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Everything posted by Dinocanid

  1. So maybe exclusive pets and the like?
  2. After some delay, I have finished the graveyard and revival update! The first thing I would like to mention are: Gems! This was a feature I mentioned long, long ago, but it's finally here! Gems act as premium currency for the site, and can only be obtained by converting your FoodDollars. I picked the current conversion rate based on how much money all of the users had, and most had less than $2000. The current conversion options are: $1000 -> 1 Gem $5000 -> 5 Gems $10,000 -> 10 Gems This page can be accessed from the bank. Next is the graveyard. Once your pet's health reaches 0, they disappear from your pantry and move here. (adorable placeholder kitten wow) It is also now possible to purchase "Fairy Dust", which will revive your babs with 100% fullness, health, and mood. This shop can be accessed from the gem conversion page. Here are some other minor things that were changed: "Fairy Dust" is the only item that can be used on dead pets Dead pets can be viewed from the graveyard, but you can't interact with them Discord is now used for chat purposes, since it was kind of messy having two different chatboxes for the forum and main site. Our discord chat is now embedded into both parts of the site using Titan Embeds, so no more keeping two tabs open for the forum chat and main chat! You will see the same messages. View full news
  3. I'm thinking of starting a kickstarter for Foodbabs, since I seriously need funding if I'm going to get it off the ground. I'm not that knowledgeable in CSS or JS, I need extra artists, plus i need to pay for proper hosting once beta rolls around. Thing is, what would the rewards be? I don't have a soundtrack or t-shirt anything. (I need this for Wild Souls too, but that's still in pre-production and won't need any funding for a while.) Would Patreon be a better route? It's more consistent since it's subscription based, and you can set goals. I was leaning towards Patreon instead but I feel as if people shy away from monthly payments more than a one-time payment. If not either of these, what else?
  4. I think it's a good idea. I've haven't heard of another 3D petsite besides Foopets, and I used to play that a lot when I was a kid. That was before they became premium-only though, I'm not sure if it's still that way now. It was very eye-catching to have them move around instead of being static images.
  5. Thanks for looking into it! I thought it might've been a bug or something.
  6. Everything seems to be in working order today! So HOF is going to go through and start unbanning IPs of users who were affected by this.
  7. Is content count separate from post count? I was wondering since I have a content count of 102 (now 103) on my profile and 104 on my mini profile, but I still only have a 50 posts trophy.
  8. I'm not sure, but it sounds like liquidweb has automatic IP blocking enabled. This is what he sent: EDIT: We believe the problem is fixed, since I've been able to connect normally for an hour so far. He said for me to wait 24 hours and see if I can still connect, so he can be sure it's fixed this time. If so, he's going to go through and unban user IPs so others can connect again. Fingers crossed that things can go back to normal tomorrow.
  9. Hopefully he'll look into other possible issues that are contributing to it too. I find it a little weird that liquidweb (the web host) would automatically block extra people who missed the low user threshold, if anything it seems like bad practice to me, but he's asking them to raise it so that's one side of the problem. Unfortunately it seems to have reverted for me, even though I could access the site freely this morning. I don't know if it's something else or if I've been blocked again, but I'll be sure to ask.\ EDIT: Yeah, we messaged each other again and it seems like IP blocking is the issue. He unblocked my IP for the second time and it only worked for a page load or two before I lost connection again, I can't even ping the server so I assume it's been blocked again. It could be the same for guests.
  10. Okay, so got another message from HOF. He said my IP was blocked by the server host since apparently it only allows so many IPs to control bots, so he unblocked it and I can connect again. If you're having trouble connecting, I recommend using a proxy to pm him so you can get unblocked. He's currently working out a way to increase the allowed amount and prevent spam bots.
  11. I'm trying to get into animation, both 2d and 3d. I'm trying to make a name for myself as an indie developer too. I haven't been doing a very good job, lol. I'm trying though, since it's what I want to do for a living.
  12. My current layout works fine, I just can't show the full iframe on smaller/mobile screens. Thanks though!
  13. I use that on Foodbabs, but unfortunately for Wild Souls I wanted the site to be centered with a visible background, and that template takes up the whole screen. I found it better to make a new one instead of modifying that one, since I tried and all I ended up with was bad overall scaling on medium to extra small screens, and I couldn't get the menu to fit well with a container/wrapper for some reason. Either way, I think I would end up in the same place; except that template uses BS3 and I use BS4.
  14. I'll look into doing that. It's sort of possible to use ajax, but it requires another .htaccess file and it doesn't allow any mysidia's framework code. So I could either use ajax or mysidia for a php file, but not both.
