Old Member Introductions

Just thought I might as well say "'ello!"

I'm a 23 year old Computer Forensics graduate, working full time just as a general data admin for a school.

I'm an avid lover of poetry and creative fiction. I'm currently in the process of 'learning to draw', haha - and brushing up on my web design skills.

Feel free to ask me any questions.

Initially I wanted to get in Computing and Business but my course was dropped during my second year so I transferred. I got to learn a bit of law in the process and I do like the concepts of data acquisition, recovering deleted data,etc.

Ideally I'd like to work against preventing child abuse by being one of those people that screens images, content, etc. I'd like to help out one of our youngest demographics by just, doing more. The online world is fascinating but, alas dangerous.

I've always been a bit geeky in terms of computing. I absolutely love learning new concepts and quite enjoy challenges.

I got to learn a bit of law in the process and I do like the concepts of data acquisition, recovering deleted data,etc.
Having spent a fair amount of my early career in Systems Admin, there is a certain amount of interest in this area even now for me although I have moved more into Software Engineering. The law aspect is especially interesting.

The online world is fascinating but, alas dangerous.
Well said!

I love how the law has to adapt over time to accommodate new and emerging technologies, isn't that a bit weird? Haha, and thanks. :) The internet is certainly one of the most prominent features we have in society.

Welcome to TGL @Tmra! Hope you enjoy your time here :3

I enjoy writing adventure/fantasy novels and I used to write poetry but sorta got out of it. Mostly just  do artwork now for various things from graphic novels to games, sometimes personal works for clients, and otherwise just personal work for me :3

What do you enjoy drawing the most thus far? And what media do you prefer?

Thanks everyone for the replies! I'm obviously bad at checking forums right now  x_x

@kami hey gurrrrllll ;)

@jakdacrowe heyyy! How are you doin? It has been a really long time!

@SingSong That's great to hear <3 But yes, life is okay! I've been drawing from time to time as well, so I haven't stopped drawing. How are things for you?

Hi @Aminirus!

Thank you for the kind welcome. I quite love fantasy novels myself, and I must say that I'm jealous regarding graphic novels. I love graphic novels. 

I'm learning realism at the moment, working on proportions, etc. I used to always (try) and draw wolves, but I really want to work on my skills as I find drawing therapeutic. I'm working just with traditional drawing for now but I also have a tablet display/monitor for digital graphic design.

@chocoshrooms Pretty good! Working on one project in my free time. Trying to spend more time on writing, too.

Someone on Deviantart just asked me, out of the blue, if she could have my Keonai, haha. That poor neglected fella I never did anything with. At least he has a good home now. 

Awesome. Well, as they say, practice makes perfect. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and not even I'm perfect over 20 years later, but if you love something, then always go for it! I wasn't very good for a long time, but I kept at it and I'm getting better. Even now I still learn new tips and tricks.
