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IcePets.com: The Winner is Revealed!


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Team Blue Audril Figurine Team Green Trido Figurine Team Red Dovu Figurine Team Yellow Sharshel Figurine

The contest has officially wrapped up, and Lapis, Oran, Beri, and Kari have all finished tallying up the points. That means it's time to reveal the winner of the Team Contest! Let's find out which Team stood out above the rest.

Team Yellow Sharshel Banner

In 4th place, we have Team Yellow Sharshel with a total of 168,329 points! Altogether, they spent 33,821,999 IcePoints, purchased 28,884 Items, and completed 4,190 Quests.

Team Green Trido Banner

Up next in 3rd place is Team Green Trido with a total of 220,816 points! Altogether, they spent 31,575,857 IcePoints, purchased 29,889 Items, and completed 5,869 Quests.

Team Blue Audril Banner

Taking 2nd place is Team Blue Audril with a total of 267,558 points! Altogether, they spent 50,559,778 IcePoints, purchased 44,734 Items, and completed 4,705 Quests.

Team Red Dovu Banner

And in 1st place, we have our winner! Say congrats to Team Red Dovu with a total of 468,037 points! Altogether, they spent 105,307,726 IcePoints, purchased 70,786 Items, and completed 5,838 Quests.

Winner's Gold Medal Champion Figurine Trophy Polishing Kit

The excitement isn't over just yet! The prizes and new Items for the Team Contest Store will be announced very soon, so be sure to keep your eyes on the News over the next day or so. And even if your Team didn't win, keep your head up -- there will be something fun in store for everyone who participated!

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