  15. I have to use an iframe since I'm not using ajax; which is difficult to use with mysidia. Inside the ImageMagick generator file, it gets the user's ID from the URL of the parent page and fetches the appropriate namespaces from the database so the correct layers show. Like this for example: $fullurl = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $cleanwid = end(explode('/',trim($fullurl,'/'))); $pet = $mysidia->db->select("wolves", array(), "wid='$cleanwid'")->fetchObject(); if ({$pet->pid} != {$mysidia->user->pid}) { $document->add(new Comment("This wolf isn't in your pack!")); return; } else{ //code... } Not the cleanest way, but it works. Using your code just makes scrollbars appear, but that seems like my best option right now I suppose. After searching around, what I'm looking for might not be possible in this case.
  16. Any tips on how to make iframes scale well on mobile? I can get it to fit inside the container, but only the corner of the image shows: This is what I have (I'm using Bootstrap 4): <div class='embed-responsive embed-responsive-1by1'> <iframe src='http://localhost/wild-souls/wolfimage' style='border:none; width:800px; height:700px;' class='embed-responsive-item'></iframe></br> </div> Unfortunately, I can't use IMG tags since my code relies on it being in an iframe. I've tried other, non-bootstrap methods for this, but they can only seem to show part of the image with/without scrollbars, which isn't exactly ideal.
  17. You can probably use my Dynamic Images script for this. It can easily modifiable, so you can create items that will change the base colors/markings of pets, or items that add new ones. It should work for things like outfits too. It depends on your server host though, not all of them might allow Imagick installation. Which one do you use?
  18. I haven't really seen any trends in adoptables/sim sites. They're pretty much stayed the same since the old childhood days of Neopets; which is how a lot of adoptables/sim sites got started, trying to mimick the neopets formula. Not that that's bad, mind you. It opened up to more creative ideas and concepts. I remember Foopets which was a 3D adoptables site, before it eventually became paid-membership only. I noticed a couple of games that focus on realistic/semi-realistic genetics more recently, like Leporidae and Dynasty, but I don't think there have been enough for it to be called a "trend". I've also noticed that a few adoptables/sim sites have a more semi-real/realistic style than the cartoony style that appeared to be a staple for pet sites. But again, I haven't seen enough of these sites for it to be a trend and it's possible that those sites have always existed, but I just didn't know about them (I know Howrse has been around for a long while), plus those cartoony sites tend to be geared towards children.
  19. This is coming from someone who doesn't even have a staff team, but hopefully these tips can be useful. I might add more if suggested or if I think of any. -Staff and Moderation Tips- Be friendly! Sort of a given, but it matters so much. It's hard to have a nice and respectful userbase if your staff isn't. This also goes for you, especially if you're the site owner/head admin. You're the leading example, and you represent the site! Communicate! Nothing is worse than poor communication between staff members. (Okay, maybe there are some things worse) It's disorganized and can cause unneeded discourse. If your site has a forum, make a staff-only section for you to discuss things. If possible, make a discord channel, google hangouts, or skype group for more instant communication. An example would be discussing ideas for the site, sharing opinions, discussing possible bans before enacting them, etc. Train your staff members! Assign mods to a board or two that they can manage before giving them the ability to moderate everything. It lets you know their capabilities and if they need a refresher on anything. Divide the work! Try to break it down further than just admins and mods (if you have enough staff members). When staff are assigned to specific areas, it makes for better moderation and less troublemakers. Try this for instance: Admins, Global Moderators, Board Moderators, Chat Moderators, etc. Enforce the rules! Another given, but it happens. If nobody enforces the rules, then users will just ignore them. Respond to users! If a user messages you about a problem, question, or concern they have; try your best to respond. Even if you don't have the exact answer at the moment, at least let them know that you'll look into it/work on it. It lets them know you're there and willing to help, rather than having staff who act but don't respond. Be transparent! To some extent at least. Let them know what bugs you're aware of, and if you're actively working on them. If you're site's going through some problems or there's a bug you just can't figure out, say so instead of staying silent. They'll understand that you're working on it and it lets them know that the site is alive/not abandoned. They might even try to help, and that's good right? Most importantly: Be like any other member. For me, nothing is more comforting than staff that you can talk to and play the game with. It creates a better and friendlier atmosphere as a whole. View full guide
  20. Cool! I just added some staff/moderation tips that I thought would be useful: I accidentally posted it in the Tutorials and Guides section instead of the actual Guides section though. Could I repost/move it there? Nevermind, it's there.
