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About SkullPuppy

  • Birthday 03/02/1994

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Growing Member (3/21)



  1. What sort of style are you looking for? I have a talent for style matching and can whip up a couple of examples in that general style to see if they work for you.
  2. Thanks so much! If I have to wager a guess: The typical four neopets, about 30 Flight Rising dragons (there were at least 70 but I cleaned them out recently), 12 Furvilla pets, 7 Dynasty dogs, 9 Sylesti pets and probably loads of others that I haven't been active on for a long time. I wonder if nintendogs count, haha.
  3. @SingSong Oh wow that's so odd! I don't have any of those problems with SAI. I can save a transparent png in SAI anytime and have never experienced that glitch. Are you positive you have the latest version? I couldn't save a transparent png until I got the full latest version instead of the demo.
  4. Oh man. I'm definitely a Paint Tool SAI lover. Sometimes I bounce over to Photoshop if I need some certain effects or a neat background or text. Sometimes I hop onto Clip Studio Paint for comics. SAI's my one true love though. The stabilizer is my best friend-- my hands shake constantly. I couldn't make an actual smooth line without it on a tablet. All my stuff would be all wiggly. If I had a cintiq or something where I could draw directly on the screen I wouldn't need it but I'm so used to SAI now I don't think I'll ever part with it. It's also only about $60 for a permanent copy? What a steal when you're on a budget.
  5. Was that me? Dang, the timing works out. I feel special. Congrats! Glad to contribute. And a toast to many many more potential future members. Who will be #100?
  6. Yooooooo look at that. Hello! I'm SkullPuppy and I like to draw things and own a surplus of virtual animals. Pleasure, all.
  7. Hi there! I'm super interested in working for a virtual pet site creating pets/human avatars if possible. I'll get some actual pet examples up soon but for now here's just some general art examples. They're pretty large so under a spoiler they go. I've sold a lot of online commissions in the past and present but I haven't actually gotten to work for a pet site before. Rates are negotiable and vary greatly depending on the amount of hours per week I'll be expected to work as well as creative freedom and revisions. I also have some Shop Keeper styled examples using Flight Rising dragons and items from my selling threads over there.
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