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Posts posted by Zrcalo

  1. On 7/16/2017 at 0:08 PM, N_E_Wunn said:

    PBS reported these numbers from a variety of sources:


    One of those sources stated that there are "2 million infertile couples actively trying to adopt." This does not include other individuals and couples who also want to adopt. 

    Some other interesting statistics from Good Housekeeping:


    If you want to pore through mounds of data on your own, the US government provides a variety of fact sheets:


    At least in the United States, there are many people looking to adopt children and because Russia has eliminated adoptions and China cut back, there are fewer  out-of-country options.



    people who want to adopt dont necessarily mean people who want to adopt a child at random at any age. Like I said, most of these families want to adopt white babies. Not black babies, toddlers, children, or teenagers. Which make up the majority of orphans. 

    also "wanting to adopt" doesnt mean "can afford to adopt" or "qualifies to adopt"

    "When a couple seeking to adopt a white baby is charged $35,000 and a couple seeking a black baby is charged $4,000"

    "Both straight and gay adoptive parents are likely to exhibit racial and sex-based biases when applying to adopt a child"

    "There are 107,918 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted. In 2014, 50,644 foster kidswere adopted — a number that has stayed roughly consistent for the past five years. The average age of a waiting child is 7.7 years old and 29% of them will spend at least three years in foster care."

    I mean, I might want a puppy because it may be nice to have a puppy, but that doesnt mean I'd go out and actually get a puppy.

    also to reply to @Bingo a lot of times the people who end up getting an abortion are people who lack the ability to think ahead or knowledge about contraception etc. Growing up we were never taught anything about contraceptives and we were only taught that all sex (even if you use birth control. they didnt even mention condoms) led to pregnancy, and that teenagers shouldnt have sex.  they didnt go further than that. It was basically "dont have sex until you're an adult".

    religion also played a role, where it was insanely frowned upon to use contraceptives (because that meant you were having sex) and if you werent married, you were condemned, ostracized, and even excommunicated by your family. which would also happen if you got an abortion too, but! an abortion you can hide.. a baby you cant.

    not to mention, a lot of these people lack access to the internet, lack the ability to understand how to use the internet, and just dont understand things. I'd beg to say a lot of them have learning disabilities or mental issues as well. They're usually extremely impulsive and a lot /do/ intend on getting pregnant in the beginning but change their minds or their situation changes. Imagine just turning off your entire thinking area of your brain and just reacting on animalistic urges impulsively. 

  2. I do both. My styles are insanely different for each though. Typically I do badges and other small things in traditional, as I usually take them at a convention, and its easier to work with them right there. though, I *do* now own a phone with pressure sensitivity and a stylus. so I *could* take commissions digitally at a con. but the program I use doesnt allow me to do the type of shading I do on sai. 

    this is my traditional vs digital::
    and this is my art on my phone:
    there's just so much variation between them all, that I'd have to take completely different commissions for each. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to the differences in mediums.

  3. " There are more people who want to adopt than there are children."

    actually false. only healthy white infants are the ones that qualify for this sentence. 

    " I don't know anyone who has SNAP, WIC or any EBT that does not "cheat a little."

    in my state and in others, its entirely automated in a database, so if you have a job they just look up your finances through your employer and your tax records, etc. It's based on rent cost, utilities, property value, income, number of children living at the home, and other individuals living in your home. 
    If you're going to college, you're automatically disqualified for everything (at least here), as if you can pay college, you can afford food. 
    rent cost is based on notarized papers from your landlord/rental company, and if you own a house, the value is calculated through the state, as are the utilities. if you havent paid taxes, you dont qualify. Also all children need to have their birth certificates, and if they find that you are housing someone not included on your list of people in your home, they revoke your food stamps. you need to also not be a felon, not have a criminal record, be a resident of the state, work over 20 hours a week, if you're unemployed you are disqualified.. as they cannot look up your finances. I'm also pretty certain that if your children arent registered in a school and they're under 18, you dont qualify. Also they check your bank to see if you have any savings, etc or assets invested in.. so they check your credit score, and contact financial institutions. 
    most people are awarded $20-$90 a month, and the maximum is $190 if you make less than 8k a year and work over 30 hours a week, which is rare but it does happen.

    tbh my state also doesnt offer disability at all. You have to get it on the federal level.

    a lot of times people in my state dont have the constitution/knowledge to go through all the levels of processing for food stamps, and a lot of offices take about 6 hours to process you. I go to a mislabeled office thats not on google, but my wait time is still about 3 hours if I'm one of the first ones in line. the computers batch every 30min so sometimes its just a factor of waiting for the next batching to be entered in.

