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Everything posted by Dinocanid

  1. Extremely slow. I tried both that and smartFTP, neither ran fast enough for me.
  2. Actually, HOF is working on the next version (1.4.0 I think? I don't think it's called 1.3.5) He hasn't said when he thinks it will be done, but there have been some posts from him in recent months about it being worked on.
  3. It's been pretty great in my experience (it's all I've used in the past 2 years). It uploads multiple files quickly, supports ZIP files, and it updates edited code almost instantly. For me it cuts out the pain of using an FTP, which has been painfully slow for uploading in my experience (I once tried uploading a folder with about 30 php files in it, it took about 30 minutes), and since I'm a single developer I never found the need to look back into FTPs.
  4. Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone! @Bedouin I prefer servers that have cPanel built-in, so it's not another thing I have to buy. It's also what I mainly use for programming, file management, and database editing, so it's kind of a must for me
  5. No idea; Hall of Famer has yet to make any sort of announcement/acknowledgement of the issue. I really enjoyed using mysidiahost too :/, hopefully something is done to fix it.
  6. (I'm not sure if this belongs here or in another board, so move it if it has to be) I've actually got quite a few projects backed up that I've been working on for a long while, though none of them are finished. Adoptables/Sim sites are relatively new ground for me (Only 2 or so years in the field), but I've been into developing PC games for a long time. Five Nights at the True Lab My most active project besides FoodBabs. It's basically an undertale themed fnaf fangame that missed all the fnaf hype, lol. It isn't done, but I am working towards getting a playable demo together. It's being made using Unreal Engine 4, which is a total lifesaver for me when it comes to development. Mysidia-ized php code is somewhat easy to memorize, but I can't say the same for c++ and java. UE has "blueprints", which are basically a collection of nodes that you hook together that provides the same functionality as c++ Takes slight inspiration from Event[0], in which you're on an abandoned spaceship with only a super intelligent AI to talk to while you try to get home. The expected release date is rapidly approaching, so I'm really crunching on this one. Beyond Dreams Another UE4 project, though I haven't completely decided if I want to stick with the current name. It's a game centered around the dreams of the main character. The dreams act as levels, where you get a random one where you have to complete an objective. You might not get the same dream twice in a row whether you win or lose, and you can get a "sequal dream" if you win. I'm using my life as a "building block", so quite a few mechanics are taken from it. For instance, my eyesight isn't the best and I rarely wear glasses (though I have some) To see something clearly you have to actually look at it, and anything you're not paying attention to will be slightly out of focus. This can cause things to look unsettling in dimly lit or dark areas. Is that a monster or an oddly shaped pile of junk? Inspirations are from games like "Among the Sleep", which is a horror game based on how a toddler sees the world, and "Gone Home", which has absolutely no scary content and is literally just an average everyday 90's house as you wander though it to find out what happened while you were away. It's creepy at first, but later becomes a little relaxing. You're not timed and there is no rush for anything, just search around at your leisure. Untitled pokemon game This is using "pokemon essentials" for RPGMaker XP, which makes your games look like authentic pokemon games. There isn't much to say here yet though. I haven't decided on the plot or the pokemon, nor have I settled on how the main character should look, though I have started on the game itself. It's just a "playable concept" for now. It won't use the pokemon name or monsters, since those games usually get a cease and desist if they get popular and Nintendo of America gets wind of it. (Like pokemon uranium or pixelmon)
  7. Looks like our ideas are a bit different then. While it will have some fantasy elements, there isn't a very heavy storyline (though there will be one to get things started, the AI could turn things in unexpected directions), the art style is dramatically different too: (My half-done drawing) Maybe our sites could co-exist then?
  8. I'm not exactly sure which direction I'd want my game to go in yet or if they're similar in that aspect, but I'll contact you when I come up with more!
