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Posts posted by Zrcalo

  1. @Design1online
    are you located in the US? If you're in the US, you cant have members under 13 on your site iirc, because anything that requires agreeing to a ToS cannot be signed by anyone under 13. the law is called COPPA.

    edit: wow it doesnt look like it only affects the US


    7.  The Internet is a global medium.  Do websites and online services developed and run abroad have to comply with the Rule? 

    Foreign-based websites and online services must comply with COPPA if they are directed to children in the United States, or if they knowingly collect personal information from children in the U.S.  The law’s definition of “operator” includes foreign-based websites and online services that are involved in commerce in the United States or its territories.  As a related matter, U.S.-based sites and services that collect information from foreign children also are subject to COPPA.

  2. I think pretty much the rule of thumb nowadays is to make sure it works on chrome/firefox and on the chrome browser on the phone. So far, I think flightrising is the only pet site that has browser games that can also work on your phone, but I could be wrong. and by work I mean "slightly playable", and by "slightly playable" I mean "very unpleasant, but it works I guess when I'm desperate". 

    I think it may be a phone resizing issue. I'll try to see if I could play it using my stylus on my note 4. but on my small moto G it was ... pretty bad. but it DID work. albeit poorly.
    I dont think there's any way to implement any app with a petsite at all. I know neopets has made one, but the points arent connected to the site and its a standalone game. 
    tbh I dont think there's a way to link the two, so using an android app or a standalone game that isnt in the browser isnt really feasible.
    also looks like unity's a 3d game engine, and I'm not sure that could do what we need either. though, I think it'd be absolutely wonderful if someone could try. 

    someone should like... I dunno.. make a dude punching a brick that racks up points to transfer to the site to test this.
    but I think the effort is too much for too little gain. and then there's the economy balance issue, so you cant make something someone can play all day. you gotta cap it. I'm a big fan of just "spin the wheel" type games. you click, wait, and then blam. money.  Much like neopets. 
    it provides dailies, and incentives to check up on the site.


    I also know when neopets made actual *likeable* games to play, it skewed the neopoints market. I remember running habitarium all day farming and getting like.. 100k a day. which was ridiculous.

  3. imo, for me.. I have a lot of eye issues and usually stay away from sites that use colors in general. If the site's not really muted or in greytones with white being the predominant one, I cant use it. because the eyestrain is just too bad. 

    typically when designing a site, you choose one accent color, and the rest are shades of white/grey or muted accent color. but its important to not use over-saturated colors.

    just think about it this way..... look at the top most popular websites.... wikipedia, google, etc. and notice how they format their website... also look at even flightrising and on here... I say, to help color blind people and other people, just stick with simplicity.

    with the colors in your screenshot as they are right now, I would not physically be able to use your site.



    evidently its called "color burn". where if you're staring at a color too long and move your eyes, the opposite of that color burns into your retina. thats why sites use white or greys as it doesnt do that. eyeburn can also affect how things on your site are viewed as well, and color bleed can really wreck things.

    colorblind people can also see all ranges of greys and whites. and there are many many MANY different types of colorblind. If you want to cater to the colorblind, dont use colors.

    actually what would probably be the most helpful is simply googling "bad web design" and looking at it under images, then googling "good web design" and looking at that to under images.

  4. doensnt HTML5 work on mobile, while flash and javascript do not?
    I know a lot of people now want mobile compatibility. 
    I also wonder if there's a framework you could use to build a game in.

    I do flash coding and was making an interactive world for wajas, but that fell through. Feels as though as soon as I learned that, it became out of date lol.

    edit: derp, digital already mentioned a framework LOL

  5. paywall's and limited registration can kill a site, so not looking at any of those. I think the biggest hurdle would be the paypal bit. I'll try to see what companies offer to adult sites. I know patreon allows adult content, so that's another venue I could check out. But I do want people to use a currency. 

    I'm wondering if I should make a sfw clone of the other site and have the money just be inter-changeable. that might work there.

  6. Well, I hope he finds a buyer. 10k is nothing to sneeze at. 
    with the toxicity and reputation, I doubt he'd get that much for it unless he sold it to a corporation that didnt know what they were getting themselves into.  It'll be interesting to sit back and watch how this plays out.

    My prediction is that the site will just go offline one day and collect dust.

  7. I'm wondering if using square or square cash as a payment method would be viable... so people could use their credit cards.
    If paypal allows, I'd probably sell the "gem" equivalent on the site or sfw pets in the exclusive store. 
    I wonder if segregating the site into "sfw" and "nsfw" would make paypal a viable option. I think thats how furaffinity gets by with it.
    or we could just simply be "donate to the site, get a free prize" and then offer tokens/currency for people and use that as a loophole. idk.

    in that link:

    "Re: Paypal Now OK With Adult Sites?

    What would be the problem with say, having a website that simply gives you generic "credits" in return for payment. For example, I go to a website with a fictional address such as credits.com, which has no link to adult material, and I can buy via their PayPal account 5 credits for $5, or 10 credits for $10. Effectively those credits are useless however there may be a different website called xxxdvds.com that just so happens to accept your credits bought over at credits.com as payment. There may even be a sports clothing website that also accepts payment in credits bought from credits.com! What would be the problem with this kind of set-up?"

    this man is onto something.


