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Everything posted by Onyx

  1. Yeah I guess it's acutally LESS complicated than I was expecting
  2. **As a head's up, while this thread has been recently revived, it's an old thread and the site is actually open now, though we aren't releasing new items at the moment while we work on figuring out some post-early-beta programming tweaks** I am VERY PLEASED to be able to make this post regarding Aethria, as until recently we were at a stand-still due to lack of a competent and reliable programmer. As a recap, for those who may have previously been following development of my Inkborne/Seraphel sites, who may have been members of Aluriya in the past, or whose hopes of a revival of Teripets were dashed when we encountered so many difficulties in reviving the site - Instead of developing all these ideas into separate sites, we decided to create a single virtual world with different lands within, each forming a sort of mini-petsite with different activities, different pets and different ways to obtain those pets. Items obtained in all areas however, can be used across the entire site! There is so much to tell you about Aethria that I don't even know where to start! But I guess the best place is to share news regarding where we actually are now with development. The basic site framework is up! Previous members of Aluriya will recognize some features of the layout, as the world of Aethria is Aluriya's home world You can view the front page here, though registration is not open. www.aethria.com - We have most of the basic functionality working, including forums, private messaging, user inventories, news, help desk, banking and currency system, item creation, friends' list and similar site functions. - We have different methods of pet creation in each different land, and thus far have worked through: -----the "growables" system is functional up to the point of actually having added the first growable base and growable "seed" item via the admin panel, and are ready to actually start testing the system, which is essentially in place, but will require some tweaking to bring it in-line with aethria game play. The growables system will be used to obtain pets in the land of Calligra (Inkborne). -----the "custom demo" system is also functional to the point where we are able to load up the bases and markings into a working pet demo, and will soon be at the point of testing actual pet creation. - Item creation is fully functional and we have already loaded about 150 items to the site with more being added every day. - Main map and essential locations for the land of Aluriya are in place. Regarding Art Assets We already have a huge amount of art in the process of being uploaded to the site! We have enough pet bases with markings and enough items to put us well on the way into our first opening months without having to scramble. We also have packages of Limited Edition pre-opening items ready to go, and a Limited Edition alpha tester pet base for Calligra! However, pets previously featured on Aluriya still need to have their shading re-created to match Aethria style. What's the Plan, Stan? The current plan is to open the site when all basic functionality is in place and with a minimum of two Lands open and ready to use - Aluriya and Calligra (Inkborne). Once the site is open we have plans to add new lands for Seraphel and a mini-Khimeros Land. We are also strongly considering a Teripets-land if there is interest for such, using the same pet and site concepts but with all pets redrawn to avoid the kind of conflicts with former site artists that we previously encountered. We hope this news is as exciting for you as it is for us! If so, please follow our thread in Game Development as we'll be posting most of our updates there, though we may post some milestone news in the News section as well. We also encourage you to like and follow us on Facebook as we will post some exclusive content sneak peeks there
  3. @Cadence I do actually read a fair bit of YA
  4. I read a good part of that book and enjoyed most of it but I didn't actually finish it. I am not sure if it just lost me or if it was just because I happened to be so busy with irl stuff at the time that it got lost in the shuffle. I'll probably give it another try at some point. I thought the premise was interesting, though.
  5. Yes, we have actually used the "growable" feature on khimeros and aluriya and it's one of my favourite features though there's a little tinkering to be done on the back end to make it something that can be used on a large scale (currently ALL images are being retained on the server even when users reject the grown item and send it to "seed" which is filling up the server!). We are tentatively thinking to use this feature as the method of gaining pets for the Inkborne area of the site. Basically you have a starter item (seed, blueprint, whatever) that when grown creates a pet with certain colors and markings. You can then choose to either keep that pet or else "seed" it to grow 1-3 new pets which each will evolve in color. These tend to multiply at a ferocious rate lol so we need to decide the best way to limit the "finished products" so they don't become too common and thus keep their value.
  6. @Niabi I don't think that is a fair assessment, nor do I see any so-called drama being started here. This thread is simply stating the facts of what is happening with regards felisfire. If staff want to dispute anything that has been said then they are free to do so, I fail to see how that is not entirely fair...
  7. I agree with Digital, it seems perfectly reasonable to post this as it was just information that was publicly available on felisfire and I believe felisfire is open for anyone to join/read the news?
  8. I do have an idea that I'd like to develop whereby each user has their own sort of "scrapbook" that every month is added to according to their achievements that month, like collecting all the monthly items from quests, or getting a trophy for participating in a monthly event, etc. We could have feeding achievements but totally optional so you get an achievements for feeding all the valentine's day special foods or whatever, but you don't HAVE to feed to keep your pet's health up for example.
  9. Some of you may remember an old site (Aluriya) that died and a couple of new sites that were being worked on (Inkborne, Seraphel) but were stymied do to lack of a programmer. Well, I'm still determined that these concepts are going to see the light of day and also that Aluriya will be revived in some form. Instead of three sites however, the plan is to create one site with three different Kingdoms/areas within the site themed after Aluriya, Seraphel and Inkborne. How we envision this working is that along with different pet bases, there will also be different ways that pets are obtained to keep things interesting. If you are familiar with my current site Khimeros, we'll be adapting some of the activities that have been very popular like growables, the dynamic pet deco system and unique pets/mini pets, but a more popular art style. We will (hopefully) be using the Aluriya site framework, so all the basics are there like forums, private messages, dynamic pet deco, growables, pet dens, etc. BUT... In addition to adapting current activities used on Khimeros and Aluriya however, I'd like to know what people are currently looking for in a virtual pet game. I'd prefer to have features for gaining currency/items etc built into the game rather than for example, having users go play a lot of games like hi/lo, guess the number etc that really don't have much to do with the actual game, as a means of gaining currency. What kind of activities do you like? What kind of activities do you not like? I can say that we already do not use a pet "feeding" system and don't plan to, at least just for the sake of "hunger" stats. Open to "feeding" activities that achieve actual goals like for example, feeding 10 seasonal foods to get a trophy or whatever. I can do a run-down of things that we are already planning (mostly things that are already in place or that we feel can be easily implemented) if people are interested. I can also post more art previews. Just post to let me know you'd like to see/read more. We are still facing issues with securing reliable programmers on a regular basis so I am not able to give out any kind of timeline, but I do have someone who is currently willing to help out with small things/glitch fixes at the moment, so hopefully we can at least move ahead slowly.
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