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Everything posted by Boltgreywing

  1. @LuciBeingLuci: Actually Luci sometimes the simplest ones are the best ones. Trying is the best way to learn. I am a petsite owner of one site and while I don't have much art skills I can get by with a simple colorized site. For me my coding is my strong suit.
  2. I am quite curious is it better idea for forums to be public by default or private by default upon initial creation? Anyone have any ideas?
  3. @Hare: Actually my website includes this feature already at least a portion of it. I allow any user to create a pet as long as they are logged in.
  4. I have finally finished up the last of the donation box coding now users are able to transfer points to other users. The donation box is designed to only allow users to withdraw points upon reaching their donation goal. As a safety precaution the user has the ability to refund all the donors who donated points after the donation box was initialized. This is if the user doesn't have the time to run commissions anymore. The admin can refund donations at any time regardless of if a user has reached their donation goal. This is to protect the donors from being taken advantage of. Any users who donated prior to the donationbox being initialized will not get their points back as these have been collected already. Each time a user retrieves points the donation box is closed and they are charged a tax for using the service. View full news
  5. @Digital: I would be happy to show it to you when it is done. In the meantime here is the code for My Movie Controller: class MoviesController < ApplicationController include MoviesHelper def index mode "index" end def show mode "show" end def new mode "new" end def create mode "create" end def edit mode "edit" end def update mode "update" end def destroy mode "destroy" end end
  6. Currently I am working on getting my user's the ability to upload video to my website. Its still relatively broken but the uploading portion does work only in the form view cache field. So I do know that part is working. Currently I have extremely unmodernized controllers as I haven't done any coding. I wanted to get this up and running as quickly as possible to my local end. Now I am working on fine tuning it. It will proceed along this path: Channel->Playlist->Subplaylist->Movie. I could always appreciate advice as I am still a bit new and trying to do everything by hand. View full news
  7. @Digital: Funny you should ask I am actually working on getting my first video uploaded to the local version of my website.
  8. @Hare: For me I have say a bit of frustration and excitement. What I do know of imagemagick is that is a bit of a tricky tool to get setup on Ruby on Rails. However once you do then you can change the size of an image. My recomendations is to make your images 200 by 200 for pets. At least 200 by 300 for profile avatars is good. For small avatars you might want a different size. Try not to make your comment avatars too big. Any recommendation on item size?
  9. @LuciBeingLuci So that is what it is. Why do users need premium pets and items?
  10. Now that I know which loop to use for the game why do people use this pattern? I am kind of confused as why input is separated from update and render in some cases and not combined. Any one can explain this to me? //This will be a working pong game. //It will feature a single paddle, one ball, and three walls. //It will be played from the left. //The ball will increase in speed with each time it hits the paddle. //There is only one life in this game. //Points are recieved each time the ball hits a wall or the paddle itself. //The object is to keep the ball above the paddle as long as possible. //Newer version will have enemies and walls that will emerge from the right wall. //They will try to attack the player but can only be defeated by the ball. //Why this pattern for game development? int main() { bool running = true; do { //Input //Update //Render } while(running); }
  11. @Digital: There actually is a difference between b and c. If you put an if statement in the middle that sets a variable that is looked at the bottom then it will exit on that iteration. However if you use the while loop and an if statement is in the middle that sets a variable that is used in the top expression you need to wait until it runs through whole portion of the loop before it returns to the top. For example suppose you have this: while(running) #Line 1 { #Line 2 if(input == "quit") #Line 3 set running = false; #Line 4 } #Line 5 #Line 6 exits loop If you run through the loop and the input is quit you will then need till wait till it hits line 5 before it returns back to line 1 to jump to line 6. In the do while loop example: do #Line 1 { #Line 2 if(input == "quit") #Line 3 set running = false; #Line 4 } #Line 5 while(running); #Line 6 #Line 7 exits loop In this case once you hit line 3 you have already executed half of the statements and so now you only need to hit line 6 to exit which then jumps down to line 7. This saves the compiler time since you don't have to jump back to the top again.
