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Posts posted by Syntax

  1. I do not believe Video Games cause violence in people. If anything among the adult gamers I know violent video games PREVENTS them from being violent because it gives them a safe way to release their anger & frustration. Kind of like the idea of punching a pillow. 

    IF there is a correlation I'm willing to bet that the correlation is because people who already struggle with violence and aggression are simply drawn to violent video games. I've not seen a reputable, unbiased study provide any conclusive evidence of correlation or causation between video games and violence. 

    As far as kids are concerned I don't think it's as big a deal as some make it out to be. My dad grew up playing cowboys and indians and they knew the difference between fantasy play and reality. I wouldn't let a kid play GTA but violence isn't the first reason that comes to mind (drugs, sex, prostitution, language, etc.). Blaming video games for a child's behavior seems to me like a way to lay blame for poor parenting. Of course I don't mean to direct that at anyone or anything, but if you have a violent 8-year-old using foul language and being a bully because they've been playing GTA, is that the games fault(when it's clearly marked for adults) or is it the parent's fault for not correcting that behavior and removing adult content?

    If anything, allowing kids to play video games and then directing or correcting their responses to them is a fantastic way to teach kids to work through and manage emotions like frustration and anger. 

    Now, when I talk about violent games I'm talking about games that include violence(Halo, Call of Duty, GTA). Not games that are violence for the sake of enjoying violence (sadistic) like Hatred. 

    • Like 3
  2. Big fan of the pokemon games, I started with red/blue and I was honestly surprised how much I liked sun/moon. I have always considered Pokemon a virtual pet game, even though it's not browser based. I also really enjoyed the Harvest Moon games but they were a little too subtle/not fantastic at explaining how stuff worked. It took me awhile and looking up instructions on how to do things to really get into it but I loved building my own little farm and keeping animals and crops.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Digital said:

    I think overall they are going to ride on the Skyrim and TESO a little longer before an announcement. As always, I am sure the engine is in development already, as many game companies start there years before a game announcement.

    True. And Bethesda seems to keep the hype train low, they don't seem to do big announcements years in advance of the release date for their games. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Digital said:

    As a follow up, United has changed their policies, no longer voluntarily removing passengers from a flight, and no longer removing passengers to replace them with employees. The passenger that was dragged off the plane is suing for damages to his person, which include but are not limited to two missing teeth, a broken nose, among other physical damages. The two officers involved were put on permanent leave pending the airports (since security is provided by Chicago's airport), since it was made clear that they were not following protocol.

    In unrelated news, on another United flight, a poor passenger opened their overhead compartment to have a scorpion drop out and sting them. It has not been a good month for United.

    XD I'd be suing the passenger who brought a scorpion on board with their luggage! lol 

  5. I too appreciate the transparency. I hate ads but I understand the need for them, and I'll throw an exception in my adblock for TGL. It might also be worth it to provide a monthly/yearly ad-free option. I'd be up for donating money to not feel bad about blocking ads lol. I really appreciate your hard work with all of this, and I'm looking forward to what's going to be built and come from this community. :) 


  6. Bethesda's games are awesome, and as far as game companies go among my friends(streamers, modders, etc) they have the best reputation. I had a streamer friend trying to 3d print a doom helmet and he made his own model but it would've taken forever to sand and smooth it because it was very polygonal. So he reached out to Bethesda and they sent him the fully made model for the helmet so he could print a perfect replica. 

    I'm kind of surprised they aren't coming out with another TES soon, they've already confirmed Fallout 5 has been started. 

    On 3/10/2017 at 9:46 PM, Callum said:

    What does HL3 stand for? Not really explored many other of Bethesda's games tbh.



    Half Life 3

  7. Sims 3. *hides*

    Theme Hospital, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sim Ant(yes, a sim game where you play an ant) were all favorites as well. Growing up my best friend and I would have Nancy Drew parties where we borrowed the game from the library and tried to finish it in one night. It was so official, we had a notebook where we wrote down EVERYTHING that could MAYBE be a clue, and we'd take turns clicking around and trying to solve puzzles. It was a lot of fun actually.

