Old Member Introductions

That's awesome that you got someone you admired to be part of your project.

And your adoptable is fitting, haha. Hope to see it all grown up soon.   :tease:

Yes. The community and the feel of this forum are familiar, which is nice. And I believe the additions and features Digital is completing will make a big difference in community involvement. I like that suggestions are taken to heart here and that changes are made swiftly. 

I definitely understand projects being put on hold. It happens. And yes, professors tend to do that. On purpose, I'm sure.  :P

I like the sound of that. Yay, lore! Can you elaborate on what you mean by "investigate"? How does the gameplay for that feature work? 

As for me, I left a project (you know the one). I still haven't updated fans, but I was trying to lessen the blow with an art preview that I haven't finished, and now I have other art things to do, so that's getting pushed back. Sometimes I wish there was more time in each day.  >.<

I have a new project planned, and if all goes well, you'll see a preview soon. Currently finishing adoptables for this site first. :)

@Digital Thank you :)

@SingSong Haha yes! One sweet little unicorn! I am looking forward to see it hatch :D  If I wouldn't be so into horses I would have chosen the dragon too! Because it looks really lovely! :)  And I like dragon/dinos a lot! :D

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Hello everyone!

Figured I'd introduce myself! :).

I do see some familiar names from other forums, where I've always just gone by Sam! I own Horse Phenomena (http://horsephenomena.com/), which is a classic-style horse and dog sim, and have a couple of other projects in development. I've been making a living with HP for 8 years now :).

I've owned a couple of other games in the past which I have either sold, or put on hiatus. I'm currently working on improving my programming skills, and just working on HP as always!

Other than that, I'm from Omaha, NE and I like playing games and reading and cooking. I've got most of a culinary arts/hospitality degree, which is a huge deviation from my actual job, but that's just how it goes sometimes, haha.

Anyway, it's nice to be here! :).

I am so happy you found us! I was hoping you'd find your way over here eventually! Welcome!
Thanks! I really love how you've set things up here so far and can't wait to see how it develops. Will definitely be sticking around. ^^

I like the sound of that. Yay, lore! Can you elaborate on what you mean by "investigate"? How does the gameplay for that feature work? 
Sure! That's kind of what I've been trying to iron-out with this prototype I've built... I have several different ideas as to how it could work but each has their weaknesses. On one hand I need the gameplay for the feature to stay 'generic' enough that tying new creatures, npc's, landmarks, ect. into it doesn't become prohibitively expensive or time intensive (what's the point of having the feature if I can't roll out enough new 'discoverables' to keep it relevant?). On the other hand, I still want it to be fun. Ideally something more than just a button click and skill check...

The prototype I'm testing right now is pretty simplistic when it comes to the actual gameplay. This current iteration pretty much is just a button click and skill check. My thought was to start with minimal implementation of how I envisioned it functioning and work up to see what works. 

My prototype just deals with creatures players encounter, but a final version of the feature would encompass more. Basically, when players with the research talent of high enough rank encounter a creature about which information remains to be discovered a symbol appears next to it's name indicating that the investigation skill can be used. When the skill is activated the player is able to select a category of information to investigate (ex: diet, behavior, abilities, stats) and a roll is performed (modified by the level of the skill and certain character attributes like luck and intelligence) and determines the success or failure of the attempt. Then the skill is put on cooldown for some period of time.

If an investigation is successful new information is revealed, exp and reputation points are awarded, and the player may choose whom to reveal the discovery to (the world, their clan, or no one at all). If they tell all they get a larger rep boost, the information is added to the global bestiary with the player credited for its discovery, and other researchers will no longer be required to investigate that category. If they reveal it only to their clan only the secret clan bestiary is updated, a lesser reward is given, and other players can still make the same discovery with the first to choose to make it global receiving final credit. Choosing to reveal it to no one works similarly.

When the skill fails players will usually just get a failure message, however occasionally they will instead make erroneous discoveries. At face value these appear no different than legitimate discoveries and are treated and rewarded exactly the same. Players will only know that an error has been made if they run into problems or contradictions trying to apply the information learned somehow or if discoveries for all of the categories available have been made but the investigation symbol still appears by the creature's name. Researchers of the appropriate rank can use the validation skill on revealed discoveries within the bestiary to test their accuracy. It is an expensive skill with high cooldown, but required to officially detect and remove false entries and allow the true information to be discovered. When it succeeds it tells the user whether or not the information is accurate. If the information is inaccurate they may choose to refute it which costs them nothing, grants a boost in exp and rep, removes the entry, and deals a rep penalty to whomever discovered the falsehood. If they choose not to refute it nothing happens and another successful verify will be needed for the chance to refute again.

And for now that's how it works...

Of course the whole feature is still very up in the air. There is a lot I'm still debating.... the least of which is what to call it. (As you might have noticed I keep flip-flopping between names for the feature and associated abilities). I'm sure a lot will be changed and I could still wind up scrapping the idea entirely, but right now I'm having fun attempting it at least. ^^

As for me, I left a project (you know the one). I still haven't updated fans, but I was trying to lessen the blow with an art preview that I haven't finished, and now I have other art things to do, so that's getting pushed back. Sometimes I wish there was more time in each day.  >.<

I have a new project planned, and if all goes well, you'll see a preview soon. Currently finishing adoptables for this site first. :)
That's a shame. I'd really liked where you seemed to be taking it with the art and lore you'd shown so far. :( I guess stuff happens though... Glad to hear you have something else in the works in the meantime. I'll have to keep an eye out.

P.S. Sorry for the long-winded reply! I can't help myself sometimes.  :P

Thanks! I really love how you've set things up here so far and can't wait to see how it develops. Will definitely be sticking around. ^^
I am glad you are enjoying it so far, we still have a lot planned and in the works.

How is your 30 days of game ideas going? (I believe it was you who had that thread on VPL. It was up so briefly...)

I am glad you are enjoying it so far, we still have a lot planned and in the works.

How is your 30 days of game ideas going? (I believe it was you who had that thread on VPL. It was up so briefly...)
Yeah I was. I lost a lot of steam with it when VPL went down. It was too easy to stop without an audience to keep me accountable. I got through 8 more days worth (not counting the 6 I think I had a chance to post) then gave up on it.

I'll probably try again some time. I doubt I'd be able to keep up with it this month though, too many big assignments coming due.

8 more days is good! Yes, the site going down did suck, which is one of the many reasons we exist here.

If you ever wanted to start it, feel free to do so on these forums and I am sure our members would keep up. I know I would hop in and toss ideas :)  

8 more days is good! Yes, the site going down did suck, which is one of the many reasons we exist here.

If you ever wanted to start it, feel free to do so on these forums and I am sure our members would keep up. I know I would hop in and toss ideas :)  
Will do. At the minimum I'd like to post those 8 no one got to see sometime to get feedback. It's just a matter of transcribing them from my notepad to the computer, so I might do that this weekend if I have time.
