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IcePets.com: Aurestal Morning Has Arrived


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A month full of Peace, Prosperity, and Generosity has finally reached its apex -- Aurestal morning has arrived, bringing with it a special joy you can only feel this one time each year! You now have access to all the presents which have been placed under your Holiday Tree. If you are someone who prefers to spread the joy of opening gifts beyond the one day, gifts are available to be open at any time until December 1st, 2022. Merry Aurestal!

Aurora Winter WrapAurestal Snow JarForgotten Aurestal Box

With the release of the final 2021 Advent Calendar Item, this means you now have the opportunity to purchase more of this year's Advent Items from the Ausrestal Shop. Same as last year, the shop has temporarily updated its stock to include all of the 2021 advent calendar Items -- the temporary stock will only be here for the rest of this month. We hope you have been saving your hard earned Aurestal Points this season! The Aurestal Shop closes it's doors again on December 31st 23:59:59 IcePets Time until December 1st next year, so be sure to get what you need before then.

Festive Snow Sprite Plush Auroras Stamp Solitary Sprite Plush

The IcePets Team would like to extend a Merry Aurestal to our amazing community. Thank you for taking the time to make IcePets part of your life. Stay safe and have a great holiday season!


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