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Martyn last won the day on March 29

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About Martyn

  • Birthday 02/02/1995

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    Marapets, Seripets

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  1. Really liking the look of the Greek Tablets here @Travis, whilst I don't have any use for them I really hope that someone will swipe them up soon! 😁
  2. Alright, I've thought a bit about what I could respond to this and I think it's only fair that you get a response from someone who is part of the staff here (considering that seems to be what you're wanting, although correct me if I'm wrong though). It appears that you wish to claim that we at TGL are continually trying to obtain VPL from Carlos, that has not been the case for many years now and if you have proof to the contrary then I would love to see it. Whilst I am all for any community being celebrated by its users, what I am not for is being pitting two different communities working in the same space against each other as if it is some kind of competition - as someone who previously worked alongside Carlos, I completely understand that he worked really hard to achieve impressive statistics that definitely helped VPL with its growth - however I admire your dedication to VPL and the high praise you give it. Regardless, there are things going on behind the scenes on TGL that you could not possibly be aware of and I ask that you don't come here to cause unnecessary discussion about who is better and so on. This forum is for the interest of Virtual Pet Sites, not for making petty comparisons on who is doing what. Regardless, all I ask is that you let people decide if they want to be on TGL or VPL or both. This thread will be locked in 24 hours as it serves no distinct purpose.
  3. Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas to all members of TGL! ✨ May it be a good one for all of you. ✨ 2020 has been a very hard year for many of us, with people losing family members to losing their entire livelihoods, so it may be a relief to many that with the vaccine now available and 2021 on the horizon we can look forward to a year where we may be able to feel safe and be with our family and friends again. But for now please relax, take care and more importantly enjoy this time of year. We have all had it rough and so we deserve some space to breathe. - From the Staff at TGL
  4. @Demona What game from this list are you talking about? ?
  5. Many apologies to you guys ( @Demona @Issa @Herbal @MasterDaye ) for not responding to any of you for a long time. It would appear that the thread here hasn't informed me of replies so I just assumed that there was no responses. I'll update the topic with what you guys have added above! ?
  6. @LIZ Sure, I'll just drop them below this message. ?
  7. @LIZ Item Tutorial for Daelune by Elz-Art, it's a bit old now but her style is one I've always regarded highly and I think maybe looking at some of her other works could be useful. I could always provide you with items she did for me as reference points too, of course only if needed. ?
  8. @LIZ Shoot, I'm so sorry LIZ. I didn't get your reply and had to forgot to even send you the tutorial. Do you still want me to send you a link to it? I'll see if I can find it for you if you do!
  9. This topic is being locked now as it's becoming heated between both parties and unfortunately that will not help anyone. If you want to continue this then please take it off the forums, TGL is not a place for this kind of content (nor is the server).
  10. @TonyWatkinsArt You can usually make a thread on their forums or open a support ticket, that's if you have an account. You can create a support ticket here, however you can also email them directly at [email protected]. I'd recommend contacting them via email first, then support ticket and as a last resort on their forums. Good luck and let us know how it goes! ?
  11. Oh for sure, doing my best to stay safe. I've only been going out with my mum to get shopping when we need it, usually buying around 3 days worth of dinners so we don't have to go out as often. We are trying our best to go to small local farm shops in order to evade a lot of the crowds too. Hope all is well on your end just now since it's been a little while since I was free enough to get on here. ?
  12. @Tmra I'm the same in that I have two chronic conditions which I believe would make me be classed as being at risk (Asthma and hEDS). Both my parents have conditions which would probably put them in the risk bracket, I'd originally been planning to travel to America at the end of June until halfway through July but this is putting a real strain on me wanting to even board the plane.
  13. In my personal opinion I'd like a much more immersive and lore filled experience on Virtual Pet Sites of the future, the things I've found that causes me to lose interest in a game is usually the repetitive aspects to the game and the recycled event structures. I would love to see a game which utilizes new and innovative plot structures/tricks that might take inspiration from movies/tv shws/other games in order to give off a new vibe to the player.
  14. Great pieces of art from both of you guys. ✨?
  15. Back when I was working on Seripets between 2009 an 2014 I often found people through mutual friends, virtual pet site forums and DeviantArt. This applies to admins, moderators, programmers, artists and writers. It's an all encompassing way of finding people. Currently I don't have an active team as Seripets is in hiatus and thus not in development just now. But if I were to get a new team arranged (with some of my original members) I'd probably have a good percentage of people I class as friends/close friends hired as I'd trust them a lot more than people I don't know. I was rather naive back in the day and that caused me to lose money on a few occasions.
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