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Everything posted by Kesstryl

  1. So something really cool happened to me from one of my breedings. I had a dragon that I swore was one color when it hatched, then later it was a different color. When I looked at her stats, sure enough, she was born with a special talent which allows her secondary color to change. Dragons with special talents have golden claws, and it's a rare occurrence. I'll post a link to her here so you can check back and see her color changes after so many hours go by. https://draconistheory.com/dragon.php?id=1893076
  2. I'm making pet icons for the pet system in my rpg browser game. This is my first time making pixel art. I bought Aseprite on sale on Steam, and it really does make creating pixel art so easy. Here's my very first one that I just made this morning, which is now on the alpha test site of my game:
  3. Your first dragon looks an awful lot like the one found on this site http://forestofmirrors.x10.mx/levelup/click/YLj3b You are clearly drawing or tracing from other people's art work, and this is not only going to turn people off from playing your game, but it could get you sued by the original artists and copyright holders. The worst part about this is when you are called out on this, you are still claiming the art as your own, and that's even worse than the original copying because you are not willing to take correction over it. To top it off, even after claiming to make edits that are your own, your art is still being found to have been copied from other sites, and all this is doing is to discredit yourself even more. I'm going to assume you are young and don't know much about copyright law and infringement, but take it from those of us who do - you are treading into territory you don't want to tread into. Learn to make your own poses and your own art. You can't use someone else's art, and copy your own line art over it. Too many of us probably play the same games you do, and visit the same art sites you do, and you will be found out. Even worse, a copyright owner of an infringed artwork just might come after you, and then you will wish you had listened to us. Be smart, stop lying about where the art is coming from, and take our advice with your own best interest in mind. You don't want to get sued, and you don't want a community of pet game players to blacklist your site for art infringement. I know it's hard to make art, but you will thank yourself for pushing yourself to work harder and make your own stuff, and you will be more proud of it.
  4. I do find it frustrating to go back and rewrite stuff too. Even worse is when you test something and no matter what you do, it just will not work, and you have to end up reverting everything and start all over again.
  5. I think it's important to take breaks and just relax, watch a show, read a book, or play a game that isn't yours. The brain does need rest just as much as the rest of you.
  6. Today I added some hover boxes on the main page of my game to give tooltips for some of the options that players first see once they create an account and login. I've had a few people register for my alpha test, but so far no one has actually played or leveled up, so I thought maybe people are feeling lost about what to do. I tend to take for granted that I find my own way very easily around any new programs, apps, and games, and others might not have that knack. Yesterday I added some cover art for the homepage which is also on the Hall of Fame page in-game:
  7. I thought I'd show avatar art that I made using a hybrid of traditional and digital art for my old school RPG game. In trying to keep with the archaic feel of being old school, I'm experimenting. I have an NPC that also sketches (will eventually be responsible for all the art on site) but I'm still toying with doing actual full digital dragon art in the future and keeping the sketch versions in the NPC sketchbook). Here is Gilmaenas the Wizard's beginning additions to his sketch diary of everything in the world: Arcane Dragon, Ranger Dragon, and Warrior Dragon:
  8. I get that when I do boring stuff like typing in descriptions or writing quests. Programming itself, while very difficult and a serious pain at times, gives me the feeling that others get when solving puzzles once I figure out how to do something. It started out as a way to relieve boredom and learn something new, and once I realized this was something I could actually do, it felt good to solve programming problems and learn new things in the same way solving puzzles can feel good. I mainly hate anything repetitive and monotonous, but building a game requires that kind of stuff.
  9. The adoptables on this site do not grow through clicks. They grow through making forum posts.
  10. What will the benefit be to transitioning a game already fully developed with its own PHP to a framework and putting all that work in? Just curious
  11. For my dragon RPG game I'm using an old php game engine called Dragon Knight which I updated to be PHP 5.6 compliant, and using mysqli. I also added a bunch of much needed security features to the engine. If and when I begin my pet game idea, I'm most likely going to use Mysidia Adoptables.
  12. I know there are probably better ones out there, but I use Notepad++. It works fine for me.
  13. I think this one would be much easier to integrate into a website : http://twinery.org/
  14. I evolved my Kitsu and still can't figure out how to name it. I tried naming it when I evolved it and got a database error, so I did a regular unnamed evolve, and now I can't name it. Is there a way to allow us to manually name them?
