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Verpets Revival

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Hello to everyone here! I'm fairly new here, but I have been playing on virtual pet sites for many years. There's one site that holds a special place in my heart, and that's Verpets. I'm sure some of you remember it or were members like me. Unfortunately, Verpets had been slowly dying for various reasons I won't get into here. However, I want to change that!

Today, I am excited to announce that I am now the official owner of the domain verpets.com. I've reached out to Joe about obtaining the full assets of Verpets, but I haven't heard back yet. Joe or Carl, if you see this post, please reach out to me as soon as possible. I really want to discuss the future of Verpets and bring it back to life. Many people, including myself, are eager to see Verpets restored and updated. It has so much potential, and I'm determined to make that a reality. I'm planning to hire new staff, artists, and coders to breathe new life into Verpets.

I've already started reaching out to past members about this revival, but I would love to hear from more of you! Also, any help in spreading the word about this endeavor would be greatly appreciated. Together, I believe we can make this happen! 😄

I wanted to add a few links for ease of access for everyone 💖

Edited by Houndoom
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On 11/20/2023 at 2:32 AM, Houndoom said:

Hello to everyone here! I'm fairly new here, but I have been playing on virtual pet sites for many years. There's one site that holds a special place in my heart, and that's Verpets. I'm sure some of you remember it or were members like me. Unfortunately, Verpets had been slowly dying for various reasons I won't get into here. However, I want to change that!

Today, I am excited to announce that I am now the official owner of the domain verpets.com. I've reached out to Joe about obtaining the full assets of Verpets, but I haven't heard back yet. Joe or Carl, if you see this post, please reach out to me as soon as possible. I really want to discuss the future of Verpets and bring it back to life. Many people, including myself, are eager to see Verpets restored and updated. It has so much potential, and I'm determined to make that a reality. I'm planning to hire new staff, artists, and coders to breathe new life into Verpets.

I've already started reaching out to past members about this revival, but I would love to hear from more of you! Also, any help in spreading the word about this endeavor would be greatly appreciated. Together, I believe we can make this happen! 😄

I wanted to add a few links for ease of access for everyone 💖

Hey Houndoom,

I am the original owner and creator of Verpets (Chevy), I have Joe's contact but he is pretty unresponsive and Carl is also not responsive so I don't believe you will be able to acquire any assets without paying a pretty hefty price on a dead asset (my opinion).  I will send you a DM with some other details

Edited by LobstahMoney
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I was pleasantly surprised to find this, I was afraid that Verpets had disappeard into the mists of time forever!

I enjoyed being on the site and all of the great people that hung out there.

Here's hoping we can get a new incarnation working again.


Edited by MarchHare
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