Old Member Introductions

Don't think I forgot about you!!

Any piece of information within the game might be the starting point to a hidden puzzle, quest, progression path, or treasure hunt of sorts. Some of those may be one-time things which can only be completed by a single player or clan (although that will be rare).

Okay. I can definitely see the point of not wanting to share that then.

Doing so won't stop others from discovering the same eventually, but could give the discoverer or their clan a head-start in unlocking any secrets or hidden meaning that might be tied to it. In other words (assuming the discovery is true) it gives them a temporary informational advantage.

That makes sense if the clans are competing in some way, which I assume they are (for resources and other reasons?).

The player checks successfully and finds that it is false but for whatever reason doesn't want the clan to know (maybe he's already discovered the true entry for himself and doesn't want competition in some hidden quest it points towards... maybe he's actually a double agent and the false entry will lead the clan into some dangerous situations) something along those lines.

So devious... lying to clan members? If I played this game, that would be me, I always like to play that role in games, especially online, because my acting skills in real life are so poor that I start laughing. >_>

Each type of reputation has it's own store which offers special talents, items, and cosmetic upgrades to players that cannot be obtained anywhere else.

This is cool.

I don't have a production server up for the project at the moment (just developing locally at this point), but when I do I'll have to invite you to test it out. ^_^  

Awesome. Yes, I'd love to play and give you whatever feedback I can think to give. Just let me know whenever you're ready. ^-^

Ah, sounds like it was for the best then. It's never good to box yourself into something you don't really enjoy. In the long-run it would have just been a bunch of extra stress.

If you don't mind my asking, what kind if game is your new project going to be (as far as the genre goes at least)? Another petsite like HK? Adoptables? Something different? Just curious.

Hah, it was already a handful of stress as is. I guess creating any game causes some amount of stress (trying to get things "right" and meet deadlines), but I think with the lack of progress being made with the coding, I just ended up talking myself out of it, too.

The one I currently have planned was initially going to be a site that tied into HK, so its world also exists in a made up realm of the afterlife. But now it will be its own thing with a separate art style. My current delays have been computer trouble, other obligations, and deciding on an art style (I have sketches done but those are just starting points). But if plans do go through, it will be an adoptable game with randomly generated rooms that allow you to use items and make choices. The start-up investment is moderate (small compared to many browser games), but it should be able to run easily (with a few coding/art updates here and there) once it's out. That's my new kind of dream game. Something simple, haha.

Welcome, ilrak, hope you enjoy the forum and look forward to seeing you around!

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I still haven't tried Aywas. I should do that.

Saylua looks like it has a great start from what I can see (from the art to the name). I'm now following the project on Facebook. Also, I love your sun/moon logo for Saylua.  :bashful:

Welcome to TGL. 

It's good to see you are making progress with Dueling Pets.
Thank you Paul Sonny. :)

Speaking of which I have made another break through. I have finally created a registration section that takes a registration and converts it to an actual user or deletes it if it is found to be a bot. :)

Its a relatively simplistic system though.
