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Content Creator wanted! Paid in USD. Small job for now


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Equus Nation is in need of a content writer. At the moment, we have just one page that needs help. We will definitely have more work available in the future, but this is our starting point :)

We have a Quests feature that is incredibly bland right now. The text doesn't set the scene or get you ready for what's going on.

You click the Quests link, and you see the text "Welcome adventurer!" with a button to click to get a new quest. SUPER BORING. Once you get your quest, the game grabs a random NPC who you are doing the quest for. These characters do have a little flavor text, and that's fine as-is. Once you gather the items, you turn in your quest and receive a reward.

We are looking for someone to spice up the content of this page. Right now, I'm offering $8 USD for this job as it should be pretty easy for someone who is handy with words. We would like to get content on this page ASAP.

If you have any questions, please ask :) If you're interested in the job, please pm me or post here with a sample of your work. Thank you!

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