Old Member Introductions

Hello all, I guess i should introduce myself properly.

I'm Martyn, a retired moderator of VirtualPetList (it's down and I don't really see it coming back up), but also a pet site owner and multiple other things. I've been involved with the pet site community since about 2007, but only really took a mass interest in the documentation of in-development games and background work.

I've moved to here in the hopes of re-establishing myself as someone who can help improve the community and contribute to it's growth, it's nice to see that TheGamingList is already thriving. I look forward to meeting new and possibly old members of the community (some may even know me already).

You've got a nice forum here @Digital!

Hi @VelvetVixie :D


Been lurking for the last little bit and thought that I should make a proper intro, haha. ?



My name is Andou, good to meet you ?! I used to go by Ruichi/Rai back in the day (way way way way back in the day). I see some familiar faces here from the ol' VPL (hello!). I was a bit of a lurker back there as well (haha..), save from a few design and art commissions here and there.


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Hello everyone :D I'm from VPL too and  @Passage told me of this place today so I had to join since I missed VPL a lot.  

I go by Camy, short for my real name Camille, and I'm a front-end designer who has made fansites for the past 14 years as a hobby, half a year professionally, the latest being a complete recode with Bootstrap 3 for BTACdragons.com, and lastly I have done UI and UX design the past 3 years for visual novels.  It's a small niche that is growing in the game industry here in the West which is where I have been hiding at working on recently. 

I have 16 years of playing pet games, first one being Horseland until they released the coin system they have now which destroyed the economy that led to myself and my friends leaving.  I've been playing Eqcetera and Flight Rising the most the past years with some others in between as well as MMORPGs. 

Feel free to ask me any questions that you're curious about~.
