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Everything posted by Design1online

  1. You pay them well!!!! Hands down the best way to keep talented people working for you.
  2. Really? I thought it was older than that but the domain was registered in 1999. Geesh, my game has been open since 2001. I feel so old
  3. I typically would build out all the details of a project before I would even estimate the cost of doing the project. This is the example breakdown for programming work that I would send people before they even got a full estimate to give them an idea of the level of detail I needed before I could begin working on it. Anyone is free to use this breakdown style or example: Join, login, logout, lost password - $50 Message boards - $150 Add categories and subcategories Sort order Pin posts List of active posts List of recently replied to posts Upgrade only option Layouts - up to 3 designs for $100 Horses Bought from the store Live from 0 to 25 years old Die or retire? Breed from 3 to 20 years old Age 1 year every x days Mate horses can only breed to their mate players must request/accept mates Baby inherits genetics Game Stores & Items - $300 Add/edit/create stores Add/edit/create items Custom store pages Upgrade only stores User Stores - $200 Buy/sell items Customizable store page User store item search Items - see stores Equippable Consumable - increases health/energy/stats Upgrade only 4 special items (ie age change, color change, gender change, etc) Moderators and Staff - $100 Action logs Notes section on each member Ban members Kick members Manage message boards Pin message board posts to the top of the board Whatever other add/edit/delete admin features you want them to have access to Polls (ajax) - $100 Player Notes - $100 player can add/edit/delete notes only visible to player Members Online - $25 Bank - $50 savings account send money to other players interest - extra $5 log of money transactions - extra $25 Chat Room (ajax) - $100 Newspaper - $75 add/edit/delete articles comment on articles Message System - $50 Mass Message System users - $25 Mass Email Users - $75 Google Ads - $10 Art Depot - $125 add/update/delete layouts sell layouts upgraded only apply layouts to the whole site Special Value - $45 adding a value amount to genetics - $25 adding up the amounts on the genetics the horse has - $10 adding up the amounts on the skills the horse has - $10 Battles Computer opponents - $100 Admin panel to add/edit/delete characters they can fight against Display a list of all available foes Stats you can edit for each character opponent to make it a stronger or weaker foe Computer deathmatch - $75 characters will always attack back, no waiting period the one to run out of health first looses. player takes prize if they win Computer Sparring - $25 adds a forfeit button to the fight player takes prize if they win PvP Death match - $100 turn based, the one who runs out of health first loses with the win forfeit to the player waiting for the other to attack after a 48 hour period if the battle is still in progress Winner takes prize PvP Sparring match - $25 add a button which allows either player to forfeit the match before their character runs out of health Winner takes prize 4 Additional Battle Challenge Rules - $100 Dynamic Images with Genetics - $500 Map Exploration - $50 So your map system is different from the one I originally quoted you for: Page of territories Page of herds in each territory Admin panel to add/edit/delete herds and their leaders Herds claiming a herd - $25 deciding a herd mate - $10 increased points/stats of herd owners - $10 Forum - owner can add/edit/delete categories and posts Forum - owner can they make sticky posts Enemies - $10 if you lose a PvP battle to a character it becomes your current enemy Hall of Fame - $25 Non-deceased horses top points list Deceased horses top points list Total Project Cost - $2,775
  4. I program 40 hours a week for my full time job and about 10 to 20 hours a week on my.own projects. Your brain is just like any other muscle, it can get exhausted after hard thinking. However, the more you do it and use it the stronger it gets and the more stamina you'll build up. Keep at it!
  5. The pet and player template system for pet game framework is almost done! It will let you design the look and feel of the pet and player pages using keywords and then populate it with the game contents. Pretty neat to see it in preview mode and then in the rendered mode. Preview Mode Rendered Mode
  6. It's designed specifically for pet games and generic frameworks are not. The list of features is below: Easy Installer Upload the files and you’ll be walked through the installation process Includes 5 pets, 9 items and default game configuration data to get you started Documentation Fully documented code base PDF help file Section for owners Section for developers Protocol Support Http or Https Optimization Follows PSR standards Stash filesystem caching to reduce database load PHPDocumentor code comments PHPUnit tests Full code coverage Mod-rewrites for easy to remember URLs Dynamically loaded javascript files Dynamically loaded css stylesheets Layouts HTML5 Bootstrap 3.5 Fully responsive for websites, tablets and phones Customizable style sheets Customizable meta data Customizable player and pet pages Customizable icons customizable icon animations 3 page arrangements TinyMCE WYSIWYG editors Font Awesome icons 50 color themes Multi-Language Support Languages files included English Spanish Italian German French Danish Swedish Russian Romanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Set a default game language Allow players to switch the game language if multiple are enabled 71 languages officially supported PayPal Payments Integration Manual payments IPN Automated payments Payment reports and transaction log Permissions System Administrators – full game customization and moderation functionality Staff – limited game customization and moderation functionality Moderators – only moderation functionality Players – a user with no additional permissions Customizable to add additional permission groups Extensive Admin Panel Manage the game, pets and players without any programming knowledge Custom Emails Join/lost password email Mass emails players General Gameplay Generate alpha accounts Open/close joining the game Open/close the entire game Daily/hourly cron jobs Toggle entire game functionality Genetics Dynamic Images (only if GD support enabled) Clubs Player Shows Players Toggle multiple accounts Username Player name Avatar Referral system Encrypted passwords Player editable page Upgrades Inventory Shops Pets Custom breeds Custom colors Custom traits strength, speed, etc Custom attributes health, energy, etc Custom genetics Dynamic images (only if GD support enabled) Items Equippable Consumable Breeding Customizable % of traits passed down to offspring Single offspring or litters Offspring List Pedigree Competitions Training Sales/Auction Shelter Rescue Abandon Upgrades Enter special competitions Access to upgraded forums Custom avatar image Access to player journal Higher allowance Higher bank interest Monthly special item Licenses Limit the number of pets a player can own Search Pets Players Items Competitions Mail In game messages Friends List Quick access to the player’s friends Blocked List Allows player to block other users from messaging them or responding to their posts Bank Allowance Interest Savings Transaction log Clubs Elections for president and vice president Customizable page Can create shows Pets/players can join Hall of Fame Players Pets Message boards Categories Topics Sticky posts Bump posts Recent posts Active topics Newspaper Comments Up vote/down vote Polls PHP Chat Room Mini Games Hangman Tic-Tac-Toe Guess the Number Pong Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
  7. It is still in development, however there are multiple pre-orders that already have access to the code. @Vix is currently using it on her game Celestial Equine, that's the only one I know of that is open so far. It won't be out of development until all the pages are converted to use bootstrap and it has 100% unit test coverage. We're at about 30% test coverage right now but there are over 10,000 lines of code.
