Show off what you are working on

I has doing an exploring system for one of my sites. But as since when everyday, just wait atleast 50 minutes and BOOM "ERR_TIMED_OUT", so i am now writting this.

And here's a few more stuff I did for Artfight!
One of them ( the middle one ) is animated originally, but I decided to post a still for it here.
If you'd like to see the animated version, here it is!




I have a few things I'm working on, but most recently I've been doing some drawings for my girlfriend. The first is a 76 dakimakura. Can't show a full because it's a dirty one, lol.


And second is a quickie of her siren character Sidore.


Obviously I welcome any criticism you may have.

I've been pretty busy with my new design job (super happy about that still xD) so everything I did lately are stuff I can't disclose yet. But I guess I've been writing /editing my novel (a YA cyberpunk fantasy) so I guess it counts? 

Anyways here's a snippet of my writing. The main character, Mona, is a magician with healing abilities but she works for a crime /black market cartel boss named Vee. 

The reception area is empty so I dash into the bathroom on the right. The water trickles out cold when I run the tap, and, dunking my face in the water, my energy slowly returns. But my bones are tired and my heart is weary. The day’s catching up with me; from the meeting with Dr. Reese and the talk with Delaney to Vee.

While the water drains, swirling into a funnel, the front door opens and light footfalls echo on the floor. A man by the weight of the footsteps, and with a sense of urgency unlike any other person who I’ve heard come through the doors.

“Be right there.” I call, drying my face with my shirt and stumbling back to the room. “We’re taking appointments-”

I stop mid-sentence the moment I glance at the man who walked in. Tall, lanky, covered in dirt. Once blonde hair now matted with grease and muck.

“I believe I have an appointment,” the man says. “With Vee.”

His accent makes me pause in my steps. It’s Aspherian, no doubt about it. But what is an Aspherian doing here all of places? Asking for Vee? Was he a spy? Even though he doesn’t look like one, he could very well be a capitol spy.

“We don’t serve Aspherians here.” I cross my arms. “At least not without a background check.”

“I spoke to Vee about ah, a month ago-”

“How did you contact him?”

The man stares at me like I’m stupid. “Through the net.”

“And how did you know about us?” I ask warily. Keeping my eyes trained on him, I turn on the hover screen by the receptionist’s desk. Scanning through the correspondence, I find nothing of a meeting tonight other than the ones already booked. “Today you say? A meeting?”

“Yes, of the utmost importance.”

My brows furrow. With a single flick of my fingers, I scan through the general correspondence dating back a month ago. The lines of text and fields shine into my eyes and they seem to merge into one never-ending page. And yet there it is – a small note signed off with the letter V.

Note to self, schedule meeting on 06-29.​


No names. No purpose. No contact information either. It’s not exactly Vee’s SOP. Glancing up from the screen, with the blue glow of the monitor glaring in my face, I stare at the man. “Your name. Now.”

“It’s-” the man starts.

“--You’re in luck, Dylan.” The door to Vee’s office opens, and Dylan lumbers out with Vee behind him. “Such curious development it is,” Vee is saying. “I must mull it over.”

“Best you do,” Dylan rumbles. “Things a ‘changing, boss.”

“Yes. I-” Vee stops, seeing the newcomer for the very first time. His face turns white and his posture stiffens. He shoots me a glare. “Mona. How long has Silas been here, standing? Why did you not let me know he was here?”

“I-” I say, startled. “He-”

The newcomer – Silas – clears his throat. “Hello Vee,” he says. “I can’t tell you the relief it brings me to see my old friend again.”
I hope you guys like this :) I'm super proud of it, haha.

I've been pretty busy with my new design job (super happy about that still xD) so everything I did lately are stuff I can't disclose yet. But I guess I've been writing /editing my novel (a YA cyberpunk fantasy) so I guess it counts? 

Anyways here's a snippet of my writing. The main character, Mona, is a magician with healing abilities but she works for a crime /black market cartel boss named Vee. 

I hope you guys like this :) I'm super proud of it, haha.
I reaallllyyy enjoyed this excerpt  :)

I'm very picky with what I read and sometimes, if the writing is atrocious enough, I will not only stop reading the book halfway through--but I'll throw it away. Even though your story was only a fraction of your whole book it kept my attention for the entirety of it. Keep at it!

I reaallllyyy enjoyed this excerpt  :)

I'm very picky with what I read and sometimes, if the writing is atrocious enough, I will not only stop reading the book halfway through--but I'll throw it away. Even though your story was only a fraction of your whole book it kept my attention for the entirety of it. Keep at it!
Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D I'm always nervous sharing my writing haha, which is why I guess I don't do it often. 

I'm currently on my 4th draft of my manuscript (80k words; I'm an underwriter... trying to hit 90k with this final revision). About to start agenting + querying in September, so the nerves are coming out even more now. 

Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D I'm always nervous sharing my writing haha, which is why I guess I don't do it often. 

I'm currently on my 4th draft of my manuscript (80k words; I'm an underwriter... trying to hit 90k with this final revision). About to start agenting + querying in September, so the nerves are coming out even more now. 
Definitely let me know how that goes! I've always been interested about the process of finding an agent. I hope it goes really well!
