of other options that go beyond just breeding and collection, and could maybe have more in depth and exciting material. Not everyone would think this way, but it's what comes to my mind when I read the two. I'd be more inclined to check out a game that said Pet World or Virtual World rather than one that just says Pet Site
  14. Wonderful idea and looks like it'll be quite fun to play! Keep up the amazing work ❤️
  15. @Martyn For Wild Howlz, do you mind adding on the Discord link as well please: https://discord.gg/h2aEzTh
  16. I've been working on a couple different things recently. The first is a full illustration for a client of a banner like image with their critter working in a forge and the second is a set of items for a different client for their game. Lots of work, but so far thinking it's turning out quite well thus far :3
  17. I'd actually be interested in the job and would love to do artwork. Not sure how much of my artwork you've seen, but if you need to see more examples do let me know and I'll gather them for you right away. You can PM me here or also contact me at the email below. I think my style would be pretty fitting and I'm good at just about anything, from critters (fantasy, cartoony to near realistic), as well as assets and environments. Thank you! [email protected]
  18. Hello there, owner and founder of Wild Howlz here with a very important update! I realize it's been about 9 months since I last had anything completed or information posted regarding Wild Howlz. The main reason was a combination of financials and a bit of negativity that had centered itself around the game at the time. Many things happened, some good, and some not so good, which put me in a bad place regarding the game and I lost next to all motivation for it. However, I didn't want to let it go entirely and for those several months, I thought of ways to bring the game back into a positive light for me again. Its not an easy project when you only have 2 people for it, so it can get tiring, but regardless, I didn't want to give it up. What I needed was a new perspective and updated ideations and concepts for it. Throughout those 9 months, I had a lot of other things to work on, including other projects, so I was able to talk to people and get their views and advice on the situations I had faced and how to move forward rather than continue feeling "stuck". Taking that time off was helpful to get me back into the groove of things and catch up on the things that had been stressing me out and causing me vast amounts of worry. During one of these projects is when I suddenly started to think about Wild Howlz again. Then one day, a whole slew of new ideas hit me and I wrote them down frantically. These new ideas and the help of friends has helped me begin again! Wild Howlz had first began back in 2013, and as I started again, for the 3rd time, the progress in both artwork and writing have increased since my first frantic ideations were written and scribbled out in college those 5 years ago. This can be evident in the progress images above. The gray wolf is the current design and template for the Banal wolf breed you can find in the game. As I've said earlier, we are currently a two man partnership and we do get volunteers once in awhile to assist wit things like writing and artwork. @Anoua and myself still have high hopes for Wild Howlz, but we also work on Eliyo and have family obligations as well. Thus, we are quite the busy bees and Wild Howlz will take a lot of time and care before we reach the goal we desire. We do what we can for each other and we've been able to overcome a bad situation from the first version of Wild Howlz into what we have created thus far. We both desire something that can not only inspire those who play the game, but provide a challenge, a chance to make your own choices and experience the repercussions of those choices and actions. Wolves were chosen as the character or creature of the game due to the storyline I wrote back in college from a compilation of ideas and stories I myself had read and experienced in those college days. Our current goals are to continue WIld Howlz in the new light of things and hopefully start letting the public enjoy the game by January 2019, if not sooner. That being said, there is much to do yet still to implement the new ideas and update the artwork to fit our current standards. Wild Howlz is meant to not only be visually appealing, but also an enjoyable game that you'll want to play. This time around, we do want to keep the public as updated as possible on our current progress and happenings. As the owner of Inkdog Studios, LLC that funds Wild Howlz, the current finances are coming directly out of my pocket and from any sales I make on commissioned works. Life still comes first, but we want you to be more aware of it than we had been before. During this time, we will not be open to Beta Testers and we won't be selling any early bird specials till we are absolutely sure we are ready. However, the items we offered in the Kickstarter back in 2014 will still apply, including the wolf breeds that were created by those who purchased those rewards for their generous donations. We did also unlock an early bird special island explore from that Kickstarter and it will be there as well. We do not plan to do another Kickstarter or funding event. When we are ready, we will sell early bird accounts to those who had not purchased them during the original Wild Howlz account event. We do also want you to keep in mind that if you had purchased an early bird Beta account at that time, you will still be able to claim it in the new Wild Howlz, but we will need certain information before you do as proof of your earlier purchase. The main thing we do not want to do is leave the impression like we scammed you out of your money. The items that were purchased from our previous shop will also be made available in some form or another down the road, but at this time, I cannot guarantee how many of those items will be available as originally described. If we cannot offered something we had promised originally, we will find a way to make it up to you in-game and provide rewards equivalent to the purchases you've made. If you're interested in keeping tabs on Wild Howlz and seeing what's new and happening, feel free to check out any of the links below or contact us directly for any questions or concerns you may have. We thank you for your patience and we hope to see you when WIld Howlz rises again! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildhowlz Discord: https://discord.gg/h2aEzTh Email: [email protected]
  19. Most of my own ambitions are going into my own game. I'm owner, artist, writer, and overall mastermind, but we are only a two man team with big plans. I'd say it's quite ambitious but I think in the end, when you put your mind to it and feel it is something right, then all will go well. I wouldn't be able to help on a financial level since I'm quite financially tight right now, but if you are ever looking to hire a critter, asset, or environment artist, do let me know as it's my specialty. If you need someone to just bounce ideas around as well, I can do that too. I have loads of ideas for all kinds of things, but right now Wild Howlz is my focus since I want it to be as unique and interactive and creative as possible. Have faith in yourself and your dreams and trust your gut instincts. The last thing you want is a partnership where the other person pulls you to ruin as I had almost had happen to me. Thus, I can't wait to hear your ideas and I bet you'll make something great too!
