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IcePets.com: We're Halfway There!


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Sqwenda Ice PopTeam Chip Origin of the Team Contest

Can you believe we're already halfway through the Team Contest? Time flies when you're working hard and earning points! If you're wondering where your Team currently stands, here's the lineup as of right now:


In 4th place, we have Team Yellow Sharshel with 76,602 points.


In 3rd place, we have Team Green Trido with 82,734 points.


In 2nd place, we have Team Blue Audril with 107,282 points.

And in 1st place, Team Red Dovu holds the lead! They have a whopping 182,171 points.

If your Team has fallen behind, don't feel discouraged -- we still have another week left! And don't get too cocky if your Team is currently in the lead, because the others may catch up before you know it!

Bronze ChipSilver ChipGold Chip

With this update on the Team Contest, the IcePets Team also wanted to let our members know about an important update about team chips. Unlike in other events, all team chips will be removed at the end of the event, to help ensure each team starts off at an even playing field next year. Due to this we strongly recommend turning in all chips before the end of the event since they will be removed from the site entirely, including from inventories, shops, galleries, etc.

RhedSummer Surprise BasketSelf-Served Dip

The days are getting longer and the weather's getting hotter, which means the Summer Surprise Basket is back! This basket will carry one of many fun summer-themed Items ranging from old classics to a few new goodies. You can find them at all NPC Shops (except for the Snow Jar Igloo and Port Rakor) and receive them as rewards from Quests, too. Be sure to get your hands on one (or several!) soon, because they'll only be available until July 4th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time.

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