  15. I'm a 45 year old female (yep, seems I'm the Momma of the community ) living in Florida. I'm currently getting my Teacher's Certification, and I work as an online tutor. I have no kids, but I have a dog and a tree frog.
  16. That's a hard one. From a player perspective, I hate having a death system because I can grow attached to certain pets, especially if they end up being beautifully bred or are a rare combination of genetics and stats. On the developer side though, I can see how too many pets can clog a database and slow down a game, and having a way to clean up is good for keeping things optimized. The one benefit I've seen from pet death is having lineages so that you can keep a lineage alive through successive generations, and the whole Gen idea is eliminated (where players place a higher value on Gen 1 and Gen 2 than other gens, I kinda don't like that because it limits creative breeding.) I've seen some games do a balance of both, having a way for a player to manually release (delete) a poor outcome but keep other pets forever. That system is often paired with a longer breeding cool down too.
  17. I just tried Tree of Origins because I never heard of it before. It definitely looks promising!
  18. I agree that the dragon art really needs to be updated. I've focused on one species only, which is Wind, because I like the Tempest variant. The navigation is definitely not the most friendly with having to re-open the menus each time, but after awhile you do get used to it. The most annoying thing for me is being logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity, and it doesn't allow you to store your password on the site in your browser, so you have to manually type it in each time which is a pain. I know it's hardcore on the security, but it does make using the site a pain. Other than that I find everything else enjoyable enough to keep playing. A few of the games are fun to do each hour and can reward you with stuff to give you an advantage, and I really like breeding for stats and variants. The other downside is if you are inactive for 3 months, your account is deleted. If you are upgraded, that stretches out to a year. I have lost my account before, so I've now added it to my list of games to visit daily. I want to try to achieve triple legendary stats on my progenitor's lineage at some point down the road with the Tempest variant. I do like breeding challenges like that.
  19. I have a chihuahua and a tree frog.
  20. @Anoua There is a vacation mode option which you can turn on for when you will be away from the game for extended periods. It can last for up to a year too (you do have to log in after a year, turn it off, and turn it back on again or it will run out and you will then lose the pets, but a year is a long time to have them on hold). As long as you are conscientious of turning it on before taking time away from the game, you will keep everything you have in a state of stasis. You won't be able to breed or feed or do anything else except message friends if you check in, but once you turn off vacation mode, you will have everything exactly as you left it. You can't use vacation mode for a few days though, it has to be a minimum of one week, or you get charged credits for turning it off early. They also introduced a subscription option so you can now have unlimited pets that are completely fed during the duration of the subscription period. That's what I'm currently using to maintain my massive amount of breeding projects and not get carpal tunnel from all the feeding. I agree with you though about losing the pets. Before the sub option, if a bunch of them died, I spent credits resurrecting them. All of them. That was a lot of egg turning, and also hard on my budget.
  21. I added this game to the Gaming List because it is my absolute favorite breeding pet game. This Facebook game has the best breeding system I've ever seen in a pet game, and it has kept me breeding successive generations of pets just trying to get "pure" colors and recessive traits to become dominant. I have been hooked on this game for years, and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Feel free to friend me if you decide to play!
  22. Ovipets is a pet game focused on genetics and breeding! In OviPets, you and your friends will be able to research new species, splice eggs with new mutations which can then be passed on to their offspring along with their colors and other genetic traits, and raise and care for pets in all the colors of the rainbow. Ovipets uses a basic Mendelian Genetics system which involves Punnet Squares. Pets can carry recessive traits which can show up in successive generations of offspring. Traits and colors can also be selectively bred by pairing up parents within a certain hexadecimal color range or with certain dominant or recessive traits. Below is a visual of how the breeding system works: View full game
  23. This is another game that I currently play that I thought others might want to try out, and so I added it to the Gaming List
  24. In times of Yore there lived a Mythical Creature whose magical powers and strength were legend. Dragon was his name and he was feared by many. Was he good, or was he evil? Was he noble and wise or full of wrath and vengeance? Enter the world of the Dragon and find out. Draconis Theory is a free online dragon game about breeding, training, and battling dragons. Learn new skills, choose their battle tactics, and battle monsters in Epic showdowns of skill and strategy. Each dragon has a unique set of stats, traits, and genetics which determine how well they will battle and what they look like. Watch your dragon eggs hatch, your babies grow, and improve the next generation over their parents. Gain territory while battling, and explore new lands. Examples of dragon art is shown below using two variants of the wind species: View full game
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