  20. Welcome! I've been a gaming artist for 5+ years now but have been doing artwork for games for longer. The style I work in is a semi-realistic like style bordering on realistic. It's a stunning and beautiful style and works for all kinds things. I've completed well over 500 items in this style over the years and over 100 creatures in this same style! Please feel free to browse through the examples and view the prices below those example. I do hope you enjoy what you see. You can contact me here or at any of the other provided contact methods at the bottom. Turn around time is based on how much work I currently have and what your deadline is like. Hope to work with you and your game. I do accept signing contracts and long or short term work. Items include any non-animal objects such as plants, materials, pelts, animal parts (like bones, fangs), minerals, stones, and other objects. The base price is $4 usd per item. I normally do items in sets or groups and they are around 600x600 in size or otherwise a size you have specified: - 5 items = $20 usd // - 15 items = $45 // - 25 items = $80 - if the item is something very complex, like detailed armor or has a lot of different parts to it, the price may be higher - At least half the payment is required up front. I usually use Paypal, but am open to other paying options, excluding checks. Animal and creature bases can be broken down into parts (such as head, body, tail, ears, eyes, legs) or just as single unit. You would receive the PSD file and I usually create these in a 1000x1000 size or whatever you have specified. The base price for a creature is $40 usd - base price may change due to creature's complexity, such as wings, large detailed horns, or other complex parts - equipment is not included and is treated as an asset, so please refer to the top price for assets - At least half the payment is required up front. I usually use Paypal, but am open to other paying options, excluding checks. The Way I Work: In normal circumstances, I will present you with a sketch of your creature before hand to confirm the pose and overall design. This may also apply to items that you wish to look a specific way. For large sets of items, I can present the sketches to you as I complete them, but in most cases, I just complete the item full and send it to you. Once at least half the payment has been up front, I tend to get to work as soon as I can, depending on my work prior to receiving your order. For a set of 25 items, it can take up to 3 weeks at the most. If the request is smaller, then I can clearly get the work done at a quicker pace. As I normally just present a completed item to you rather than sketches, unless specified otherwise, I do allow for request of minor edits for items, such as color changes, positioning, and minor design adjustments. For items, you do not receive the psd file. For creatures, once half the payment is made, I will do a final line and flat base color of the creature and check back in with you to make sure everything is still the way you like it. I will complete the shading and any other minor detailing. The second half of the payment is required when the work is complete. If the payment fails to be received within 30 days, I reserve the right to raise the cost for being forced to wait and waste my time. I also may remove the items from your access do they cannot be downloaded and if you use them without paying the full amount, I have a right to seek legal action. All items are unique and done for you. Once you have fully paid, you can do as you desire with those items, including re-coloring, reselling, and so on. I do have the right to present the material in portfolios and social media, though I will ask for a time as I know some games like to keep the content private till they publicly reveal it. Though I won't ask for it, I do appreciate receiving credit somewhere on the game or site for doing the artwork for it, even if it's just a simple credits page or located somewhere in the TOS. It's not required, but it is a kind gesture to the artist. If there is something else you're interested in seeing and having me offer, but do not see it here, feel free to ask! I am open to suggestions and your thoughts. Thank you! Feel free to PM me or contact me at the email below: [email protected] If you have a Discord, you can also chat with directly. I am known as: Aminirus #1824 Be sure to also ask me about background artworks in different styles too! Backgrounds or Environment based images can range in prices based on difficulty of the scene and it's style. The more cartoony style with the cherry trees is around $80 usd and the desert image would be around $35 due its more simple colors and less need for detail, but do keep in mind that the more realistic your background request is, the more it can cost. In general, forest and city scapes can easily hit around $100 usd while deserts and open plains can stick around $40 usd. Thank you!
  21. Email sent. If you have a discord, you can also contact me with: Aminirus #1824
  22. Wild Howlz would be a Sim Game @Martyn Thank you!
  23. Would you mind adding Wild Howlz to the list? It's currently just in development. It hasn't been online for a few months now as it's been redone and edited. " We have been saved ... but not in the way we intended. Several generations ago, the world came to an end with a new dawn bringing forth a world humanity had believed to be all myth and stories. The remains of the past are scattered across the globe and things are no longer what they seem. Wake up to discover this new world through the eyes of the wolves, a creature once believed to be an ally to humans. You must find a way to survive, to grow stronger, and to find the answers to the mysteries scattered across this once glorious kingdom." Wild Howlz is a game where you raise and grow a pack of wolves and learn how to survive, battle, and explore a vast world full of mystery, wonder, and monsters. The game concept began back in 2013 and has undergone a few changes since then. It went on a several month long hiatus, but with new eyes, new inspirations, and new motivations, the game is coming back and is in the works once again. We are only a two man team right now, so the work is a bit slow, but we want to get this done and present not only a visually appealing game, but one that provides challenge and intrigue with near endless possibilities. Right now, we only have the facebook group that is live : https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildhowlz/ We do plan on getting things like a forum and such going too, but for now, this is it. You can also find updates about the game as well on my DA account, which is here: https://www.deviantart.com/aminirus/journal/ Thanks!
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