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Everything posted by Boltgreywing

  1. @chazerz: I decided to just change the password. @Anoua: I looked through the email and it was not a bot attack on my hosting site digital ocean. Just digital ocean saying some information. @Aminirus: I found some information on the whole thing that I am going to send to you. Sorry about the mislead. @Digital: I thought the password approach was better.
  2. @The Dark Lord: The ESRB ratings tend to be a bit flawed at times sometimes they rate violence a bit too high in some cases and others they do too little. I think determing it we need to see how the game handles things. What might be harmful to you might not be harmful to me and vice versa. @Nate: I know I worded it kind of badly. What I meant was is 7 is about the age that they get to know about computers and internet in general. Children who are 3 and younger don't understand computers that well. My brother and I played dune when we were 6 and 10 years old. There was no ESRB rating system at that time period. Still there was not really anything too violent at that time. @Hare: Yep even Castle 2 and Dune 2 use some kind of preventive mechanism as well like this.
  3. So I just recently found out that some malicious bot activity has been trying to compromise my hosting site. I am guessing the users behind the bots must be getting desperate since they can't get in through my three level authentication mechanism. So the question I have is should I pull down the entire site and change the password or just change the password to stop the attacks for the time being?
  4. @Cadence: Facebook is kind of weird. I have a twitter account set up but I get nothing really. The process for setting that up is simpler. @Aminirus: I am having a bit of problems with a header image because they only allow the images in the 200 range and my banner is 1000 pixels. I am going to try the pin post. On Fanfiction we can pin more then one post. Well I tried to make a welcome post I just don't know how well it turned out. Also thank you for joining my group. I know i am going to require a bit of hand holding, but I'd like to thank you for taking your time with me though.
  5. Just because something is bigger that doesn't always mean it is better.
  6. @Aminirus: I got the facebook a little better so you are right it is confusing. Here is my new group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Duelingpets/
  7. Say would this include old games like starcontrol, wing commander privateer, dynamix stellar 7, the lost rainforest and others?
  8. @Aminirus: This is certainly makes it a bit easier for me. By the way do I have name my account my website name and the group the same name as well or could I have my own name and have my group name have my website name? I kind of created two accounts on Facebook because I got confused and don't really know how others do this.
  9. I really don't get this whole craze behind this entire Facebook thing. I just don't understand it and some of the information out there especially the interface is kind of confusing. I know a lot pet sites use Facebook and as such I thought I give it a shot during my rebuilding effort. How does one upload content such as images to ones facebook account and how does one reply to a Facebook reply? I just set an account for my own website Duelingpets as of late and I thought I'd ask the communities advice. How does one use Facebook?
  10. Hello Cassandra and welcome to the website.
  11. @SingSong I really do like it here. I hope most of everyone is on here.
  12. @Digital Nothing here mind you but I prefer Neopets is a bad word. http://joyreactor.com/post/935253
  13. @Digital: Well I just discovered a surprising offensive word that will get you banned from the servers. @Anoua: Its a really strange word that might cause you to scratch your head.
  14. I wonder if the soap could be used in as a pet game called Soap Sliders where the object is to get your pet into the pool of water as quickly as possible. At the end of the game you get to clean them.
  15. @Digital: Okay that sounds fair. I want to make my site to be a bit of a challenge for users in terms of playing and earning points. I'd like them to get creative.
  16. @Digital: So that is how it works. Say what about an ability where the user can actually try to rob a shop?
  17. @Nate: This sounds like a really good idea. It feels like this would mimic a realistic shop there will still be some challenges though. One of the problems is how does one keep the shop open for 1 hr in each of the different timezones around the world. Will shops be allowed to be closed on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis? I am certain the percentages may need to be tweeked a bit to achieve the correct performance of the system. Perhaps I may even try to implement something like this to my own shops. @Digial: I think there is some features like you mentioned that could be improved though. Still I do like the idea of things. I also like the idea of multiple shops as it is not done very often.
  18. This is certainly good news. I hope many new users can learn how to design there own petsite out of this. I'd like to help out with this but my knowledge only relates to Ruby on Rails and C++ coding and most of the code appears to be php oriented. I know the methodologies might be the same deep down but how does one learn this code?
  19. @Aminirus Dune has always been an inspiration to me. This I consider an advanced shop keeper. @Digital: I really like to learn more about how they did that.
  20. @Digital: This might help. Its from wikapedia. A bank run (also known as a run on the bank) occurs when in a fractional-reserve banking system (where banks normally only keep a small proportion of their assets as cash), a large number of customers withdraw cash from deposit accounts with a financial institution at the same time because they believe that the financial institution is, or might become, insolvent; and keep the cash or transfer it into other assets, such as government bonds, precious metals or stones. When they transfer funds to another institution it may be characterised as a capital flight. As a bank run progresses, it generates its own momentum: as more people withdraw cash, the likelihood of default increases, triggering further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it runs out of cash and thus faces sudden bankruptcy.[1] To combat a bank run, a bank may limit how much cash each customer may withdraw, suspend withdrawals altogether, or promptly acquire more cash from other banks or from the central bank, besides other measures. A banking panic or bank panic is a financial crisis that occurs when many banks suffer runs at the same time, as people suddenly try to convert their threatened deposits into cash or try to get out of their domestic banking system altogether. A systemic banking crisis is one where all or almost all of the banking capital in a country is wiped out.[2] The resulting chain of bankruptcies can cause a long economic recession as domestic businesses and consumers are starved of capital as the domestic banking system shuts down.[3] According to former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, the Great Depression was caused by the Federal Reserve System,[4] and much of the economic damage was caused directly by bank runs.[5] The cost of cleaning up a systemic banking crisis can be huge, with fiscal costs averaging 13% of GDP and economic output losses averaging 20% of GDP for important crises from 1970 to 2007.[2] Several techniques have been used to try to prevent bank runs or mitigate their effects. They have included a higher reserve requirement (requiring banks to keep more of their reserves as cash), government bailouts of banks, supervision and regulation of commercial banks, the organization of central banks that act as a lender of last resort, the protection of deposit insurance systems such as the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,[1] and after a run has started, a temporary suspension of withdrawals.[6] These techniques do not always work: for example, even with deposit insurance, depositors may still be motivated by beliefs they may lack immediate access to deposits during a bank reorganization.[7
  21. @Aminirus: I just thought that was for the best though.
  22. @Aminirus I seen a couple of those kind of things before. I think I will start with one of those first and then work upwards. Eventually I like to create smart shop keepers that actually talk. Say is there a way to make a shop keeper as advanced as this?
  23. @Aminirus That doesn't look really graphic. I sent you something that might be even more graphic then that. I can't show it in public because of its nature. So I sent it to you in pm form.
  24. @Digital: This sounds like the knowledge I am looking for. Thank you digital. I know it is high level but it gives me a basis to work on. For now I should probably concentrate on building npcs for shops first. However I just had a thought what if you could give an npc a job at a shop and then they could go to the bank to deposit points or pick up a loan to help pay for supplies for the shop? @Nate: I like these type of ideas. @Nate, @Digital: By the way do you know what a run on the bank scenario is?
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