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Everything posted by Anoua

  1. Yeah they really are super cute. My sister created the base for me a while back including all the variations and markings and love how they turned out. All these colorings are based off of the elon combinations that can also be found in the wild. Adlwin likes to take his inspiration from nature.
  2. Adlwin's Toy shop is now designing some more plushies designs! Check back often to collect them all. New Zorvic Plush Toys And new Preat Plush Toys! What do you think? View full news
  3. 6/14 Wajas - Pear game and new trivia opened up so I played that as well and ended up getting 800,000 which seems pretty high honestly. Eliyo - Battled checkd to see if anything sold in my shop. Don't think I really did much else but I did check in a couple time throughout the day. 6/15 Wajas - Pear game checked the news. Eliyo - Did a battle and bought another plushie from the shop now have 4 in my cabinet Novilar - Dedicided to check things out again, it's been a while. Really like the explore improvements, makes it more interesting and less of a burden. I did miss a few items in the beginning though which is frustrating. Feels like the collect text stand out a bit more, but I guess once you know you know so might not be bad. And you are also more likely to read when you haven't played before. I just did a set of explores and that was it for me. Sylestia - had to do a mass revive on load, which I am glad they have. Would probably just quit if all my pets were dead when I came back. And spring Festival is currently in progress, looks like it's only up for 3 more days. But I explored around the spring zone a bit which was fine, battling has been changed though so my guys attacks are missing, also it's just not as fun without sound as it used to be. Really appreciating Eliyos sounds and effects even more now. Just doesn't feel interactive without it. But it's fun, will probably try to play a bit more before the festival ends.
  4. I agree more white would be a great place to start. I know you are just trying to learn things with the color palette limitations, and make your site with color blind users, which is great, but I really feel like you are approaching this wrong. Instead you might be better off developing a site without any colors (no saturation on the HSB scale) and so black, white, and any range of gray. Use that brightness variation to make sure things are visible. Then add in colors with the same brightness level for all the grays you used. The idea would be USE the grays, and not stick to black and white. Here is a color picker to reference, https://www.webpagefx.com/web-design/color-picker/ It'll list a hex code for you at the top, and it also has the color in HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness) and RGB (Red, Green, Blue) which are two different color formats or modes. When you move the circle all the way to the left the B under the HSB will go to zero. You can slide it up or down, but it'll always be zero, and you can see all the pure grays along with white and black. But say you have the gray range you want and decide to add a color, well move it over to the right a bit and you'll notice the S under HSB going up. That's the saturation. Right now you are using way high saturated colors, but that isn't really necessary and most of the time not really a good idea for your whole page, instead you probably want some variety. Just remember if you move it up or down you are changing the brightness level. The final thing to change is the Hue. That is the bar on the right with the black arrows. And that is what gives you the 'color' such as blue, and red etc.. Hues can be a key element with color blind users as well, and so should be considered, but the reality is, there are many kinds of color blindness, not just one. And some, though a small amount, are completely colorblind and so will only see the difference in brightness anyway. Which is why I think you start by focusing on the brightness more and less on the hue and saturation. Anyway if you are still set to sticking with your color palette, definitely add in some more white or at least a lighter less saturated color for the main content area.
  5. 6/13 Wajas Logged in and had puppies born which is exciting. 5 or 6 or so. Can't really see the colors yet other than the base colors though. Also did pear game up to day 6 now. Eliyo A couple battles, enjoying the updates I made, relatively minor but included adding images to the won items at the end of battle which is a lot more fun, I pretty much never read the text before. But then I fainted and decided to rest from that for a bit instead of wasting money at the apothecary. But good news, my shop items sold which was just a couple items and more than the general store sells them for and managed to have over 1500 coins. Ended up spending down to 1000 right away to get my plushie collection started in my cabinet.
