Old Member Introductions

Hello everyone. Figured I'd introduce myself for those who I haven't met me. 

I currently work professionally as a web developer with a focus on PHP and laravel. I learned to programming through education primary, with 4 years of Computer Science education, but have 4 years or so of industry experience in web development specifically now as well. I enjoy programming and helping out newbies when I can, so feel free to message me with questions. :)

I also have 2 game projects that are currenlty live though I wouldn't call them complete as I have lots of plans and updates in progress as well. 

Eliyo is a virtual pet site focused on breeding and battling that I created from the ground up. Animal Acres is a animal sim site that I purchased and has been around for many years, though I have been study updating and revamping things since it was initially purchased. 

And I have a third site I work on as well, which is a partnership but that is yet to be released.

You can probably tell I am pretty busy between all this. Luckily I mostly enjoy it and my personal projects can be done in my spare time without feeling too drained so progress does still happen. 

But I do enjoy gaming when I have time. Lots of different ones recently though not really browser games but more console and pc. I enjoy rpgs, like Pokemon and Skyrim the most. More recently I've enjoyed Rimworld, Tales of Zestiria, Pokemon Reborn, and Minecraft (xbox 360 co-op with my husband makes it awesome). 

Thank you! Well I was a part of VPL so.. I was tired of the downtime and searched for a new gaming forum and saw this one just appeared. :)  And I love how nice the content looks and the forums are gorgeous. The interface is just pleasant to browse. I LOVE the forum adoptables idea. It makes it seem more like a game/community rather than just a community. And so far, I like how most of the topics revolve around games instead of weird topics that have no relevance.

You may know me as Peanut from other communities! I am currently developing a game and have been for the past 5 months. I'm working full-time right now since I am 26 weeks pregnant and want to be able to support my family so development has slowed down a bit, but hopefully it'll pick back up after I go on maternity leave! I also am just rebranding my business from Intellect Productions to Lacuna Cube Solutions and am almost done developing the front-end side of the new website. I will be HOPEFULLY launching it this weekend! I got my first local client a few weeks ago and am going to attempt to get two others that I found that need a website, but am still looking for more freelancing opportunities.

I have a husband who also plays games with me, but he usually doesn't join communities like these since he doesn't type too much :P  I just annoy him with all the games that are currently catching my attention.

Hello everyone,

let me introduce myself. Some of you may know me from VPL.

I am 26 and a German game developer. I have a German horse sim called "Morning Dust Ranch". I developed it all by myself, with no knowledge in PHP at the beginning. It is online for five years now. 
I am in the transition of translating it into English and also doing a recode. (If you are interested in what the game is about and how our art looks like, you may check out our tumblr: morningdustranch.tumblr.com )

I always loved all the informative threads on game development on VPL and I hope to find more interesting topics here. :)

If you have any questions - feel free to ask!


Thanks! I'm glad to have found this place. A lot of familiar faces around.

I've had to put most of my projects on hold now that the semester is winding down (seems like the professors all conspire to pile us up with work this time of year), but I was able to prototype the research and discovery system/mini-game I've been planning for one of them.

In a nutshell it will allow players to investigate and reveal new lore or information about enemies, locations, npc's, crafting materials, ect. within the game world (for themselves, their clan, or the game community as a whole) which might help them progress through difficult areas or quests. There are still a lot of kinks to work out with it, but it's been fun to work on so far and I'm excited to see where it goes.

How about you?

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Thank you! :)  Aomori makes the horse art. I always wanted to work with her since I stumbled upon her deviantart account the first time. I am very happy that she agreed to work with me :)