    I've come to a conclusion....
    I could create a site where I sell my own handmade goods, and perhaps another site (clone of the nsfw site, but sfw. idea's in the works really) and people can buy credits on there, and on that site they can then use those credits to buy my own handmade goods, or virtual pet currency. It might also help with chargebacks. I was reading wajas ToS, and it stated that anyone who did a chargeback would get their account banned. so we could do that. Though, I like to add any exception to the norm of course. 

    though my other thought is if people used that as money laundering. hm. 

    I guess when all else fails, launder the money. LMAO.

  8. completely and utterly nsfw content (legal nsfw content). and it'll only be art. no real pictures allowed. and no babyfurs, cubs, children, or babies. actually I'm thinking about no humans, but that may just be my own personal boundaries. 

    it'll be a collectible pet site, so no npc's, no lore, no stories etc. but I'm thinking pets could have a profile so people could write things and make up their own stuff. 

    people could also upload their own original pet for a fee. much like how flightrising does skins.

    I talked to a lot of people who were interested in furvilla but had a rude awakening when they went there, so I want to cater to that crowd, and still retain the custom adoptables idea. 

    my idea is to create a site where people could buy/sell/trade their own custom adoptables and use the site as a assets protection. Because furaffinity cant police who owns an adoptable at any given time. If it was uploaded to our site, it would have a username affixed to it and a concrete ownership ID. People could also auction off and sell their original art/adoptable for irl money. but that would be outside the site, like on furaffinity. 

    I'm still working out the logistics, but we'll have our own monthly pets too.

    basically what I'm after is more legal advice more than anything else. 

  9. I think I joined neopets in 2000??? december iirc. 
    I remember when zafaras looked like this:



    there's a lot of old things you can actually still access on the site that's dead ends from pages that were once linked. its pretty spooky at times. Like peeking into an abandoned tunnel and such.


    here's some of my pets I have!!


    here's all the ones:

    a lot of them are dual painted.

  10. aaah, I was caught in the crossfire back in the day when 4chan was trolling them. I made an account, spent about $30 on items, and mentioned 4chan once on the boards then was immediately banned and IP blocked. then I came back a full year later (in fact 2 days shy of a year) and was immediately banned again because "it wasnt a full year". 


    so I havent been on since. though I've heard its been under different management. I think I joined in 2007 ish??

  11. oh man this seems fun!!
    too bad I just discovered this towards the end. rip. 

    uhhhh well here's what I've been doing pretty much the past month.

    >>been melting down things every half hour in baldwin's to try to get my level up to 17 before the festival.
    >>finally made a bogsnek egg, sold that for 200g
    >>had been saving up to buy gems so I could get a gene for 1,200g. 1g:1000t rate, but got a few deals. Been market stalking for quick nabs and resells. Was able to buy a few familiars for 4g (4,000t) that sell for 25,000t. sold those, made some profit. 
    >>saved up for festival. but not enough
    >>in complete panic state because 11 new familiars came out and I needed all of them, though all are selling for 350g ($3.50) and I'm not about to drop that kind of cold hard cash this close to the end of the month to pay for things.
    >>bribed 3 friends with commissions, got that. got screwed over and threatened, peeps on my FR discord gave me an extra familiar because friend was gonna screw me over (thanks to them!)
    >>invested in doubles of every holiday item
    >>played coli every day for the past week for about 2 hours or so, to grind up enough points to purchase things. make about 120k a day.

    >>I have no life.

    chickensmoothie: adopt pets. check pound every day probably like 5 times a day? usually am able to get something.

    also I play irl like a pet sim, I do ebay for a living and watch market values/etc when buying/reselling. so.. lol. 

  12. buy a used intuos 3 or intuos 2. they're about $60.

    the new "intuos" has less pressure sensitivity (that of a bamboo), and the "intuos pro" is actually the one with all the pressure sensitivity.

    definitely get a 6x8. anything smaller and its going to be difficult to draw on, and anything bigger can be cumbersome. 

    I use an intuos 1 9x12 from 1998 on my windows 10 laptop. I had to write drivers for it, but it still works.
    I say intuos 3 is your best bet, as I dont know if 2 works on windows 10.

    also they're easier to fix, than the new ones.

  13. not posting anything adult or discussing particulars..


    but what's the feasibility of an adult petsite?

    So far, me and my friend have thought just to give a warning about signing up and entering, and banhammering anyone who's under 18 there.

    would extra verification be needed?

    also how to I circumvent paypal? could I make sfw pets and use paypal with them? or because the site's "adult", would I just be blocked/banned?
    what's the alternative to use?

    and how do I prevent customers from doing chargebacks? which has been a huge mega problem lately in the furry community.


    also a little bit off topic, but I hope to be moving to germany soon... if my business is located in the US, and I live in germany, would I have to do VAT taxes?

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