  6. Reading, I enjoy reading, though I don't always have a lot of time for it. Haven't read a lot of fiction in a while, though I used to a lot growing up. I have probably read more non fiction recently, mostly books on adoption and parenting since that is relevant to me currently. Gaming, Games other than virtual pet sites such as pokemon, zelda, rimworld, sims, and terraria and a lot of others. Some are just a onetime play through or more limited, others more long lasting time frame. Animals, Playing with my Animals. I have a few rats, two cats, and a dog currently. Not always fun, but I do enjoy them and wouldn't want to not have any. Movies, I enjoy wathing movies and sometimes series. I prefer movies that can just be finished in a sitting though. I like a variety, but mostly ones with a bit more depth or meaning to them, or just different culture. Eating, Very true, and I mean trying new foods as such as well. I would say cooking, but I mostly just like the end result. And probably others as well.
  7. 6/11 Wajas - logged in checked things, played pear game. Eliyo - Successfully bred my two Zorvics. Baby is markingless though which is too bad. Was hoping for multiples, likely a carrier though. 6/12 Wajas - Played pear game pretty much. Eliyo - a couple battles. Flight Rising - logged in, fed all my starving dragons and had to convert some more food to feed them all. This is the case 90% of the time for me on this game since how often I login. Gathered some items and played tidal waves in the fairground. Kind of fun, but also just felt like a time waster and not really related to the game. I do like that you get money for each level, and not just at the end. Makes me want to keep playing more and just feels safer if the browser crashes or something. It's a fun enough game but not really that exciting too me. I don't really enjoy battling on flight rising, and have enough dragons already, so don't really have any real goals on the site right now.
  8. My log for the past two days. Hardly played yesterday just ended up being pretty busy doing other stuff. Pretty busy today too, but did play a bit longer on Eliyo than yesterday. 6/9/2017 Wajas Logged in and played pear game but didn't have time for much else today. Eliyo I did a few battles and got a couple levels. Got distracted mid way through working on a concept idea of something that I felt would make it better. 6/ 10/2017 Wajas Pretty much just did the pear game. But I did click the 1,500 pear this time which is always exciting, and with the 3 day multiple that was 4,500. Eliyo Battled some more and was able to catch an elon with the new ocelot marking. First prism broke, but second caught him. Was down to very low health too so was pretty happy I didn't faint instead, plus I only had two prisms anyway at this point and low on money. Bought a yokio herb to breed them and was disappointed that they refused to breed. Battle some more to earn enough for another herb only to realize I actually HAD another herb already.. But don't have enough zikzang flowers for both of them to clear out their cooldown so would have to wait another hour to breed anyway. Decided to play with the new guy since he was going insane and got a lot of plays out of the stick, especially compared to the my other guy who has an aggressive personality trait. Decided to check him out, and actually he IS gentle, so not surprising he was able to play with it so long. Also makes sense why they wouldn't breed right away, guess I wasn't just unlucky.
  9. It's cool. I like the movement, feels very natural which isn't always the case with these types of games. I'm sure I won't get nearly as far once the rest is programmed though.
  10. Oh duh. Though to be fair I am not seeing any links to the log thread on this post.
  11. Game Log 6/8/2017 Wajas, Logged onto wajas, checked notifications and news. Got a sale. Put up some past breedings up for sale and made a new group to get rid of ugly babies to the obsessed wajas fan. Wish there was an easier way to get rid of ugly babies, also would like them to just be completey removed from the system. Also did a few more breedings for my rooster wajas, which was an event that has probably passed, but since I spent money on them, decided to go ahead and continue the project. The site is slow. Longed back in to do the daily pear game which I forgot to do earlier. Eliyo, My own game, but decided to make a new account to play through the experience since it has been a while. Started a new one, picked my elon and did some battling. Earned some currency and items. Fed my elon with the earned currency, and grabbed some toys from the toy shop taking my new Zorvic from Insane to Excited. And of course ran into some things I want to correct as well which I'll probably look into.
  12. Sounds like a fun challenge, can't make any promises to hit every single day but will give a good effort. Actually was logging into wajas everyday a bit ago (they have a game that stacks daily the amount of points) but randomly missed a day and decided to give it a rest again. Too much stress and soo easy for me to miss one here and there even when trying.
