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Pocket Puma Pets: User Select & New Enchantment

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Fancy User Selector

We now have a User fancy selector, which will allow you to search and filter in places where we had user ID inputs.

For example, when sending an item to another player..


You will now find a button instead of an input area.

Clicking the button will open up a fancy selector screen, where you can search or filter to find the user you wish to send an item to.


You can also search for an ID by prefixing it with a # number/hash sign.


Adding users to a group-pm also got a visual update.


Premium users will display as their avatar.
Non-premium will show their featured puma.
Players without pumas will be a colorful silhouette.


New Enchantment

A new enchantment is available for Bird Wings and Griffin Wings

  • Cascade


Cascade can be found inside the Vanishing Ink!


You can buy Vanishing Ink in Evolutionary Enchantments for 1,000,000pp

More "Fade" type enchantments are on the way soon. :)

Don't forget to check out the news post below-- its Cheese Doodle Day!

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