  9. I didn't think about timezones. Maybe there would be a few weeks cooldown, so users aren't losing their positions left and right, especially if there's a situation where there are more users in a pack than NPCs. I actually plan on doing the wolf art myself, I've been itching for an opportunity to take a break from Foodbabs's cartoony style and go back to my normal one
  10. This is literally a thought I just had while in the bathroom, but what about a wolf sim that's "alive"? These are the ideas I had: User customizes their own wolf and starts out in a pack There a possibility for two or three users to be in the same pack together. Otherwise it is NPC run. Users will have to be responsible and do things like help with hunting, caring for pups, and defending the territory or else they can be at risk for being expelled from the pack. The NPCs aren't static, and they live according to the conditions of their territory, how much food is available, the seasons, etc. Each NPC is generated with their own personality The users would be able to fight with the NPCs (or each other in some cases) for the alpha position. From there, they can finally make decisions that determine the survival of the pack. Since NPCs aren't static, they can challenge you and you can lose your place. The user could be expelled from a pack, where they have to take care of themselves or find another pack Or find a mate and start a pack, but this is much more difficult. Packs can become rivals or allies with each other Possibly wars? Perhaps each pack/user/NPC has a certain number of "moves" or actions per day (like 5) Users can leave, but the world would go on without them. Of course, this isn't completely fleshed out; but what do you guys think? Would you want to play something like this? What would be some of your ideas? I'm busy with Foodbabs right now, but I'm seriously considering acting on this in the future.
  11. I'm not at all ready to go back (I honestly hate my school with a burning passion), but luckily I don't have to go back to school until September this year. It'll be my senior year too, so I'll be out of school in May until I start taking college classes.
  12. I've already read the API, but I sent you an email too.
  13. I don't even know if people still use that site, but does anyone know how the addresses section works? I have no idea what goes into them, or even how to use them since there aren't any proper instructions. I guess they update the stats automatically so I don't have to manually update them. I guess user referral is where you direct to the referral page (if you have one), but what about the others?
  14. My name's not listed, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm meant to reply to this or not, but I plan to add more 'essentials' to my game this weekend. Right now it's pretty bare-bones, and I have to work towards stuff you would normally see in a breeding sim; like a proper trade system, and breeding requests. The economy is all out of wack too, so I need to fix that. After I do all of that, then I can focus on adding new species.
  15. Needs Update Real-time needs have finally been added to the site! Here's how it works every day: Mood - 10 Fullness - 10 Trust + 5 I also patched some holes in the code that potentially could have led to pets being generated with 0% for all needs. Other Changes Renamed Edit my Account to User CP. Renamed links in the User CP to be more straightforward Fixed various links that led to the old URL Fixed pantry spaces resetting your spaces to 10. Fixed faulty code that made the bank act weird. Arriving Before anyone's pets start dying (so in the very near future), these will be added: A non-expandable graveyard where dead pets will be stored. Non-expandable to prevent a surplus of unusable pets in the database An expandable freezer where frozen pets will be stored. (Will come with a decent amount of spaces by default, but will cost way more than pantry expansions) This change is due to the fact that people on vacation or with busy lives might come back to a bunch of dead pets. Frozen pets will have their needs frozen as well; just like how their experience is frozen. View full news
  16. -Current Sets- Cat -Policy- Do not claim the artwork as your own! If you do so, you will not be able to buy anymore of my sets. You are allowed to edit! No refunds will be given; this is partially because PayPal takes tax between transactions (You wouldn't receive the full amount back and extra would come out of my account). You are expected to pay through the PayPal.me link given upon ordering. I am also capable of providing the files in .mdp format (For FireAlpaca and Medibang Paint)
  17. Money sinks are coming to the game! Sadly it will be a bit harder to hoard currency soon. The cost of pantry expansions now increase by 100 for each one you buy. Your babs will soon have real-time needs, along with a new hunger bar! This also means their health will drop if neglected. New food and toy items will be arriving as well. In turn, this will make taking care of several babs pretty expensive. When user shops arrive, there will be a monthly cost for upkeep. Contests will have an entry fee. View full news
  18. That would be helpful! I have no experience with ajax at all.
  19. So I'm working on an avatar system and I run into this problem. I'm using GD to generate the image, which is in it's own separate php file. In another file is where the image is called. I want it to where the user can use dropdowns to change the different layers on the image without having to reload the page every time. I mean the long way, like having the options saved in the database and the page is refreshed with a button click; showing the changes. If I did this it would write to the database every time the user tries something else, and I assume that's not good for performance. I just can't figure out a way to get the user's input from one file and have it affect the image generation file. Here's my setup if it helps: Image_generate.php: Separate images (used as layers) are merged into one image. Avatar.php: On the avatar creation page, the created image is displayed with html img src. A dropdown box saves the user's choice to the database when they hit 'submit'. That's it. The two can't talk to each other. Attempting database calls from image_generate.php gives a broken image; so even if I do save choices to the database, I can't seem to use it as a variable.