  13. Added some updated images to the game including many shampoo, bridles and saddles for horses and unicorns, brushes, and a couple milks. View full news
  14. New marking released, the Ocelot marking is available! Check out some examples of it below! View full news
  15. I can't say I have played much games actively since my childhood if it means playing the same game every day over a set period of time. I don't have that kind of time personally. And no I really don't play many virtual pet games regularly anymore, but I do check things out and keep generally up to date a few favorites even breeding my pets or selling some etc.. My gaming scheduling isn't a daily thing. And I disagree it needs to be. Now I do keep up with the industry pretty much daily. That is part what VPL was for me and that is what I use TGL for as well, though it's still growing a bit. It's not the only method, but I see what ones are coming out and generally keep up with what is going on. And then with the favorites like I mentioned I check back in, though I also check back in on others when there might be a new feature I see I want to check in on or various other reasons really. But one main reason I don't actually play them so much, is because they don't support my pattern of play, break, play, break that different seasons of life bring the same way single player console games do. And they also don't always have a lot of playing options, espcially binge playing. When I can play, I don't want to be limited, but want to be able to play as long as I desire. That is one reason in Eliyo there is literally no limit to battling besides your own desire. Some things take time, like aging, but honestly even that can be bypassed by battling and earning Zikzang flowers which advance time or money to buy them. And actually I play a lot of different games. But over many different genres. it's not normally a daily thing, but instead I like to play for multiple hours at a time when I can play. Normally on the weekend, but sometimes it will be more regular or longer blocks. But my time is limited working full time now, so I have to spend time developing, or it won't get developed as well. But I do find inspiration in playing games and sometimes you just need a break. But why does it need to be other pet sites? Actually my biggest inspiration for Eliyo is Pokemon, joined with some other sites (wajas, neopets, psypets) and then molded into my own idea that it is today. To be a good game designer, it is very good to play games. But sticking to one genre, isn't the way to go about it. Play many types and many genres. I do think there is some value in playing pet sites too, which is why I do continue to check in on any new sites as they come out and check back in no ones.
  16. I plan out a lot of details before jumping into anything. I try to be as detailed as possible including the basic database design, how it will basically look (this isn't as detailed since I don't do colored mockups but I do make sketches) and of course how things will function. As a programmer I write things for myself trying to give enough details to actually jump in and start coding. But my design too does end up changing quite a bit from the initial design. Maybe I didn't go as detailed as I was thinking, or just decided to change path slightly. Either way the details do tend to get redone. However when I change something I do think about the design as a whole. This is natural for me anyway, and I love making lists. Can't say I always stick to my lists, but mapping out details and planning the direction are things I enjoy and I don't shrink from it.
  17. For me work as well. Not particularly busier than usual though. But I have kind of front loaded my work a bit since I am working on a project that needs to get done and tested this week and there is a decent amount to do for it. Other than that though I am working on a couple things on my games. Eliyo I am trying to finish the upgrade to laravel 5 from 4. The notification system is what I was working on last, used a package for it, and the one for laravel 5 is pretty different and there isn't really an upgrade option for it, so was kind of a pain to switch over. I also want to run through different actions on the site to make sure there aren't any problems with anything. And then I have to actually switch it over, which may require me to upgrade my php version that is on my site, which I don't look forward too. And I can't really upgrade to 7, because Animal Acres has a couple deprecated features on older pages still. For Animal Acres I have been working on upgrading the goal system for a while now, and hope to make good progress on that. Would like to at least finish the main code portion, but have a couple art items to finish and actually filling in all the goals to finish as well which will take a bit. The code is very close however so might be feasible. Hoping to make some more progress on Wild Howlz as well. Been recently working on the den system so will continue on that this week. And I am hoping to get to sleep at decent hours this week. My husband recently switched to more morning shifts (starting at 6:30am have to be up before 6) so trying to make sure we get enough sleep. Our naturally inclination is more like 11pm, but with these early shifts, that is just not enough sleep for us. 9pm would be better, but at 9:30 or so would probably be okay. I do feel more awake this week than last week though so progress.
