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Everything posted by WinterBlues

  1. @Aminirus Thank you for the post! That's a really interesting perspective. I am from the UK and both the UK and USA are similar in our values concerning a great many things e.g school, women, relationships, etc. I think that's why I want more of a culture shock? I believe that Japan especially is a lot more respectful to one another and considering that Seoul (S. Korea) has one of the lowest crime rates in the world (women can walk alone at 4am and feel safe) but here in the UK you don't feel that sort of safety. I also thought about the Netherlands but it's too 'Westernized' for my taste? I just think I want a culture shock lol!
  2. I was talking to a friend of mine last night over dinner and we were discussing apps we'd love to see from funny ones such as a procrastination app to more serious things. I personally would love a more personable, fun way to learn coding whether its an app modelled like a game or a website. Social media however I find to be a dry place at the moment, of course there are variations but nothing totally unique like Pinterest and Twitter have been. I think a better DeviantART variation can be built as while there is Artstation it isn't a very 'connected' place in my eyes? So what apps or websites would you like to see?
  3. I have been thinking a lot of moving abroad - this is just an idea for me, I'd love to go even for a month to live in Seoul in South Korea. I was wondering if anyone had lived or even visited Japan, Korea, etc? What were your views on it? What did you like/dislike most about these places?
  4. @jakdacrowe Wow, awesome! I would like all those adopts ;___; Anyway finished a piece of fanart yay for getting things done!
  5. @jakdacrowe Ah I get you! Yes definitely, that would be great to be able to respond to news!
  6. 3ds Max and ZBrush are good modellers that I use at university. Personally I recommend ZBrush to those with experience in art packages e.g Photoshop, Paint Tool Sai
  7. @jakdacrowe I don't know really. I would love to see a board where people bounce ideas for their own games but also the ability to reply to official site threads should be allowed I think? Are you talking about discussions ABOUT sites? Like debates?
  8. @jakdacrowe I totally agree with the moving Upcoming games into existing when they are done. It'd be so helpful ~
  9. I would really like to see a specialised forum for SIMs and Virtual Pet games if that is possible? So a game would post the title of their game and have one thread which they just update with the news of their site e.g events, new content, bug fixes, etc. I would also love to see an Upcoming Game forum where we can see announcements for new games that are in development? I don't see any forums which really cover this, or if they do it's too broad, hence why I think a specialised forum would be great? Perhaps the forum could be 'Game Trackers' and have a sub-forum of 'Coming Soon' or something like that? Sorry if it's already been done and I'm just majorly overlooking things!
  10. Working on this one here, trying to learn how to colour greyscales, as I find it easier to work in greys but I find it really hard to colour greyscales. I will figure it out eventually lol
  11. Thought I'd make a topic to share you Twitter account! Just put a link, say what you Twitter account focuses on, etc. My Twitter is https://twitter.com/LanternsAndStar And it will focus on my art! I have another account which is personal but I want to create one for my art so that I could separate the two a bit more ~
  12. @Shex No I completely understand that reasoning! I don't use that Cloud feature, whatever it is for! However I do rent 3ds Max so I am used to 'renting' the program. Seems like art programs are going down the route of renting rather than paying outright nowadays!
  13. Photoshop CC 2015 is what I use. It really is very good, especially the ability to get some very good plugins to go alongside your Workspace. I really enjoy a lot of features in CC and I feel like the control is a lot better? I mean I did jump from CS2 to CC so I guess it feels like a whole new world?
  14. Hello everyone ~ Nice to jump back into a Petsite forum!
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