Old Member Introductions

Hi! It's nice to see another new face. Thank you for joining. If you have a chance, you can check out our Easter contest and try to win some good prizes: 

Haha I know! I'm so nervous because everybody I know says they are more difficult since they are more emotional, but I don't think that's necessarily true. I mean.. once puberty comes, sure.

I'm super excited because I'm a photographer so I'm going to do a lot of mommy and me sessions (if you ever heard of those). But I'm also doing it with my husband where they will wear all plaid and match with colors and such. And yes.. I work full-time (and might get extended for another month in the next 2 weeks) until I stop working.. 4 weeks before giving birth lol. So I am pretty exhausted right now.

And yes! We do have a Facebook page, but I haven't been updating it yet until we get more features fully developed since I have been jumping back and forth between some. It's called Lurania Kingdom so you will find it on Facebook if you look for it! :)  I'm hoping to release more sneak peeks in the coming month when my contract ends!

Hi @halichu,

Welcome to TGL. I also recently joined when I was looking for an alternative to VPL. So far I'm finding the community very friendly :)

I look forward to seeing your game when you are able to show some sneek peeks! (I too have been working on a virtual pet game with an RPG twisth on and off for a few years xD).

Good luck with your pregnancy - being a parent is difficult but rewarding.. My daughter is 10 years old, but she acts like she is 15 >_<

I've followed your game on Facebook (link for anyone who is too lazy to search). Hope you enjoy your stay here!

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@Nate thank you! I am finding the community very friendly as well, I love it. It's definitely a refreshment :)

I will be able to show more soon since my contract will be ending at my current workplace. I was just trying to get in as much financial stability as I could before the little one got here :)  Haha, I am not looking forward to her growing up. I want her to stay little forever! lol. 

What is your game that you are developing? :o  

I was just trying to get in as much financial stability as I could before the little one got here :)  Haha, I am not looking forward to her growing up. I want her to stay little forever! lol. 
First off, congrats on a little one soon to be here. They will be the one thing you will find that will age you - however you will not discover this until it is too late nor will it bother you half as much as you think it will. Enjoy them while they are young because like @Nate said, they grow up fast. I have a 10 month old and a soon to be 10 year old.

@Nate thank you! I am finding the community very friendly as well, I love it. It's definitely a refreshment :)

I will be able to show more soon since my contract will be ending at my current workplace. I was just trying to get in as much financial stability as I could before the little one got here :)  Haha, I am not looking forward to her growing up. I want her to stay little forever! lol. 

What is your game that you are developing? :o  
No problem :-) Looking forward to the update!

My game doesnt have a name yet, but it's been a WIP since forever. I've owned a couple of virtual pet sites in the past, so I've learned from past mistakes what does work and what doesnt work :D

Enjoy work while you can.... you.. wont miss it haha

Hay guys! Passage here. Some of you may know me from VPL and some of you may not! I recently returned to the internet after taking an all too long hiatus. Ugh, real life has been...  x_x .

For those who don't know me, I am a front-end designer who has been working with web design and user experience for over a decade. I've had my hands in many different projects that I'm sure some of you have come across. I have an obsession with coffee and currently work as the Director of Marketing for a large sandwich franchise chain in the greater Seattle area.

Have any questions? Ask me! I'm an open book. I can't wait to see old and new faces alike and hope you all are well! 

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Welcome, Passage. I remember you from VPL. I hope you'll enjoy that TGL offers some of the same things you liked from VPL and more.

I also look forward to seeing some of your future posts. With your experience, you have a lot to offer this community. :)

@SingSong Thank you for the warm welcome! I am really digging the accessibility of this forum. It's very user-friendly with a pleasant design. I'm very happy to see so many familiar faces even from just quickly browsing through the posts.  :bashful: I look forward to helping as much as I can!

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As for VPL, there was always a fountain of knowledge on there for current trends and updates in the VPS world.
That's what I liked, too. I liked seeing sneak peaks of upcoming sites all in one place.

As long as we get involvement from game owners here, TGL should be able to offer the same in terms of news and updates about sites. :)

Haha I know! I'm so nervous because everybody I know says they are more difficult since they are more emotional, but I don't think that's necessarily true. I mean.. once puberty comes, sure.

I'm super excited because I'm a photographer so I'm going to do a lot of mommy and me sessions (if you ever heard of those). But I'm also doing it with my husband where they will wear all plaid and match with colors and such. And yes.. I work full-time (and might get extended for another month in the next 2 weeks) until I stop working.. 4 weeks before giving birth lol. So I am pretty exhausted right now.

And yes! We do have a Facebook page, but I haven't been updating it yet until we get more features fully developed since I have been jumping back and forth between some. It's called Lurania Kingdom so you will find it on Facebook if you look for it! :)  I'm hoping to release more sneak peeks in the coming month when my contract ends!


Yeah. The girls in my pregnancy class were mostly hoping for boys because they say boys cling to their moms while girls tend to do the opposite. My girl is really clingy to me though, but I do spend the most time with her. I wonder if things will change when she gets older and she'll be closer to her dad.

I think the most important things to do with girls (or any child in general) are to be accepting of who your child is (faults and all), listen to what she says and be understanding, and create a healthy relationship that fosters open dialogues (because if your child can't talk to you, they will go to someone else who's not as fit to give advice). These are just my thoughts though. Only time will tell if I know what I'm talking about, lol.

Can't believe you're still working. I was so tired back then. I couldn't have done it. I salute you. Have fun taking your photographs. I've tried to get as many videos and photographs as I can in the past months. Babies sure do change a lot.

I'm following your project on Facebook now. Looking forward to what you have in store. But don't stress out about creating any sneak peaks. Take your time and relax. :)

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@SingSong oh really?? I actually never heard of that! I just hear how emotional the girls are versus the boys. :P  I know a lot of girls who are clingy to their moms! But I'm sure she is going to be clingy to my husband since he is going to be a stay at home dad while I work :)  I think it's honestly just who they grow up with more!

Oh yes! I totally agree. I wasn't very comfortable with my parents.. at least telling them about stuff because they would either A) get angry or B ) be extremely judgemental. So I definitely know what NOT to do when it comes to expressing their emotions/feelings.

Awee thank you! My contract actually just got extended today until June 2nd and I give birth July 6th. My boss just asked if I would be willing to work past June 2nd and I said yes so I'm only going to be off for like 2 weeks before I give birth D: I am SUPER exhausted and cranky most of the time, but I really like what I do.

Awee thank you! I hope to create sneak peeks soon now that I can stop stressing about my financial stability!