    I'm not really certain how WIC works, but I know the foodstamp form has information about WIC and healthcare, so I assume its the same form etc. I'm just glad I qualify for healthcare tbh. 

    • Like 1
  4. probably the most well run pet sim in existence. Neondragon is a fantastic artist and wonderful business manager. she's managed her own publishing for a very very long time and is a major cornerstone in furry art and also deviantart. lots of influences there. I really look up to her and her business models.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Digital said:

    Hehe, either you have a endearing love of Mario, or want to see him die horribly, it's hard to tell :P 

    +1 for pokefan115

    XD when I was a kid I thought it was hilarious that mario would die in the videogames for some reason. and I'd read fanfics on the site "lemmy's land" so.. idk. I liked pokemon and mario dying a horrible death LOL. 

  6. If a person does not want a child, that child not only becomes a burden to society, but actively costs people thousands upon thousands of dollars and oftentimes that child becomes a danger to society. 

    abortion is not about a fetus, its about a child and a life. If you cannot and are unwilling to raise a child, you should not have a child period. a child does not consent to being born and broken. 

    I believe in free abortions to all! and population control as well. an abortion costs taxpayers so much less than social services to feed, clothe, educate, and raise a child until they're 18. 

    I also believe parents have the right to surrender their child to the state if they cannot provide that child with a safe environment and provide for the basic needs of the child. my state has a law that anyone who has a child can abandon their child legally and safely at any church, firestation, police station, or hospital for the first 72 hours they are born. I think the 72 hours should be extended imo. because sometimes a person tries but fails miserably. 
    edit: also to reply to syntax...
    the reason why the government stepped into the healthcare nightmare was because people just werent paying their medical bills. If a person racks up $10,000 and skips out, then thats $10,000 the hospital has to pay for lost revenue. they pay for this by charging other customers more. so in a sense, healthcare is a gamble. as such, to pay for losses, they sell the debt to debt collection agencies at 1/4 the cost or less. lets say, the 10k that the person skipped out on, the hospital sells that debt for $2,500 to a company that then uses that debt to call and collect money from an individual. Which is still a gamble. basically I'm paying a company $2,500 for the opportunity to harass someone for money. 

    what this creates is an endless cycle of rising healthcare costs. The only way to solve this would be to minimize the people skipping out on bills, create a payment ceiling for healthcare workers/businesses/supply companies (which is against the constitution because we have free trade), or mandate insurance to curb the issue. each has their own issue.

    now, how does this affect the taxpayer? Well, we all get old, we all get sick, and sometime in our lives we will get into an accident. the amount of money we owe to a hospital comes right out of our pockets. the same pockets we pay our taxes with. Not only that, but waiting for a condition to worsen actually takes a person away from a job which cuts away how much money the government makes. If you keep people working and healthy enough to work, then you can get revenue from them.. otherwise its the law of diminishing returns.

    It's also the same with the food stamp program that happened in the 1930's and why we still have it today. If you're starving, you cant work... but you can fight and steal. It's about energy conservation. If you're limited to a certain amount of daily rations, you probably dont have enough energy to be on your feet all day working, or mental capacity to sit at a desk and work. But you do have the strength and energy to steal someone else's food. ie; breaking into their house or just simply stealing it from them. 
    If you're already in someone's house, then why not grab some other things?

    also starvation is a bitch, and its very hard to recover from. also during all this period of being unable to work, the government isnt getting tax revenue either, and in fact it's dumping thousands of dollars into solving crimes you've committed.. then when they apprehend you its tens of thousands of more dollars to put you to trial and house you in jail/prison.

    not to mention, its the same effect as above with healthcare.. the more food that gets stolen from grocery stores, the more they have to charge to compensate for it. then the food prices go up and then more people cannot feed themselves and crime goes up as well. 

    • Like 1
  7. there is no wage gap.
    There is a hiring gap, and a pay gap, but that has to do with the jobs selected. 
    the sexes are different biologically, and typically a female prefers social jobs over manual labor. 
    Manual labor pays more than social jobs, and another factor is maternity leave and family. It makes sense for the higher paid spouse to continue working while the lower paid spouse to spend more time raising the children. Typically the lower paid spouse is the woman, irregardless of degrees. (degrees do not guarantee jobs or high paying jobs, contrary to what people think).

    There will always be a pay gap. Mostly because the more dangerous a job is, the more it pays. People oftentimes view office workers and corporations as the backdrop for pay inequality, when thats not the case. the biggest gap is between careers. while being an office worker for a corporation, a woman is MORE LIKELY TO SUCCEED and even be hired! but because of the gross amount of pay difference in all jobs, it appears that women are not paid more. 