    I've also spent a lot of my life in Civilization games.

    15 hours ago, Nate said:

    Many years ago it used to be Roller Coaster Tycoon and Empire Earth.

    Since then, I advanced on to Transport Tycoon, then OpenTTD..

    Then more recently, I mostly play Hearthstone and Factorio.

    FACTORIO is the bane of my life. If you have things to do in your life, do NOT check this game out. You will boot the game up, then suddenly realise you have been playing for 12 hours straight..

    I'm currently onto my 5th or 6th playthrough of the game.. My first playthrough took me 96 hours. (Not consecutive.. over the space of a couple of weeks), now I understand it, I can complete it in around 20 or so hours..

    If anyone plays it and wants to work together on multiplayer, let me know :D:D (Although I should really be coding and not gaming omg, See ya! I'm off to play it now!)

     I am going to try Factorio, that game seems right up my alley. :) 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, PaulSonny said:

    Thanks for the great comments and feedback everyone, it is much appreciated.

    The game comes with a dictionary file that additional words can be added to. I've added meme for now. :)

    hahahaha that's awesome. Are the letters generated completely randomly or are certain weights given to each one?

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Digital said:

    Little over a month. We opened shortly after VPL went down for the second time.

    And thank heavens you did!


    7 hours ago, Nate.Tube said:

    Heh, yep. A sneaky tactic to get my engagement i guess ;) :P



    As for VPL, there was always a fountain of knowledge on there for current trends and updates in the VPS world.


    So far though, I'm liking this forum as it seems to be growing to have the same type of content - and more.


    How long has this forum been active?

    It is OH SO SNEAKY. You get dragged in one way or another! :) I'm Syn, welcome!

    • Like 1
  10. Communities for the most part build themselves, but they can be affected by any individual member of it. A single toxic individual can cause a lot of issues, but if you have a strong and tight-knit community then toxicity is less effective. Making sure staff are seen as part of the community and not just ruling over it is a big help, but from what I've seen the biggest factor is natural community leaders. They're the members who aren't staff but creating contests, going out of their way to welcome newbies, regularly coming up with new ideas and actually implementing their ideas in the community. I was part of an avatar site for a couple years but my favorite part was the shops where users traded their art for items and in-game money. They'd set up and run shops, and it just created this whole other level to the site that was completely user built. Letting and encouraging your community to run with ideas like that imo is one of the more fantastic parts of browser-based games. 

  11. I started playing Horseland with a friend when I was about 12 (2005). They let you customize the CSS on your page so you could change the look of it, and gosh darn if I didn't want the prettiest page. That launched me into making photoshop graphics and simple html websites to offer horseland stylesheets and graphics. Then I had a friend making his own Horseland website except instead of horses it was fish. I thought that sounded SO cool and I decided I wanted to do it too so I started learning how to program. It was a lot of work and stress but after a few years I proudly launched my first site which I basically ran for a dozen of my friends on a free hosting site about recoloring pixel ponies. It was up for a few months, but the hosting company I'd used disappeared(I assume they went under) and the site was just gone. I was upset at first but I decided to move on and build other things that didn't require as much art since that's what I wasn't good at. So I helped other people with their sites and built little websites and webapps for friends and family. While I never really stopped programming in my free time, It wasn't until my second year in college that I decided to pursue web development as a career.  

  12. 14 hours ago, Digital said:

    Does that allow the use of force? If the company wishes to do overbooking (much like a university), they should make sure to have realistic (and be prepared) for cases where actions like this don't occur. In the case of the university example, the university is taking in to account that the students saying no aren't going to be staying in dorms or even paying for them to begin with.

    The only reason they used force is because he refused to get off the plane. It doesn't matter what reason they have for asking you to leave the plane when you are asked to leave you need to comply. The only reason it's a big deal is because he got hurt in his refusal to leave and someone filmed it. Like I said, I feel bad that the guy got hurt but to some extent it was a result of his own actions. 

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