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Wajas: September Monthly Items + August Recap


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Cave Subgroups + Organized Nav News Posts now have jump links to top/comments Site Search went live Mining Cave update: When your Waja is under level 20, you cannot lose levels. Waja chooser updated on user showcase and guild raffles Bulk Decorate cake/tree went live Squished some bugs / cleaned up some coding C der Recap For the month of August   Coming Soon/Misc Changes made: A new way to track Wajas New Organiztion for the Games Navigation menu More bulk options in the cave Goblin Reminder from last month, still a WIP: We’re going to be rotating out some goblin items and possibly bringing back some old items. These items will not be permanently gone. We’re going to try and rotate the goblin items more often to keep the pool feeling fresh. Change made already:   We have adjusted the rarities of some dyes in the Mystery Dye Pool. We will continue to monitor the prices

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