I added a few photos the illustrations I have been working on...
Have been pretty busy with work, and also getting an Etsy page up for the business I own with my partner.

Craft fair season is starting (or already started tbh) and we are trying to get our online stores up and running before the big rush! We do mostly woodworking and stuff, but for kitchenware accessories and gifts/souvenirs. I dont do digital art a lot anymore. I do a lot more engravings now which means I use Illustrator to design vector images and scale them for the machine.
It's a lot of tweaking to make sure things turn out well, but I absolutely love the work we're in.
Everything that we have been making are made recycled materials, which we source locally. The business idea was one we had in uni and we finally made it work last year, and this is our second year now, trying to grow and scale it. I'm pretty happy I get to put my design skills from the pet site era to good use working on designs, web dev, marketing, photography, etc... But yeah it's a lot of work, and figuring out things as they go along, haha.
the page if anyone is interested and would like to help us share the link and information about what we do.
View attachment 2290 (vector image for engraving)
View attachment 2291 (finished product)