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Life goals and ambitions


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My life ambition is to be able to raise my little ones to be successful adults and be the best I can be in all aspects that I can be. I hope to one day transisition from being in software engineering and go into a more rewarding field such as teaching or mentoring. Maybe as my retirement.

What are your life goals and ambitions?

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When I was younger, my dream was to one day start a successful online business. Not like super successful but something that made just enough money to live off of. I think as I got older my priorities have shifted some though. Mostly, I enjoy my day job enough to not really dream of quitting haha. 

I think these days I mainly just want to make sure I keep improving my skills while working on creative projects that challenge me. For now, that means working on Saylua.

In the future (I predict ~2 years) when Saylua has gotten to a stable point where I don't feel like I have to be super dedicated in developing it anymore, I think I want to try my hand at writing and drawing a graphic novel. Or, well, my dream there at the moment is to create a series of comic short stories that can be put into a nice anthology together. I have a thing for comic short stories. :D

And once I feel happier with my art and writing skills, I think I'd want to loop back around to adding more programming to my life again by trying to create a PC game of some sort haha. But that's far enough in the future that by then, my desires might have changed again. 

Edited by tiff
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@tiff That's really impressive! Quite a range of things you've got going on there. 

I've come to a point in my life where I'm having a hard time imagining anything further than a year out. Right now, I'm starting a new department for the company I work for. We've been an internet marketing company without an actual marketing department for about 3 years now (I know right, how does that even happen?). So the fact that my brain is still wired for development (this is actually my last week with development tasks) makes things even more challenging. Which having a challenge was my goal in the first place with this career change so it worked!

Anyways... that's been consuming me for the past few months. Next year though (or the year after??), I hope to have the department stable and providing value to the company. By that point, I also hope to have my own business generating enough revenue that I could take the leap of quitting my job. Even though I love my job, I think the next challenge in my life is to build my own company.

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My ambitions are to finally have a wedding, travel back to latvia and visit my sister (which I've never actually met or knew about till only a few years ago), and mainly have financial stability so I can travel, take care of my family, and continue to do what I love to do without the need to worry about debts or where my next paycheck will be coming from. I have big goals and big dreams and try to work toward them a little bit every day, even if it's just writing down ideas or drawing out some characters for stories, and so on. 

Though, right now, my 2 main goals are to end my student loans, which I still have about 25,000 left, and basically slowly chipping away at it every month. It was 40,000 so I'm making pretty good progress though that's 3 years of all my money gone every month >.< If I didn't have my fiance to help with some living expenses, who knows where I would be right now. The other goal I have to accomplish in either one of two ways is Latvia. I would either like to get enough money to fly myself there... which I probably can't do right now due to the issues they are having with Russia and thus I'd probably be stuck in Latvia if I went back now. OR, I can save up enough money to fly my grandmother here to the states... not sure how we'd communicate given that I don't really speak Latvian anymore.. but where there's a will, there's a way right? 

So yeah! Lots to work towards but doing my best :3

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Get rich. Buy nice things. Have a life I'd life again if I could.

But in all seriousness, I'd love my own business, I'd like to live in the East (Japan, South Korea, China, etc). Right now it's all personal goals, who I want to make myself into - I am too young to be looking into the idea of a family, or a house, etc. I suppose I am just coming into the time when I want to make money and live an enjoyable life, meet people from all different cultures and just feel like I haven't wasted even a second of my life. 

money would be nice though

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