Old Member Introductions

I heard via via that this website was made after VPL was taken down. Nice to know that there is a new site with the same kind of people hanging around!

Hey Welcome glad you found your way over. There is quite a few people from VPL that have joined. Though seems like this site was actually around a bit before VPL went down, but I found it myself right after and definitely nice to have one to fill the void to have that pet site focused community. :)

It's a pretty nice one as well, and there are adoptables, which are fun.

Overall Community Tips and Hints for a Happy Life :heart:  

Make this your place

Rules aside, there are a few things that we hope you'll do around this place. They are:

  • Don't be afraid to ask 'stupid questions'. Someone else will learn from every stupid question that you ask.
  • Be positive and constructive.
  • Share your challenges and wins.
  • Share your mistakes and subsequent learning.
  • Share your plans, strategies and goals.
  • Tell us about events that you're planning on attending.
  • Offer your feedback on what happens here. This community belongs to all of us.
Your Participation Counts

We're all about reciprocity. We'll help you with your plans and goals, and we'll celebrate your wins. In return we ask that you help influence the future of this community by choosing to start (and engage in) discussions that make this community an interesting place to be.

Use the Like button

Fairly self-explanatory... but incredibly awesome  :heart:  

When posting topics in the Game Development Discussions Forum

To keep the positive and creative juices flowing, we would like you to consider the following when posting in the Game Development Discussions forum:

  • Don't be afraid to post your ideas. Honestly - if you cannot trust your idea to anyone else, then you are just setting yourself up to fail before you begin when you actually start to develop your game. Transparency is not a bad thing, it allows you to grow and learn - and we are here to cheer and empower you to feel excited about getting started.
  • Be supportive of yourself and others. This one is deceptively simple. Not everyone can make a successful game, but it doesn't mean that not everyone can try. Be supportive of other peoples projects, post and ask them if they have anything new, ask them if they are struggling. Be open to ask about it, support them. In return if you post a topic, be empowered by the community showing support in your work.
  • Not all projects will be successful or see the light of day. It's okay. It is not a reflection of your life being a complete failure. This is hard, failures do happen. Get up and get back into the mix with your project, or start something new. Do not be afraid of being considered a failure, because honestly, there is no such thing.
  • Above all else, have fun, be creative, and have fun in your projects. Life is too short to take it all too seriously.
When posting topics in the Code and Scripting Forum

So, beyond our normal rules and guidelines, we wanted to list some more guidelines here when posting in this section for people. These are more of how one should approach asking for help, and how people should respond to others asking for help.

Our goal is for this section is to make it constructive, not prohibitive or negative to both people who need help or people providing help.

When Posting for Help:

  • First off, make sure you include as much information as you can, code samples help.
  • Don't expect an instant response, it may take a bit for someone to be around to help.
  • You get what you give, be open to the feedback from others about your question, not defensive.
  • Learning something new starts with being open to wanting to learn. If you ask for help, but don't want to learn, you will have a miserable experience. That is on you, not on anyone who tried to help you.
When Replying to a topic:

  • Be constructive, provide examples to your reply.
  • Don't attack the original poster for their attempt, be positive about helping them become better.
  • If you reply is theoretical, try to provide a written hypothetical situation explaining your concept in simple language or provide pseudo-code.
Welcome @Jared!

What game do you own?

I founded the website called ChibiPaws. It was fairly active some years back but fell into disrepair by the management at the time. I’m currently recoding it with the intention of finding some help and here as an alternative to VPL. 

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I founded the website called ChibiPaws. It was fairly active some years back but fell into disrepair by the management at the time. I’m currently recoding it with the intention of finding some help and here as an alternative to VPL. 
Very cool, cannot say I am familiar with it, but I am sure some of the other members here are. I hope you find what you need help with, we have quite the group of members who are always willing to help.


Very cool, cannot say I am familiar with it, but I am sure some of the other members here are. I hope you find what you need help with, we have quite the group of members who are always willing to help.

Thanks! I’m looking forward to getting involved here. The community seems much better already. 

Oh neat! Autopost :D

Hey all, I'm 27 years old and I live in the northeastern USA. I'm an artist, I specialize in drawing animals and fantasy creatures!
