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IcePets.com: Have a Joke to Share?


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Callingall comedians! From today until May 1st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, we'll be holding an IcePets-themed joke contest. So if you've got a joke you've been itching to share, we'd love to hear it. While this contest is being held during Novitaria,it doesn't have to be related to the holiday -- however, it should still be IcePets related.

Want to show Terrafrost your comedic talent? Here are the rules:

Rule 1 - One entry per user.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely yourown.
Rule 3- You should not show anyone else your entry; it is to remain anonymous before and during voting.
Rule 4 - Entries must be kept PG-13.
Rule 5 - Entries might be subject to edits by our writing department in the final book.
Rule 6 - Must be IcePets related.
Rule 7 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to IcePrincess by May 1st 23:59:59 (IcePets time). It should simply be written out, no images.

Gold Contestant Trophy Silver Contestant Trophy Bronze Contestant Trophy

Thetop three winners of this contest will win some pretty neat rewards. And everyone who submits a joke, regardless of whether they win, will be featured in an upcoming Book!

Here are the prizes you can potentially win:

1st Place

-Gold Contestant Trophy
-Golden Competitor Stamp
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-150,000 IcePoints

2nd Place

-Silver Contestant Trophy
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-100,000 IcePoints

3rd Place

-Bronze Contestant Trophy
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-75,000 IcePoints

So, are ready to spread some laughter? You've got nothing to lose, so give it your best shot!

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