Show off what you are working on

Thanks @Digital ! :laugh:  It's based off of my roommate's cat, who used to be from a wild cat colony! He's so chubby and waddles everywhere, but is the most docile and cuddly cat I've ever met. He surprised us once when he caught a bird that flew into the house, but the big twist is that he doesn't have any teeth so the bird lived P: 


With a flurry of endless wings
The Dancer soared, upwards and ever, forever
She saw no limits in the sky
Only to roll through the sunbeams and dive into the clouds

Not knowing- of course not
That her dancing brought ruin to the world below
Her endless writhing body
Saw that no light ever reached the earth beneath her


Preview of some Grifflie things I'm working on at the moment!​
@Aminirus Thanks and your fur detail is amazing! That must take forever, but I'm sure they will love it.
Thanks. I hope so too. I'm trying a new technique again. One of the hardest things I struggle with is doing fur digitally and I keep going through boat loads of tutorials trying to find which one will work out for me. Hopefully I can hold this one through to the end.

I'm working on a couple of things right now! Finishing up some finals.

In one class, I have to create illustrations that tell a part of a story. Of course I love making myself suffer and decided to do animations?? I have very little experience oops.

*Scene #2
*Scene #3

Those were the biggest scenes, so now I'm working on 1 and 4! If there's interest, I'll post them too when I finish  :P

I'm also working on a pop out card that's Beauty and the Beast inspired (still working on some of the clothes design for the cat, and the interior design!) Also something I have no experience with, but I decided to make this quarter all about branching out to see if something resonates. 

View attachment 452

Something about that style has a very Russian feel to it; I love it!
