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Everything posted by Kesstryl

  1. The best bet would be to use Bootstrap and make your own template off of Bootstrap CSS files. There are some sites that let you play with layouts with Bootstrap, and it will generate a Bootstrap template code for you, this is the site that I've used for doing such things: http://www.layoutit.com/
  2. I don't know of any trends really either. As a player I always tend to not feel drawn towards cartoony neopets style sites and always picked up the unusual ones. I currently play Khimeros, Flight Rising, and Ovipets on Facebook. I love Khimeros because it's just different from everything else, and the art is gorgeous, and you can create an entirely customizable background for your pets almost like a habitat painting. Flight Rising probably has the most fair cash shop I've ever seen, and again I like the art and was a fan of the artist long before Flight Rising came to be. I'd love it more if there wasn't so much clicking to get food and upkeep the dragons. I love Ovipets for the Mendelian Genetics breeding, and also for the hex code color breeding which can reward you with pure color status on your pets. It has the best breeding system of all pet games I've ever played. I tried a lot of other games, but nothing kept my interest enough to keep me as a long term player. I do log into ChickenSmoothie once a month to get my monthly adoptables, but I don't "play" there.
  3. @Dinocanid if you ever get back on the Mysidia forums, someone did write a Bootstrap template to use with Mysidia. Thank you @Digital for this, Bootstrap is awesome stuff!
  4. He's going to lose his community and any business surrounding that community if he doesn't fix this. I'm not sure if spambots can be responsible for the kind of lag this is producing. He needs to implement a security update to the existing script too for the script so spam bots can't get in on abandoned sites like this when future members use his site to run their games. I still wouldn't rule out a denial of service attack. It sucks too because Mysidia is the ONLY active community around a pet game script that exists.
  5. Is this only effecting the forums or are the games being hosted also being effected?
  6. Got it, yes I misunderstood it as being links inside the header tags.
  7. This is very cool! Did you ever follow up with HOF about the Mysidia forums not working?
  8. So basically the nagivation bar is inside the <head> tags? Or are you talking about the <h1> tags?
  9. This is all great info, but what do you mean by linking from the header? I'm not sure how that works.
  10. I don't even know if my game would qualify for this site in any way, but I'm on term break from college, and I've decided to revisit an old rpg that I began a long time ago which feature dragons. It's neither a pet game, nor a sim, at least not a sim in the sense where you are simulating a wolf pack or horse farm or that sort of thing. You are a dragon though, and you quest and level up as a dragon, and either fight or interact with humans. My old version was built on a very old game engine (not written by me), and I've taken on the task of updating it to work with php 5.6 and to use mysqli. I've also been adding security features that I feel are necessary in today's internet. I haven't even started putting in content, just working on updating the engine and updating mods for the engine. I will be revamping my art for it too, so I have a lot to do, but so far I've been getting something done almost everyday.
  11. @jakdacrowe I think I like the traditional/digital hybrid you have there. That has a depth that the straight digital one doesn't have.
  12. I'm currently using a tablet/laptop hybrid that comes with integrated Wacom technology. While new versions of my tablet laptop would cost a grand or two, the older models are pretty cheap on ebay. My first tablet was a Bamboo which was clunky for me, but then I bought my first hybrid tablet from my step-brother, and being able to draw directly on the monitor like on paper has made me never look back. The second one I bought which was an upgraded version of the same model but with more processing power was purchased from newegg.com If you are looking for a cheap tablet/laptop hybrid, my first one was the Lenovo Thinkpad x61 Tablet, my current one is the Lenovo Thinkpad X220 Tablet. At the time my X220 was around $250 which is a steal for what it can do, and it might have gone down more since then. The x61 now probably goes for less than $100 on ebay. Check out newegg too if you prefer dealing with a company with a return policy and not unknown ebay sellers. Lenovo does makes modern versions under other other model names, so you want to watch out for having a built in stylus and wacom technology. I absolutely love it! As for photoshop, I've been using Photoshop Elements 15 which is great for artists with a small budget. It has all the main necessary features for digital art that Photoshop has, and so far I haven't had any limitations with my own art using it.
  13. This was fun to read. I have a question for @Regnant, how to you financially maintain a completely free to play game? By completely free do you mean nothing is monetized in game? Do you use ads or donations?
  14. It would be good for him to post something about it on the forums too just so the community knows he's acting on it. For a couple weeks there have been crickets.
  15. Yikes, that must be an extremely large amount of files or a very slow connection. Have you tried googling various web hosts that use c panel?
  16. He's been working on 1.4 for four years now with no blog posts about progress in almost 4 years.
  17. To be honest, I lost interest in the script when HOF stopped updating it. As it is, the script is full of error notices, and I will never develop with them turned off because I use my server to develop my own code and I need that. I can't navigate the script with so many errors all over the place. I don't know if HOF hit a wall with it and can't figure stuff out, or just lost interest, but I'm more likely to write my own than use a half finished script that I can't make heads or tails of. I still check in every now and then to see if anything has been updated, or changed, but as time goes on, it seems less likely. It's a shame too because it had such a loyal and great community, and I enjoyed testing other people's games.
  18. I've been using 1and1.com for years. They use green energy credits, and while they might be pricier than some (I'm on the $9.99 plan) they give you the option of private domain registration without additional fees. The plan I'm on also includes SSL and chron jobs. While I don't have any games hosted at the moment, I did have mysidia adoptables hosted on a lower tier plan years ago. As long as you don't have hundreds of users, you shouldn't have too much slow down using a shared hosting like this. It's great for small projects. They do have higher tier plans too if your game ever makes money, and they have cloud servers and dedicated servers to for when you get to that point. If you decide to check them out, I'd love a click on my referral link which in the right side bar on my website at www.sonyaireland.com I'm sure there are plenty of options out there though that are cheaper, I'm only recommending mine because it's what I know about.
  19. Thanks, I've been trying to get my general art site approved, and all this info helped a lot. Still waiting for an answer. This will be helpful for when I do actually put out a game too.
  20. Do you think they've been the target of a denial of service attack?
  21. Most of my finished and view-able art is traditional because I started before the digital revolution (I'm a little bit aged, LOL). I have a lot of digital works in progress that I just haven't finished yet, a lot of it being for my own browser based game that I've been developing (non-pet related). I do need to make some finished art though for my website portfolio so I can prove that I can do digital art.
  22. The Mysidia forums have been having time out problems for a few days now.
  23. I tend to be a mono-gamer, so once something hooks me, I'll pay it almost daily for a really long time (which can be years, LOL). I've been playing Flight Rising, Khimeros, and Ovipets for a few years, and I don't see myself stopping. I do have peaks and valleys of interest with them, but I also check in on them daily. I play Chicken Smoothie as well, but I usually only log in once a month to get my new month pets and see what turned out of my last month batch.
  24. I would be interested. Are there any particular species you are looking for? I can send some digital samples privately. I do have one piece online here where you can at least see that I can do digital art https://portraitadoption.com/portrait.php?id=2710 and my website here: http://sonyaireland.com/
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