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Everything posted by Aminirus

  1. Awesomely done :3 Beautiful backgrounds there. Thanks!
  2. Hello and welcome @koafox to TGL! Hope you enjoy your time here with us :3
  3. Ah gotcha. Guess I have a ways to go for that then XP
  4. That is awesome @jakdacrowe! I've yet to have any pink patterns
  5. Thanks and I'm getting myself one as well :3
  6. That's true. The only way I avoid the wait time for the battles is just maxing out the level of my magikarp or battling ones I've done before and know their base is so I can guarentee a victory and avoid the wait for losing.
  7. Just mainly out of curiosity, but does anyone else play this little treasure of a game? I saw a friend of mine making posts on it about a week ago and decided to check it out myself... rank 20 and a golden magikarp later... still playing it I don't know, there's something simple and fun and entertaining about it. It's mostly just a time waster, but I find it quite creative and still difficult in it's own way. Though the concept is incredibly simple, the art style is so adorable and the things that can happen I find entertaining at least. So what about you? Have you played this game? What are your greatest achievements in it so far?
  8. False You have lived in another country at some point in your life
  9. False You own at least one herb plant
  10. *raises hand slightly* I feel this on a lot of different levels, not just in the lack of providing constructive critism, but personally as an artist... I get it quite often. I want to offer up so much more regarding artworks, but I always freeze in doing so... and not always for reasons I understand.
  11. Nothing for Wild Howlz but got several items completed for Leovis (a group/game thingy I'm working on for artists and writers)
  12. Always nice to have a writer around and welcome @Splatterpunk to TGL! It's good to have you here and we hope you have an awesome time!
  13. False You have seen a month with no night time.
  14. You are all welcome to check out my deviantart storage of links to things I found useful: tutorials and other helpful things
  15. Wild Howlz uses items in various manners. You'll be able to find all kinds of items, and each one serves it's own purpose. There are items you find and just sell to gain money, there is food items used to feed your wolves and some are good and others can trigger side effects. Then there are collectible items which usually serve a purpose for a quest or you can complete on your own to gain a bigger and better reward rather than selling them individually. There are also items specific for crafting purposes and crafted items can then either be sold, given to a quest giver to complete a quest, consumed, or worn. Lastly there are armory items which can then be attached onto your wolf to boost certain stats or gain new skills. I have each item starred for a rarity rating to get an approximate cost as to what that item is worth if you sell or trade it. I enjoy games that put some thought and purpose into the items you collect.
  16. Patreon can be tricky. I have to admit, I restarted and deleted a few accounts before I figured out just how exactly I want to sell my stuff. I'm still not currently ready to open up my current patreon for the public, but this basically what I have planned. I've set mine up for pay by bundle. It's mostly for my comic works, which I have a total of 3 comics, 2 digital and 1 traditional. 2 of those comics are posted online already but the other is exclusive to patreon members. I also look for easy things I can offer on the side that are comic related, such as stickers, cards (both digital copies and original traditionals), and even cameo opportunities. I also offer some commissioned work and raffle prizes when I launch each new bundle. So as an example, I have 3 bundle types: Basic, Intermediate, and Master Basic Bundle contains 5 full size pages from a public comic, 1-2 new pages not posted online yet, some character sketches, reference sheets, or other digital artwork comic related, and 3-4 comic pages that are exclusive to patreon members. Intermediate Bundle contains the basic bundle stuff with behind the scenes additionals such as a page layout thumbnail sketches, sketches of new characters, and cameo opportunities or raffle entry. Master Bundle contains contains all the above with the addition of physical goods such as the ones mentioned above, and even more sneak previews of future pages, tutorials, or whatever else I can come up with at the time. Hope that helps a little for you :3
  17. Yeah, I remember the hype of clanheart and totally forgot about it till it was mentioned here again. Though, without knowing what exactly is going on, there could be anything up with the game. I'd still like to play and such if it ever gets fully completed.
  18. Hello there @LobstahMoney! Welcome to TGL! Hope you enjoy your time here with us :3
  19. I think to me, as I see it anyways, its a virtual set of responsibilities where a player can own something they normally can't in real life. It's a way to let your imagination flow and its human nature to want to take care of something. Most people may not be able not be take care of an actual pet like a cat or dog, so a virtual one fills this odd internal void. You can have all the responsibilities of a pet but without the actual mess. And in some games, the pet can die too, so then it sorta feels like stepping into a living world where life is created and ended. In many ways, Pokemon was the start of this pet adventure for me, then neopets because it started to get popular and then it was howrse and then several other games. The part I also like in these games is not just the responsibility, but also seeing what sort of world is created in these games and wanting to feel as though I can be a part of it. These days, many pet games I play for either research purposes or to pass the time.
  20. My ambitions are to finally have a wedding, travel back to latvia and visit my sister (which I've never actually met or knew about till only a few years ago), and mainly have financial stability so I can travel, take care of my family, and continue to do what I love to do without the need to worry about debts or where my next paycheck will be coming from. I have big goals and big dreams and try to work toward them a little bit every day, even if it's just writing down ideas or drawing out some characters for stories, and so on. Though, right now, my 2 main goals are to end my student loans, which I still have about 25,000 left, and basically slowly chipping away at it every month. It was 40,000 so I'm making pretty good progress though that's 3 years of all my money gone every month If I didn't have my fiance to help with some living expenses, who knows where I would be right now. The other goal I have to accomplish in either one of two ways is Latvia. I would either like to get enough money to fly myself there... which I probably can't do right now due to the issues they are having with Russia and thus I'd probably be stuck in Latvia if I went back now. OR, I can save up enough money to fly my grandmother here to the states... not sure how we'd communicate given that I don't really speak Latvian anymore.. but where there's a will, there's a way right? So yeah! Lots to work towards but doing my best :3
  21. Hey guys, giving this a bump. I've added on 3 more free items that I don't mind sharing with everyone. I am bound to have more later since I am still working through this particular item list and it's quite long. It's mostly for a hobby / practice / it serves a purpose for my ARPG game thingy on deviantart.com. Otherwise, have free reign and have fun. Just remember, no need to credit me, but it is appreciated of course, and you are not allowed to resell these items. Use them for games or other things, but do not sell them to others without my written permission. Thanks and enjoy! --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8KNbYbIu3q9eDhmcW0zekpTakk?usp=sharing Items are: - Agouti Rabbit Pelt - Stinging Nettle (healing herb for joint pain, wounds, and inner infections) - Cat Carving
  22. haha... school. I'm glad I'm not in school anymore, but there are parts of college I do actually miss. Just parts though. The overall thing, not so much. I'm very glad to be done with every school under the sun as I still have like 7 more years of loans to pay off
  23. Music mostly for me and not music with words, just sound music. Usually something a bit upbeat or with a tempo to it to make me feel like I'm going at a decent pace and flow. Otherwise, if I'm home alone and the birds are singing, I just open the window and get going. For me, in order to get in the zone, I have to enjoy what I do and not feel pressured into doing it. I have a whole system worked out as to how to schedule myself and work through things so I can get more "in the zone" moments and less acting like a dog getting distracted by every passing squirrel. My fiance also recently made me a fidget spinner thingy since we have a 3D printer, so whenever I need to think or get back into focus, I can play with that for a couple seconds and I feel my brain gets back into the task at hand.
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