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    Morning Dust Ranch

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  1. Hello everyone, A few years ago I purchased a set of dog images. Unfortunately, I never made something with it. Since I have a lot of vet bills to cover, I am selling them now. They were originally made by Dracula. These are meant to be combinable into various amounts of dog breeds. It could also be the base of a game that allows breeding for mutts or establishing new breeds, as the assets are all divided into combinable groups. The set consists of - 5 body types - 2 fur types - 9 ear types - 4 eye types - 10 muzzle types - 4 skull types - 5 leg types - 5 paw types - 6 tail types The dog generator we made for the game (it is only a very early version, which needs some more work) is also available to be tested out (for those with honest buying interest). The assets surely can be expanded to add even more variation. The possibilities are almost endless. I would be happy if it was bought by someone who puts them to good use. If you are interested, please contact me via pm. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone, some of you may know me from my horse browser game "Morning Dust Ranch". I now would like to introduce you to my second game "Lumizard". Driven to make something completely different than my first game I started laying out the features of a dragon game years ago. I finally had time to put some work into it and got an artist on board. The coding status is about 80% and we are currently running a Kickstarter Campaign to help with the funds we need for all the legal aspects and also to hire a second artist, as the game is very art-heavy. If you are interested in dragons and browser games with exploring, battling, breeding and customization you might want to check out Lumizard. We have a Discord Server where I post sneak peeks and a Tumblr where I already talked about gameplay and also showed off some of the art. Our website has a dragon previewer where you can have a look at our four breeds (+ babies) and all the basic colors we offer. What you can expect from the game: - We currently have planned for 7 elements, with art done for 4 of them (fire, water, earth, wind) - Dragons have art for the egg, baby and adult stages - Exploring, battling, breeding for color and/or stats, customization - Each element has its own advantages and disadvantages in battles and also special items and crafting recipes they can find - The theme of the world in Lumizard is "bioluminescence" - Individual rollovers, so no need to log in daily - Breeding for stats is not based on grinding but on the genetics of the dragons Find out more on our channels Kickstarter Campaign Lumizard Website Discord Tumblr I would be very grateful if you'd like to support our Kickstarter Campaign and/or spread the word. Thank you and kind regards, Feuerqueen
  3. Hey everyone, if you are looking for a programmer to work with on your project, I might be able to help you I have experience with PHP, MySQL, Javascript/JQuery, HTML/CSS for over 12 years. I am comfortable working with existing code on standalones or frameworks. I am happy to work with git and composer. For new projects, Laravel would be my framework of choice. I am not looking for shared profit but for paid work. I am available right now, for up to 10-15 hours a week. If you have an open position and want to discuss it further, just shoot me a private message. Thank you, Feuerqueen
  4. Hey dracula, would you be willing to "finish" it or is it "buy as WIP"? If you'd be willing to start working on it again I'd like to discuss it further. regards, Feuerqueen
  5. Well in my case it makes it definitely more maintainable. And what do you mean of "can't add any new features"? I was always able to add new features because my code worked. I did this 6 years long. I was always adding new features, even bigger ones and doing new events and stuff. But now it is so much easier for me to add new features. And also the PHP 7 compatibility was a huge factor for me. I had to touch every script anyway to make it work on PHP 7, so why not do a complete recode then? For me, it worked out. Before I did the complete recode I sometimes refactored some scripts when I couldn't find the bug. That helped a lot along the way too.
  6. I completely disagree, to be honest. I take my game which is online for over 6 years now as an example. The last 2 years I was working on a relaunch to upgrade my complete codebase. When I started 7 years ago I knew nothing about programming and learned a lot in the following years. The code is a weak construct on an even weaker foundation. It won't run on PHP 7, is completely coded procedural which makes it hard to maintain and is not responsive. Does it work? Yes! Should I leave it like that and build more features on this foundation? No! Most of the work won't make a difference for most of the players that is true. But I got them excited for the new version anyway. I developed the new version completely separate from the current version and they were still able to play on what we call version 3.0. There weren't regular updates but still a few and also continued our event schedule (eastern, summer, Halloween, Christmas), so they still got stuff to do on the working 3.0 version. What do they get from this new version? First of all, an upgrade to PHP 7 makes the game run faster. Upgrading to OOP makes it more maintainable for me and easier to implement new features and therefore the users will get new features more frequently. Also, the new layout makes it easier for them to use the site on their smartphone. So yes most of the time I invested in the relaunch ist nothing they can "see" but it will make an overall better experience for them. Of course, the time I invested could have been invested in tons of new features instead but then again my game is already very feature-rich and not just starting out. So I feel to update the complete code basis will only bring benefits. And with screenshots of the new layout, you can get the users excited along the way. The launch is in February and we are almost done. I'm very happy that I decided to go this route and would recommend to everyone which is in a similar position.
  7. I agree with the posts before. Things can look nice and everything on the paper or in your mind but when you're actually working on it you may notice that things do not work out as intended. I started with my game 2011 with no programming knowledge. I taught myself one year while working on the game. 2012 I launched the very first alpha version with very basic content. Only a few friends of mine were invited into it to test it. After 10 days I opened it up to the public but did not advertise it at all. So the community was growing slowly through word of mouth and I was able to integrate feature after feature and get immediate feedback of what is liked and what not or what the players would like to see. Also while playing the game myself, I found out what I wanted to see integrated. And so the game grew and grew and now it is very feature rich. Not all ideas I had were great and fit into the game. I removed features I thought that were not that great as I imagined them to be. This was a learning progress. Overall this was the right way for me. Probably because I was so inexperienced in programming, game design and overall management. Nowadays with already one game up and running, I would definitely develop the second game to a more polished state, before I would launch, but I would still only make a vast concept instead of planning each detail out. The details come while developing. At least for me.
  8. Hey Mandy, which Petsite? This is not said in your title or post anywhere. A link would also help.
  9. @Kesstryl Thank you for this information. I wrote them an email with questions and the answers were not satisfying either. So I decided not to go with Codoforum but chose Vanilla instead.
  10. Wow! Very beautiful artwork! If I ever start a new project I definitely keep you in mind. I really love your style.
  11. Hi @Mobotropolis, do you have your Vanilla Forum up and running? Is it possible to have a look at it? Would be interesting to see what other made of it.
  12. Wow thank you for your answer. Vanilla and Invision look very interesting, I will surely look into them! Thank you very much for the list. From this list, I knew vBulletin and phpBB but never really liked them. They still feel like they are stuck in the 90s or early 2000s. Maybe I am wrong and they changed a lot over time but I guess I will start looking into the other two options first. I never heard of them before and on the first glance they are looking very interesting Thanks again! Feuerqueen
  13. Hello community, I am mostly more of a silent reader than a poster myself. But this is a topic where I would love to have the opinion of other game owners or programmers. At the moment I am using a very basic, self-made forum on my site. This is limited by many things and I really want to upgrade no a new, better forum. I was looking for good forum software and came across Codoforum . Does anyone of you have any experience with this software? Also if you know of any other software which you may use yourself I'd be happy if you share your information. Important to me is that it supports SSO (Single Sign-On). It doesn't have to be freeware I would be willing to pay for it, but it should have no monthly/yearly fee. Thank you and I am looking forward to your opinions. EDIT: Forgot to mention that I am not using a framework. So I can't use any framework integrated forum.
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