  8. Lots of unit tests and pet/player templates for my Pet Game Framework. Yeah so code is boring, here's what PGF looks like, heh.
  9. I'm not sure how many people know about this but I saw some posts recently that were talking about making iframes responsive so I figured this would be a site to share. Gaahhh!! If you're still using iframes you're doing it wrong, please message me so I can help you stop your descent down the path of darkness, lmao. CanIUse.com lets you enter in any html tags (see section and article) and css (see grid and flex) as well as javascript functionality (see es6 and async) to see how well browsers are currently supporting or compatible with that functionality as well as when it will be completely deprecated (say bye bye to marquee).
  10. There are a lot of benefits to a framework. You get lots of low level functionality you don't have to write yourself, someone else keeping the framework up to date with current standards, and usually a lot of convenience functionality like safe request variables, different built in extensions for caching mechanisms, a whole group of people bug fixing and troubleshooting issues with it, as well as familiarity of other developers with it if it's a large framework. The idea is to reduce your amount of development time for what is typically mindless setup of a good, secure website. Writing your own is fine too, it just takes many, many years to get to something that is really solid and bug free and well secured and optimized. However if you write your own framework people will have to learn it before they can start developing on it so having a lot of comments and good documentation is key.
  11. I pick a bunch of names and then check if the domain is available. If it's not I go back to square one. Sometimes I also browse the expired domain list and snatch up ones that have recently expired. For things in the game, I name them realistically so people can figure out what they are without needing an explanation.
  12. That's assuming that users won't share accounts or give out their login info. If you ban by IP address that way you could have the same problem where someone is logging into their friend's accounts to take care of their wolves if they're on vacation or if they want to play while the friend is away. It happens a lot on my games where multiple accounts will have the same IP address because they form partnerships or have different packs they want to play, etc. Also, siblings on 2 different computers in the same house will not have different IP addresses if they're going through the same router. Just things to keep in mind as you progress in your development.
  13. Sure, that's true. However that's not what I have experienced in sim games. They are too turn and click based to really get to that level of teamwork. On the other hand, an MMO where they are all online and visible at the same time seems to work better at developing that kind of community and team based gameplay.
  14. I'm 31 I'm a woman I live near Washington, DC I'm a senior front end developer for a networking monitoring software company, an indie game developer and a horseback riding instructor on the weekends. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs and a cat on my farm.
  15. They said they were limiting accounts though. That means they want to discourage the multiple accounts. Also, I'm not sure what competitive advantage you'd have from different people playing as each wolf versus having all the accounts you run yourself. One of the reasons people make all the accounts themselves on my game is because they can't get people online and coordinating things as quickly since people sign off or go awol for days at a time. Then it becomes easier for them to do it themselves.
  16. Heh, good luck with that. Banning by IP address will not stop people from creating multiple accounts but you'll learn that the hard way ;-)
  17. So I will tell you from my experience that getting members to work as a team is really difficult. I have a similar feature in my horse game and what happens is everyone creates multiple accounts and plays all the different povs. So you will end up with people creating their own packs. Just an FYI.
  18. I guess what I don't understand is you are playing as one wolf or multiple wolves? If you're upgrading yourself but then you die does that mean all your work is lost or do things carry over when you create a new wolf? Also, what if you die and have no SP? How do you make a new wolf then and what earns you SP?
  19. When you load your case file just add a query string with a version number on the end. When you update the CSS file you change the version number. You don't have to do anything special with the CSS or the contents of the CSS file, it's just the url to the file that changes. ?v=2 then ?v=3
  20. @Dinocanid do you not know how to disable caching with css files? All you do is add a version number to the file query string. Then as soon as you change the CSS file you update the version number and it will invalidate the browsers cache so it pulls in the new css changes. For instance http://yourdomain.com/css/theme.css?v=1
  21. They're pretty comparable. Switching from one to the other isn't really hard either. Personally, I don't have a preference and I'm just as comfortable using regular CSS.
  22. I have a walk through tutorial on creating a sim game from scratch: https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/pits-of-doom/ I also have lots of articles to get you started: https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2014/11/24/how-do-i-get-started-making-an-online-game/ https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2016/08/02/the-game-plan-getting-started/ https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2017/01/19/the-game-plan-creating-a-budget/ https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2016/10/03/the-game-plan-im-not-a-programmer/ https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2014/12/06/use-play-testing-to-reduce-your-game-development-costs/ https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2015/06/18/why-making-games-takes-the-fun-out-of-games-and-how-to-fix-this/ https://jadendreamer.wordpress.com/2015/06/25/how-to-get-people-to-play-your-game/
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