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Everything posted by Nova

  1. False You have flown on an airplane or helicopter.
  2. My sister just showed me this game a few days ago! I honestly couldn't get into it because it seemed so slow and random. I might try it out again today though
  3. I was thinking that a neat option would be to have a "Preview Thread" option whenever making a new thread. I'm working on an interview right now that will have several images and maybe a video, and I think the ability to preview everything before I post it would be pretty neat; just to make sure everything looks pretty beforehand
  4. Eh I'm inclined to agree. I only play it anymore when there are others around, and even then not often (But I don't play on the PS4 or Xbox so that's why I can't vote for either :P). I picked it up because it was cheaper hahaha And because it becomes obsolete so quickly, I'd rather wait until I have a real people job before I shell out $300+ on something that will go out of style in a few months. (Instead I just spend all my money on clothes and making games >__>)
  5. "Nonesense"? >:C Your entire post has triggered me u.u I'm a PC gamer, and if I HAD to pick a console, it would be the Wii
  6. I will also nominate @Nate because he is very active on the forum and seems to genuinely care about it and the people on here.
  7. Okay great, thanks @SingSong I may have another contact for him. @Silverwulfess I'll PM you now.
  8. Does anyone know if Cybura used to go as Lyro?
  9. A good middle ground has worked wonders for me recently. I used to jump in head-first into making games and I usually encountered unforeseen problems. On the other hand, planning too much without doing anything made me really unmotivated. But there are also problems that you won't know about until you begin building. So this time around, with Unbun, I did quite a lot of planning and finished most of the artwork before I found a programmer. When I got tired of making the artwork myself, I hired someone to help me and it also helped a bit with motivation. Not all of the artwork is currently finished, but enough to where the programmer can begin work. Seeing a working product will also help with finishing the artwork. My advice also is to have a good chunk of art finished before finding someone to program the game; people are often more motivated to work (even if it's paid) when the product looks pretty.
  10. Something about that style has a very Russian feel to it; I love it!
  11. Ooh I've never even heard of Pokemon Pets; I'll have to check that out! When clubs first came out, I thought it was going to be more like Neopets clubs where users can chat and role-play. Do you have anything like that planned for the future?
  12. I can't tell you how thankful I am for this post! I'll definitely be checking this out later and using it for my projects
  13. This is how I started out and I would suggest it to anyone else who asks as well: Neopets! Your pet pages are coded in HTML and it's easy and fast to see results when you mess around with the code. I would also suggest keeping an eye out for Humble Bundle (humblebundle.com). They have PDF book bundles, and sometimes the books are about programming. A few weeks ago I bought a Python programming book bundle and it was a fantastic and cheap way to quickly learn the language. I would definitely also suggest video learning sites, such as Pluralsight. It does have a monthly fee, but I remember a while back there was a way to get 3 months free (you'll have to do a bit of digging though--it wasn't easy to find). I just checked, and Pluralsight does have many HTML courses.
  14. Awesome! Thank you everyone who voted for my piece Congrats to everyone!!
  15. That's beautiful ;-; I think the only film by Miyazaki I've seen is Kiki's Delivery Service, and even that was a really long time ago. I'd love to sit down one night and have a marathon of his movies.
  16. What kind of mock ups are you looking for? And in what style? Your title says "Website Design"; were you looking for a website mock up for a game? Or an actual game mock up? These might help with finding someone
  17. @Nate Thanks! You play as an unbun who is thrust from its kingdom by vicious fruits and vegetables. It's an endless dungeon clicker for now, where the player has to find a key under one of the tiles to move on to the next level. Sounds great!!
  18. Hey guys! I have been working on a mobile game for a little while and am finally getting some programming done. This is the mock-up preview for it so far: In a few weeks I'd love to have your help with testing the first rough! EDIT: Also, any critiques/suggestions about the art and placement of objects would be very much appreciated
  19. Oh man, I really like that lobster pet! I unfortunately don't have anything I could use him for
  20. I don't typically like cheating in games--I don't even use mods! I used to (whenever I first played Oblivion and Sims 2/3), but now I really just like to enjoy games for what they are. Sometimes it's fun to grind! I think the only time I cheat in a game nowadays is whenever I play Sims 4, and even then very sparingly.
  21. That turtle picture is very pretty! That thing is so enormous haha
  22. That's fascinating! It took me longer than I care to admit to figure that out haha Ooh you should take a picture next time, that sounds pretty!
  23. Yesterday I was at work (I work at a golf course) and was doing rounds around the grounds, just checking up on everything. There was a sweet plant smell in the air whenever I passed a certain spot, and I drove up to a tree to see if i could recognize it, and see if it was the one emitting the aroma. I've never paid attention to this tree before and have never been up close to it. So imagine my surprise when I walked up to the tree and the. Tree. Had. Eyes. From what I can tell, that is the result of improper limb removal. But for anyone who has ever watched Gravity Falls, it gave me quite a thrill to find something like this. What are some strange or interesting things that have come across?
  24. Oh man, those highlights are really pretty. I really like the eggplant!
  25. @SingSong Thanks! And that's great, you don't see many pixel artists around here. I'll definitely keep that in mind if I'll need some more artists @Aminirus Thanks ^__^ I checked your art out; it's very nice
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