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Everything posted by Digital

  1. Welcome @GhostThorn, glad you made it to TGL! What brings you on?
  2. Welcome to TGL @Kim! I hope to see some of your artwork soon
  3. The idea behind this one was more of a Halloween/creepy one.
  4. This is a more generalized topic, but what did you base your project on when you started: Mysidia Adoptables Laravel Plain PHP Pet Site Framework Other (what did you use) I am curious to see what our @Programmer used!
  5. The plugin is not one that I have authored, I have reached out to its author about this feature already. I try to limit and only tag groups where appropriate.
  6. Reminder, the deadline for entries is November 5th! @Artist @Game Owner @Members @Programmer @Writer
  7. Just in time for harvest, when the pumpkin fields are ripe with nice big orange pumpkins... the Worm Cat's INVADE!! These adorable(?) little worm like creatures only come up during the harvest season. As such they will only be available in the Store until November 5th, after which they will be gone until next year. You better get your egg while you can! @Members @Programmer @Writer @Artist @Game Owner
  8. Welcome @Civ and welcome to TGL. I am glad you joined up!
  9. I generally use Visual Studio Code, which is a free lightweight editor akin to Atom. Does what I need while looking relatively clean and easy to use.
  10. That is the process, you should be doing all your development removed from the production site. It may seem like a lot more work, and initially it probably is. The first time you catch yourself before a bug gets to your live site, it will be worth it. The process has almost become second nature to me. As for keeping a local database, it doesn't have to be completely up to date. I would argue it shouldn't be. The point of the local database is to allow you to test several different data possibilities and catch those things that should never happen but will. As a single person, you can argue that it isn't necessary, and nothing keeps you from not using it. I like to use it because it allows me to keep a historical timeline of what I am doing. I can always reference where I was last commit, and go from there. It is also a cheap file backup, or in my case, allows me to work on my code bases across the several computers I use. These are just my two cents.
  11. This should have a more robust topic/post view that shows the latest now. Thanks for the feedback @Dinocanid
  12. Ah, I was hoping to drive more input into topics that are asked but not replied to, which is why it switched up. I will see about getting Latest Topics back up.
  13. This is a great question to ask our @Game Owner !
  14. Right now they are there mostly as filler for what would be an empty space. Any @Artist wants a go at making some icons that would fit the site, I would be happy to add them in Today I added in the ability for @Game Owner to lock a page down if they wish to control the content. Otherwise all pages are open game for editing by any member. All edits are revisioned, so we can easily see who does what. My original (and still goal) is to make our Game Directory as open for the community to maintain as possible. As always, Game's can be reported to us should something happen. They are light in content as many games are basically made to seed it. They could always use to be updated further, so if anyone is willing to help that would be awesome.
  15. Welcome to the forums, @Aps3. I noticed you are working on a trading card game, sounds like a very interesting project!
  16. Totally interested in seeing fan art from anyone! I decided that we needed some extra help around here and Digit (honestly not named after me) applied to the job. She was created by the skillful artistic talents of @Aminirus!
  17. http://www.rollingstone.com/glixel/features/neopets-a-look-into-early-2000s-girl-culture-w509885 The article expresses a small subset of Neopet's effect on the culture of the late 90's, but still an interesting read. How many here picked up art or technical skills because of Neopets and what it allowed you to do?
  18. Awesome, we would love to see some of your art, there is a thread to show off:
  19. Welcome @Anzellous! How long have you been doing art?
  20. As someone who has several teachers in the family, it is a rewarding career choice!
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