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Everything posted by Nate

  1. You may want to include your budget and some vague project details to try and entice more people to contact you. Good luck, I hope you find someone for your project :-)
  2. Hey! Ive been working on the concept for my game for about 7 years, I've started, stopped and recoded 3 times, and now since June 2015 I've been properly working on developing it, and I think I'm going to be happy to release it later this year. My current 2 drawbacks are the Art (I'm going to need to find someone) and the Name. I've spent hours trying to decide a name for my game, but so far I'm not finding anything that really sparks for me. i was wondering if anyone knows any good resources for this type of thing that might help me, or future owners who are researching this subject?
  3. Hi @tiff I've been developing a game for a long time and have only recently starting looking at adding art for it. These items will come in real handy while I'm still developing it to get rid of my temporary placeholder images haha thank you
  4. You could consider putting up your requested price range on your post to help potential buyers out.
  5. Great update! Now we need to get the games list populated
  6. Hey, I had a little look around and it looks like a great little start up you got going there. Good Luck with selling
  7. Welcome to TGL! I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  8. Ah, fair enough. I wasn't sure if there was something I was missing - i.e., an unspoken rule was to always ask questions in this category lol ??
  9. Congratulations, and great job on the new pet!
  10. Great new update! I'm still trying to figure out how to hatch mine lol
  11. +1 This looks like a very nice addition! When does the list reset? I believe most of you are from the U.S, however I'm from the U.K, so my time will be different
  12. I found it difficult to play the first one. I just couldn't get into it. >_<
  13. Nate

    Forum App

    YeH don't get me wrong, it works great on iPhone on chrome. I was just wondering :-) good food for thought for the future ✌???
  14. ..that dreamed there was lots of bright flashing lights and people stood around him - at least it felt like a dream.. He decided to..
  15. Welcome! Great to see more people joining from VPL!
  16. Nate

    Forum App

    I'm not sure if this already exists, and if it does, please point me in the right direction. Essentially is there a forum app that this forum is integrated with - i.e. Tapatalk, and if not, is that something you may consider in the future?
  17. I have 2 children, age 10 and 7. Both of them enjoy violent "non-gore" video games that are too old for them such as HALO, and my 7 year old plays way more than my 10 year old. I don't allow them to play GTA or COD etc. Neither of them transfer things that happen in games to the real world. I raised them correctly and taught them from a young age what behaviour is and is not acceptable. I think if a child is inclined to be an aggressive person, video games may help "ignite" that flame, but I don't think they are the root cause. Another problem is that these days, parents are playing video games and showing kids anger. The kids then embed "this is how I should respond when I lose in a video game". But then again, I wouldn't DREAM of letting my kids play GTA or other games like that until they are much more older.
  18. I have tried all sorts of things over the years. Sticky Notes, Whiteboard, Planner, Google Docs Excel. At one point I even installed a wiki on my server just to organise everything But then I discovered Trello. It has changed my life as far as organising goes. You can download the app on iPhone, iPad and most Androids, and can update your notes 'on the go' if you think of something or have 10 minutes free on the bus etc. Here is my referral link in case anyone wants to check it out: https://trello.com/natewiggett1/recommend
  19. Great info here, although it took me a while to figure out where to find this information to figured out how to actually earn 'Power'. The bullet point about how to earn - might be worth putting that on the page that displays your adoptable in case people arent able to find this post about it
  20. No problem :-) Looking forward to the update! My game doesnt have a name yet, but it's been a WIP since forever. I've owned a couple of virtual pet sites in the past, so I've learned from past mistakes what does work and what doesnt work Enjoy work while you can.... you.. wont miss it haha
  21. Hi @halichu, Welcome to TGL. I also recently joined when I was looking for an alternative to VPL. So far I'm finding the community very friendly I look forward to seeing your game when you are able to show some sneek peeks! (I too have been working on a virtual pet game with an RPG twisth on and off for a few years xD). Good luck with your pregnancy - being a parent is difficult but rewarding.. My daughter is 10 years old, but she acts like she is 15 >_< I've followed your game on Facebook (link for anyone who is too lazy to search). Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  22. Sounds like a really promising project, and I'm excited to watch this grow from (nearly) the beginning! Good Luck with it!
  23. Hey, Looks like a really promising project! Have you considered hosting a demo version of it on your site for visitors to play around with?
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