  21. This is coming from someone who doesn't even have a staff team, but hopefully these tips can be useful. I might add more if suggested or if I think of any. -Staff and Moderation Tips- Be friendly! Sort of a given, but it matters so much. It's hard to have a nice and respectful userbase if your staff isn't. This also goes for you, especially if you're the site owner/head admin. You're the leading example, and you represent the site! Communicate! Nothing is worse than poor communication between staff members. (Okay, maybe there are some things worse) It's disorganized and can cause unneeded discourse. If your site has a forum, make a staff-only section for you to discuss things. If possible, make a discord channel, google hangouts, or skype group for more instant communication. An example would be discussing ideas for the site, sharing opinions, discussing possible bans before enacting them, etc. Train your staff members! Assign mods to a board or two that they can manage before giving them the ability to moderate everything. It lets you know their capabilities and if they need a refresher on anything. Divide the work! Try to break it down further than just admins and mods (if you have enough staff members). When staff are assigned to specific areas, it makes for better moderation and less troublemakers. Try this for instance: Admins, Global Moderators, Board Moderators, Chat Moderators, etc. Enforce the rules! Another given, but it happens. If nobody enforces the rules, then users will just ignore them. Respond to users! If a user messages you about a problem, question, or concern they have; try your best to respond. Even if you don't have the exact answer at the moment, at least let them know that you'll look into it/work on it. It lets them know you're there and willing to help, rather than having staff who act but don't respond. Be transparent! To some extent at least. Let them know what bugs you're aware of, and if you're actively working on them. If you're site's going through some problems or there's a bug you just can't figure out, say so instead of staying silent. They'll understand that you're working on it and it lets them know that the site is alive/not abandoned. They might even try to help, and that's good right? Most importantly: Be like any other member. For me, nothing is more comforting than staff that you can talk to and play the game with. It creates a better and friendlier atmosphere as a whole.
  22. Update: I added a lot more of my old scripts to the site. A few have been updated, so if you previously used the bank or raffle mod, I recommend re-installing it with the new code since it's cleaner/fixes potential bugs.
  23. I worked on wolf generation more and ended up with this: (Me refreshing my "wolf generator" page) The markings each get their own, random opacity and order to add more diversity. Also the Ivy base blends in with the den background, so lol. The art still needs cleaning, but I've decided to save that for later and work on more of the code for now. If you've been following the trello board, you might have noticed that I added more cards for territories, biomes, ecosystems, and weather/natural disasters. I plan to work on all of these together since they depend on each other anyway. Here's what I'm going to be working on next: Territories The world will consist of several territories, divided into different biomes. Each new pack will be generated with their own "territory block", which holds it's own supply of prey and resources. Each territory block that exists in the same biome will be affected with the same events and disasters, at least to some extent. (IE: Every block in a coastal biome will be affected by a hurricane, but random blocks will be affected by lesser weather like rain.) Ecosysten Each territory has a dynamic amount of prey. Natural disasters, harsh weather, and hunting seasons can cause it to decline, resulting in more hunting parties returning empty-handed (or empty-pawed) and less food for the pack. Prey is separated by animal, so it is possible for a territory to be completely out of rabbits, or completely out of deer. In extreme cases, a pack may move to new lands with more abundant prey. Weather/Natural Disasters Rain Harmless Makes tracking more difficult Snow Cold. Don't lost pups in it! Makes Tracking slightly easier Severe Thunderstorm Definitely not good hunting or scouting weather Can produce floods Small chance of producing wildfires Blizzard Definitely not good hunting or scouting weather Extremely cold. Deadly pup weather! Flood Lots of water, don't drown! Earthquake Can cause cave-ins, rock slides, avalanches, and fallen trees Hurricane Great chance of producing floods High winds can cause fallen trees and other destruction Tornado High winds can cause fallen trees and other destruction Wildfire Burns everything, no one is safe! Biomes Grassland Chaparral Taiga Temperate Forest Each biome is more susceptible to different types of weather than others In other news, the names of the official four packs have been decided! Windfall (Grassland) Blackridge (Taiga) Goldenrun (Chaparral) Earthshire (Temperate Forest) View full news
  24. What I usually do for Foodbabs is I draw the pet normally, then "remix" it for the type of food I want. My egg cat, for example, I turned the yolk part into the head. For my sharkermelon, I used melon slices for the fins and the green color for the rest of the body. Not very complex, but simple things can be pleasing to the eye. For most of my wolf rank markings, I really just scribbled around until I thought they looked nice. Others are symbols, like how the hunter marking resembles teeth. The shaman markings are loosely based on Amaterasu's markings. The genetic markings are my best attempt at actual dog markings. I used http://doggenetics.co.uk/ for a bunch of reference images. The bases come both in solid natural colors and blended fantasy colors. I take a single color for the blends and work in different shades of it and/or different colors that compliment them, like how I did with my Ivy and Saffron bases.
  25. Responsive design perhaps? (With Bootstrap 3/4 and Foundation) Mobile-friendly design is good for pet/sim sites since it allows users to play on the go. Maybe simple things too like using the database more to simplify code or how to properly moderate your userbase/what makes good staff.
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