  12. @LuciBeingLuci: Glad you were able to fix it on your own though. If you need any help feel free to pm me.
  13. I am looking to understand which of these loops would work in a game loop design strategy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? //This will be a working pong game. //It will feature a single paddle, one ball, and three walls. //It will be played from the left. //The ball will increase in speed with each time it hits the paddle. //There is only one life in this game. //Points are recieved each time the ball hits a wall or the paddle itself. //The object is to keep the ball above the paddle as long as possible. //Newer version will have enemies and walls that will emerge from the right wall. //They will try to attack the player but can only be defeated by the ball. //Which of these ones should I use? //Choice A: for( ; ;) { } //Choice B: while(true) { } //Choice C: do { } while(true);
  14. @LuciBeingLuci: Can you send me a copy of your sql tables as well as the attributes of each table? I think I can find the issue. However I will need some explaining of what each attribute does.
  15. One of the issues with bootstrap code is it creates a bunch of garbage javascript just to get something up and running. It causes the forums code to bloat quite a bit compared to if you just did the coding yourself actually. CSS can provide most things but it can be a bit tricky at first. My site is completely bootstrap free. For beginners it is easy to setup but extremly difficult to troubleshoot if something goes wrong. I just don't trust it.
  16. The colorscheme list displays the various colors that the site has to offer. Each having a different type of set colors that are used. High contrast colors feature a dark background with light colors only at 3 bit rgb pallete. The default site color will change with each revision. Additional colors may be added to the list through the users who design them. Colorscheme information other than the title and description may only be viewed by the user who created the color. 12 points are awarded to each user who creates a new color. Part 2: Part 3: View full news
  17. Below we can see what appears to the very first demonstration of the beta user. The beta user is used for testing out the websites newest features and as such is kind of important especially for the early development process. On top of this music will be available specificially for the beta consummer while other normal accounts will not be active. They will be able to find bugs for the duelingpets site as well as make suggestions for improvements as well as features. View full news
  18. Does anyone know where all my blogs for duelingpets club moved to? I can't find them at the moment and the gameclub doesn't appear on my profile.
  19. @LuciBeingLuci: Another alternative would be digital ocean if your site requires ruby. I don't know about mysidia support on digital ocean, but ruby and php are supported though. It does require money though, it is pretty cheap for a server though.
  20. @LuciBeingLuci: If you need any help with debuging coding issues on Enchanted souls I could certainly give it a look though. Plus I could use the experience in debugging.
  21. I never knew that Peter Venkman was the voice of Garfield the cat and that Ray Stans was the voice of Dontello. Did anyone else catch that while watching the show?
  22. @Digital: Its okay. I feel a bit bad about neopets though, maybe it is my way of trying to express my frustration. I wrote a topic about it but I think I worded it badly.
  23. @Digital: Sorry about that digital. That is a relief. I kind of got paniky for a minute there.
  24. Well I am officially done with Neopets its deader than a door nail. I had many great memories of the site but I distance myself from pretty much any social communication at the time. So yeah while made tons of np i missed out on the social communication aspect and lost many years of my childhood on it. *sigh* Still the fun was good while it lasted. When 2011 hit I become much more social of a person and so Neopets kind of fell by the wayside. Fanfiction and Deviantart became my two favorite sites. I didn't know how bad the site got till just last night. I just wish I had found out about this sooner. Its just changed too much for me to continue with it and I feel bad for the users on the site as well who have no other place besides that place. Neopets still thinks it is the only trick pony in town but now its kind of aged to the point where other younger sites are more friendlier and better then the original site. In some ways I feel it be better if they just close their doors and just open source the code for everyone to look at. After several different teams tried to make it better I don't hold much stock that this new team will fair any better. Even if they do I don't think I will come back, its just not worth my time anymore to visit that place. I feel kind of bad to think this way but Neopets had a good run. It helped me through childhood. I don't think I can say much more about it without crying about it. I will miss you old friend, thank you for the wonderful memories. Bolt Greywing
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