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Everything posted by jakdacrowe

  1. Mmm... Let's... just say I liked my handwriting enough to make it into a usable font. And here's a "formal" looking one, although very slightly messed up.
  2. Thought I'd put this here, as I've been told recently that it's actually still useful? Especially for newbies. View full guide
  3. Here's a quick/short tutorial on making frame-by-frame animations or quick animated progress images with Photoshop's Animation/Timeline. Here's the animated progress for that image above. View full guide
  4. @Kesstryl tbh I have missed out the few other layers I would include in a full digital piece. More layers, highlights, color tweaks, and maybe even gradients.
  5. Because we like the joy of editing Furvilla bases on occasion- Editing Chibi bases happen to be my favorite thing. So here's one for one of my villagers.
  6. @cro OH HAI THERE Welcome to TGL! <3
  7. I do mix it up on occasion. I prefer doing my sketches and drawings on pen/pencil and paper, but for that nice crisp clean feel, I go with digital. Traditional, because I feel a lot faster drawing things out and getting my ideas out. Digital, just because it's cleaner. But it's also no small secret that I have been dabbling in traditional/digital mixes. It takes a while to work on, but I like the way it looks after. Pure Traditional ----- Traditional+Digital Mix ----- Pure Digital
  8. And here's a few more stuff I did for Artfight! One of them ( the middle one ) is animated originally, but I decided to post a still for it here. If you'd like to see the animated version, here it is!
  9. Here's some art for my run on Art Fight so far! Not as much as the others are doing, but I'm fine with that.
  10. //everyone complains how simple and stupid this game is //meanwhile //force retires at least 3 magikarp, either by pidgeotto or by just retiring it, just to get the level to finish this league //oh look- there's another league ahead You guys realize that this game is catered specifically for kids, right?
  11. "Hello, dear citizens of Verpets. I hope you all are having a lovely time. I just wanted to stop by and inform you of a new selection of books that I have stocking on my shelves. Just be quiet when you come in. And no running. Or laughing. Or making funny faces at me when I'm not looking. Yes, I know it was you that did it last time. No, I don't have eyes in the back of my head, either." It looks like some new books have hit the shelves down at the Book Shop! Be sure to head on down to pick up one of them for yourself today! Whether you want a good read for you and your pet, or to set it up on your book shelf to complete your collection, it'll make a wonderful addition for anyone!Be sure to also check out this new Trivia! We've added a scary wonderful book to read as the reward! Be sure to also check out this new Trivia! We've added a scary wonderful book to read as the reward!
  12. Hoping that you don't evolve your Magikarp or get it swooped up by a Pidgeotto- Just keep training and maxing all your Magikarps. You'll get there eventually!
  13. @Aminirus You'd have to get past the Great League to get Pink Magikarp to appear, since you need a Good Old Rod to fish them. xDDD
  14. This is where I am right now. Probably... Addicted atm.
  15. With a flurry of endless wings The Dancer soared, upwards and ever, forever She saw no limits in the sky Only to roll through the sunbeams and dive into the clouds Not knowing- of course not That her dancing brought ruin to the world below Her endless writhing body Saw that no light ever reached the earth beneath her
  16. @chocoshrooms Been alright! Just wandering around and whatnot.
  17. Oh man. oh man oh man oh man Sign me up! I have plenty of games I can suggest, free or not. Mostly browser, but majority are free. Or maybe we could do multiple games in a week/month? At least one paid game maybe? Following a theme maybe? (i see october as a month for spooky games hehehh) As far as I'm concerned, it gives you a choice to pick what to play and you'd be awarded for attending/reviewing at least one of the games? EDIT: I can offer to draw a few adoptables if you guys like!
  18. A peppy little Bellburn. FurAffinity / Weasyl / Tumblr And with this little overlay, I'm done making overlays for all my pets., at least on Kaylune. So I'm gonna post all of them here, in case any one else was interested in the "collection".
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