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Posts posted by LuciBeingLuci

  1. As i said, this might be impossible. But if it becomes possible i'll totally release it.
    So say hi to this John/Jane Doe that might not become just a "Doe" in the future :>


    There will be also an wardrobe shop (just one, no more) where you can buy tons of outfits for it, to a sweater from a tuxedo, to a wild hair from a fancy hair, to a sock torn to a mary jane...and much more!

    But anyways, this is just a concept, don't really count on it! Hehe!

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  2. It's not caps, it just has all word with just the first letter as caps. The caps are just to make users tuned about what they must do.

    Edt: Looks like that it worked, but the message "you doesn't have this" is still here, but it's togheter with the "you have this" message.
    So how to remove the "you doesn't have this" message when you have the item?

    And how to make a refresh link on the page? So users may click it instead of clicking their browser refresh button or Ctrl + F5?

  3. So it needs to be removed anyway?
    Because i think that it's an important part, because it haves the code needed to get stuff from exploring. It's a view page.

    Edit: looks like that i found a way to fix it without removing anything.

  4. 4 hours ago, Anoua said:

    That error means that class 'ExploreencarsiforestController' has already been declared somewhere else, and so can't be declared again. I don't know much about the application you are using to make your site.

    But check that file to see if the statement 'class ExploreencarsiforestController ' is found more than once. If it's not in that file more than once then it's already been declared in another file somewhere which you'll want to find. Some editors let you do a text search over all project files at once, if you have one that does search for it and find it. 

    Once you find the duplicate you'll want to remove one of them.

    I actually saw this on "exploreencarsiforestview". Don't know if i must remove it.

  5. "Fatal Error: Class ExploreencarsiforestController either does not exist, or has its include path misconfigured!"

    That always happen when i tried to add a explore system. And as since i dosn't even know what Php is, i can't fix it.
    I did everything right as the tutorial has. But as i said, i still gets that error.

    So...how to fix it?

  6. I finally figured out how to make a second currency, so here's it (it doesn't bugged the site :'D)! Phantom Quartz (AKA the premium currency of the site) are just having few steps to come out.

    That's how your sidebar looks like for now.

    So i actually added it and they're finally released, but now i need to figure how to make shops (items and pets) which these can be used.
    And actually, they're obtainable though patreon (if it releases) and starts as "35". I also need to figure out how to insert an starter value for the also.

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    • Inventory bug? NEVERMORE! It just got fixed and everything here is working fine but the official CSS theme.
    • If you register to the site, you'll receive an automatic message. I always wanted to do this since the first version and i finally did yay!
    • All shop NPC's are finally here! 
    • Forum now haves custom images and text colors for mini profiles.
    • Exploring system stills in progress, hope that i can release it soon.

    Bye bye~

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  7. 4 hours ago, Dinocanid said:

    Looks that way; I was extremely nervous that all of my files would be lost. I'm still looking for new hosting though, 2 scares like that is enough for me.

    EDIT: Still doesn't work for me it seems. I still can't connect after loading a few pages. Changing wifi networks worked for a second before it did the same thing :\

    For me here it's working 100% normally, even now. Sorry if isn't the same for you.

    Edit: Looks like they're down again. It's giving a timeout right now for me.

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