  20. Did you make sure you have the right code for an explore page that requires an item? $item = "BASIC EXPLORING KIT"; $hasitem = $mysidia->db->select("inventory", array("quantity"), "itemname ='{$item}' and owner='{$mysidia->user->username}'")->fetchColumn(); if($hasitem){ //Put explore code here! } else{ //What happens if the user doesn't have the item goes here! } If you do have something similar to that (it might be a bit different, this is just the basic way), then are you sure you actually own that item yourself? When you created the item, is the name in all caps like that? If not, the names have to be exactly the same since it's case sensitive.
  21. I'm in the process of creating a way for users to enter their pets in contests. The idea is that they enter a pet and the contest runs on a specific day. You can only enter contests on specific days as well, to prevent sniping. The pet with the highest of a specific stat has the highest chance of winning (there will be different contests for different stats or stat sets), but I don't want that pet to win all the time since then they could continuously enter and nobody else would ever win. Users can breed for better stats, but I don't want a situation where one person dominates the field and wins week after week. Here are some ways I think would prevent this: Contests are already divided into tiers (placing top 3 moves you up one), so each tier could have a maximum stat count. This prevents players who played longer from constantly crushing the newbies Cooldown times for winning. If you win a contest, you can't enter that same contest the next week. Retirement. Pets don't age on my site, but maybe one pet can only enter a limited number of contests? It adds to strategy, and gives more incentive to breeding more adopts instead of maintaining just the best one.
  22. EDIT: So I visited the page on your site and the url is correct. Replicated it myself and it turns out that somewhere, the file names and class names don't match up. Do you have the files named exploreencarsiforest.php and exploreencarsiforestview.php (no capital letters)? Then in exploreencarsiforest.php, you need to make sure that the class line looks like this: class ExploreencarsiforestController extends AppController{
  23. I see. Did you add a "premiumcost" column to table adopts_adoptables? If not, that's a contributor to your problem. Then in admincp->adopts.php, make sure you change this line under public function add(): $mysidia->db->insert("adoptables", array("id" => NULL, "type" => $mysidia->input->post("type"), "class" => $mysidia->input->post("class"), "description" => $mysidia->input->post("description"), "eggimage" => $eggimage, "whenisavail" => $mysidia->input->post("cba"), "alternates" => $mysidia->input->post("alternates"), "altoutlevel" => $mysidia->input->post("altoutlevel"), "altchance" => $mysidia->input->post("altchance"), "shop" => $mysidia->input->post("shop"), "cost" => $mysidia->input->post("cost"))); to this: $mysidia->db->insert("adoptables", array("id" => NULL, "type" => $mysidia->input->post("type"), "class" => $mysidia->input->post("class"), "description" => $mysidia->input->post("description"), "eggimage" => $eggimage, "whenisavail" => $mysidia->input->post("cba"), "alternates" => $mysidia->input->post("alternates"), "altoutlevel" => $mysidia->input->post("altoutlevel"), "altchance" => $mysidia->input->post("altchance"), "shop" => $mysidia->input->post("shop"), "cost" => $mysidia->input->post("cost"), "premiumcost" => $mysidia->input->post("premiumcost"))); (Make sure you do the same for public function edit() too). In admincp->view->adoptview.php, make sure you have the text field properly set up like: $shopSettings->add(new Comment("Premium Price: ", FALSE)); $shopSettings->add(new TextField("premiumcost", 0, 10)); Finally, in classes->class_adoptable.php, you need to add this to the list of protected variables: protected $premiumcost; and this with the other public functions: public function getPremiumcost(){ return $this->premiumcost; } I'm not sure if you did all this, but it's necessary for what you're trying to do.
  24. I just followed the tutorial myself and didn't get that error. What are you doing when you get the error? Does it appear on the index or when you click a button? It would help to know what triggers it.
  25. You can delete (called "drop" in phpMyAdmin) the unneeded ones by selecting "unique" on one of the columns in the structure tab. It appears that you have the tables set up wrong. I'm assuming you're following this tutorial, and the table should be set up like: premiumcurrency | Phantom Quartz I recommend that you try installing it again to make sure you did everything right. When you add the SQL query in adopts_settings, make sure you have it like: After reading through, that should fix the problem and you shouldn't have to change anything else. If you're sure that the table is the only problem, then you can just drop the first and last row (leave the middle one!) and change "your currency name" to "Phantom Quartz"
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