Old Member Introductions

Hi @Uber welcome to the Gaming List. :)

I'm in a full stack web developer. I focus on PHP and MySQL with a decent amount of JavaScript thrown in as well. I actually work full time as a web developer as a profession and have two web games that I own and developer for (Eliyo and Animal Acres).

How long have you been a front end Developer? Have a particular game project you are planning to work on/release?

Hey @Sapphire Welcome! Nice to have another former VPL user join us. I was a member of VPL as well and joined here once I learned about it after VPL went down. The community here is pretty nice and I have really enjoyed it. Quite of a few former members have made there way over as well along with other new people. 

Hey welcome to the Gaming List @Lucille that name does seem familiar, but can't put an avatar to it. I was on VPL as well. :) Always nice to have new members joining. 

Do you play many sites or working on your own project?


Nice! I will look into those games.

I've worked full time as a designer/front end developer for 5.5 years +.5 years in placement (same position). So 6 years. I'm somewhat working on a project, but more to develop my own skills.

Cool, let me know what you think. Working on a lot of updates for both of them, Eliyo is still in Beta, and then Animal Acres is going through a revamp (created years ago then I bought it and am updating). 

So quite a while then. That's great. So as a front end developer have you worked with Javascript then? Or is it more the design side of things?

Developing a project is definitely a great way to learn. Developing Eliyo is a lot of what has gotten me the skills I have now and into the jobs I've been too so a good way to go.

Eliyo definitely looks like my type of game (more fantasy based), I plan to join soon. I'll let you know what I think.

I work a lot with HTML5/CSS3 stuffs, but also work with jQuery and integrate a lot with classic ASP and sometimes PHP. It does mean collaboration with the backend programmers who often teach me a thing or two. Work has been a bit slow over the summer though, so I'm able to do some learning and proposals in my spare time which is fun. I'm still going over basics (variables, forms, arrays, mailing functions), but it's helping me understand a lot more of the code I've been working with.

What sort of languages do you use in your workplace?

Ah okay. Having some interaction before hand is nice to start then. Plus I think some of the difficulty with learning to program for web is just how many pieces there are (html, css, javascript, then the backend language, database, if a framework is used etc...) so already being so knowledgeable on the front end seems like a good advantage.

At the moment it's just one client so not a lot of switching around between languages. I primarily do PHP and then some JavaScript (including jQuery at times). We develop on the Laravel framework at the moment and have a MySQL database setup. So pretty similar to my personal projects except Animal Acres isn't on Laravel and is half on a framework half off.

@Lucille Ah okay. I have an account on there, origins-tree.com? Haven't checked in, in a while though. How has development been coming for you?

Oh a friendly face! It took me a second, but I remember you. ;)

Anoua, it's coming very slowly. I was out of work all summer (blehhh) and had so much personal crap going on that things got behind. We're trying to push forward though!

Ah man, that's always hard. Good luck continuing getting it to come to life, it's definitely not easy, especially if you add in personal life issues.

Hi, I am Spot and I joined on 09/25/17!

View Member

.....Automatic welcome post, huh. That's cool.

I'm currently an artist and acting admin for Misticpets.com. I started drawing for Mistic back in 2008.  I'm also obsessed with snow leopards.  What more do you need to know? XD

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