  18. New marking released, the Ocelot marking is available! Check out some examples of it below!
  19. Thanks! @Aminirus did the originals.
  20. Thanks! I love doing the recolors.
  21. Well I wouldn't really put the Intuos medium pro in the cheap category whether it's affordable or not depends on what price range you are looking to spend. But I have one as well. Mine is a Pro 5. You can get cheaper ones, even from Wacom that work alright, especially for an amateur. I hardly consider myself an artist at this point since I just don't draw enough with my limited time, but I started out on a Bamboo fun forever ago. Not sure what their equivalents are now. But it worked great and was more like $100 instead of the $300 dollars of the Intuos. The nice thing about wacom, or at least it did previously can't say for sure now, but both tablets came with software some of which I still use. Nice if you don't already have an art program, as they can be expensive. As for my Wacom Bamboo it still works I believe though haven't actually tried it in years since I have the other one now. So they do seem to last pretty well. My Intuos is working as well. But I did have an issue with the cord and so can only use the the wireless kit now, which was an extra $40 dollars. For as much as it costed I do feel like the build quality should have been better for the cord portion specifically, the rest seems to be a fine quality. But it does cause issues since I can't just plug and go and have to charge it ahead of time. The drivers need reset if the computer hasn't been restarted in a while which is also a pain but not that big of a deal. Other than that though it works great and I love having it the times I do use it.
  22. For Eliyo I have a vision I am working towards. I do seek feedback and discuss things with others, especially my husband, but have other family members as well. And now that is released I do seek player feedback. Currently that is mainly in the forum of a player suggestion forums where people can makes suggestions for improvements or new features, and others can comment on and join in on the discussion. Personally I really enjoy player feedback and while I don't let it make my decisions for me, I always take it into consideration. For Animal Acres this is even more the case since it was one I bought and already had people playing. When I first acquired the game, the very first thing I did was create a google survey to gauge what the community currently likes and why they play. What they don't like. What they wouldn't want to see changed, and what they would. Along with this information I also had them mention how long they had been playing. It was really useful starting out and honestly really interesting to read. All the questions were open ended completely and completely optional as well. I used google survey to make it, so it was also anonymous. I think the community really appreciated that, especially since I was coming in as an outsider. And I still reference that survey sometimes, though recently have been thinking about doing another one. Some things are so interesting to read. For instance I asked a question about our animal image bank, I believe whether it was used or not, and someone who had been playing a while didn't even know we had one! They said we don't have an image bank for animals and thought I was the confused one. Granted we didn't have much in there anyway, so they weren't missing out, but it did show a pretty glaring issue with our user interface design that someone didn't even know we had an image bank who had been playing a bit. So all that to say it can be pretty insightful. But another thing is 40% may say or think one thing, and 40% say the complete opposite (the other 10% maybe something in the middle or even something completely different) and so at some point you really just have to decide for yourself too. But if you create something like a new feature, and 80-90% are saying something is wrong, it's pretty obvious something is. Edit: Another thing is sometimes you have to wait things out a bit too. I made a change to the npc shops on Animal Acres limiting the stock more so player shops could be useful again. Now this is actually how I think it was intended, but with less users active the shop just wasn't clearing out. Well I changed it and people weren't sure about some really did not like it at all and thought it was a bad decision because they weren't finding items they wanted anymore since the players shops didn't have it and the general shop didn't either. I did give some consolation in saying that the shops stock amount could need tweaking but essentially we weren't going back. Gave it a bit (giving time for players to stock their shops) and revisited the issue. And the same person liked the update now and didn't think anything needed tweaked. So there is that too. Again though don't be disrespectful, but sometimes you do have to decide and stick to it as well.
  23. Added some updated images to the game including many shampoo, bridles and saddles for horses and unicorns, brushes, and a couple milks. Examples,
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