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Everything posted by Blaire

  1. How old you are. 18 (i'll be 19 mid-november ;o;) What your gender is. female Where you live (can be general or exact). neverland What you do / What you are studying. — How many pets (and/or) kids you have. i just have 1 doge and i don't have any kids.
  2. I drew a doodle to take a break from sketching some items.
  3. My handwriting was garbage in middle school to the point where my teachers made me stay after and rewrite my essays unfortunately and of course I got bad scores due to my handwriting for exams as well. I mean it took a lot of dedication for me to 'fix' my handwriting to be at all legible. I got much better towards the end of highschool, but for some funny reason my writing grew smaller as well. I did write in all caps one year because I was taking a tech career class (which I enjoyed immensely) and everything I read in there was in caps, so I kind of...ended up writing with all caps.
  4. I really love your art style! ;o; I've always had trouble with coloring/shading the most.
  5. I'll edit this post later with a pic of her, but she's a tan chihuahua mixed with tarrier. She only hangs out with me if no one else is at home or even gives me any of her attention unless I have food. ;d
  6. Woah, this looks really interesting and the art is totally drawing me in. Love the layout of the site as well. I'm not on facebook though, is there any other social medias I can follow?
  7. Worst username I had was Learmen4me and it's just great being a 12 year old who is obsessed with the play King Lear. I didn't even finish reading on to Act III because I gave up on trying to understand everything I was reading and just went to Harry Potter instead.
  8. Wow, I really love how you colored/shaded them! What art program do you use?
  9. Oh wow, this seems like it would be awesome to use for the commissions I handle. I'm definitely going to try this out, so thank you for making this guide!
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