    I'll have to get a bunch of the statistics, but its really interesting. 

  8. I'm pretty neutral on the topic. I watched all my friends around me act like it was the apocalypse when he got into office, but so far, we're still here and not in a nuclear winter lol.

    I dont think he knew what he was getting himself into, and I think he's discovering this now. On the bright side, I'm actually impressed he's sticking to his promises he told the people before he was elected. If he wants to make america great again, and really puts his mind to it, and follows the research, then I'm sure he could do it. 

    right now I'm kinda watching the back/forth struggle between the branches of power in the US government, and its interesting to see what happens. Do I think we're going to get into a war with North Korea? no. Do I think he's going to take away everyone's healthcare and leave everyone dying? no. Do I think he's going to start a war with russia? no. 

    my basic expectations is to NOT get into a war with north korea, to fix the obamacare marketplace (which is BAD.) and keep medicare expanded, and to not go to war with russia.

    so far, everything seems ok. I'm a little peeved with the middle east, but a whole lot less than with obama. I also wish someone would babysit trump on twitter. :persevere:

  9. 18 minutes ago, kami said:

    DA is the only place I've found to get followers. XD

    lol! I could be wrong though. I just didnt find the site active enough to get followers. 
    I dont draw fanart (because I cant sell it), and my old account which had a bunch of followers got banned in 2006, so the google search index goes to that account and not my current one. DA's also not mobile friendly, so a lot of people I know who used DA no longer do. 
    FA's my go-to because typically as an unknown I can pull $50 commissions depending on content. 
    I also dont draw humans typically. 

    whats your DA? 
    edit: I found you!!!

    also hey! I see you do vid tutorials. I have a TON of art supplies I'm not using. what kind of art supplies are you looking for?

  10. find a niche and saturate it. 
    draw the same thing over and over and upload consistently. 
    also comment on people's profiles, reply, and participate in the community.

    Furry is the easiest one to do.
    Do some research and find out who's popular at the time and make them gift art that you upload in your gallery.
    typically they fave it and it appears on their front page. which gets you free publicity. 

    another thing, go to convention and do art trades, or purchase a table and sell buttons/prints. (go to walmart and get small prints made. they're 19cents and sell them for $3 or give them away as promotionals)

    *cough* porn *cough* 
    *cough* fetish art *cough*

    and most importantly.. dont use deviantart. 
    you can get more followers on instagram, facebook, and furaffinity than you ever will on DA. 
    typically if you dont already have a following, getting *anything* on DA is near impossible. 

    also as an example... you dont need to be good. at all. just participate in the community and comment ON EVERYTHING.

    just remember. on EVERY social media platform, each comment you make is a promotion for yourself. and each friend you make is a connection to more people. 

    fyi, what I would do is choose a platform that has heavy traffic and comment on everything that's been posted in the past 1-3 hours absolutely dilligently for about a few days. like just comment on everything that moves. (I mean within reason. if its a piece you really dont like, dont say you like it. just say something like "wow you did a great job!" etc.) and reply to /everything/. just put your all into it, and later on you can pick through which ones you like and which ones can be valuable customers etc. then you can tone down the media frenzy.

    I usually go with quantity first and quality later. 

    also TAG TAG TAG TAG spam the HECK out of tags. put as many as possible. If you draw a dog sitting and howling at the moon and upload it to furaffinity tag it as "dog" "canine" "canid" "wolf" "sitting" "howling" "moon" "at" "the" "3" "yourusername" "date" "media type" "background type" "colors involved" etc.

    if you're on instagram tag it as "art" "artwork" "wolves" "wolf" "dog" "dogs" "3 wolf moon" "moon" "moody" "edgy" etc

    remember, tumblr only uses the first 6 tags, so use the first 6 to be searchable, and the rest to be blog specific to find.

  11. Selling this critter right here. $35, full rights to species. (will color the eyes, tufts, mouth and finish shading the tail when buyer buys) 
    edits to the shading/lineart: $5 with limitations (I cant redraw the whole thing for you for $5 lol)

    rights to image
    rights to species (kataran. though you can rename) 
    psd - with lineart, sketch, and shading. (1280x1024 300dpi original size)



    also this crow/raven. $15 as is.
    I lost the full psd to the painted file, but I have the basic shaded. here's a .jpg of it:
    here's what I have in psd:

    also selling this background. $15

    • Like 2
  12. I've dealt with quite a few chargebacks, and me and a colleague have been working with paypal on resolving issues regarding that. Through this I've learned that...
    1) paypal does not protect digital goods.
    2) paypal does not protect handmade goods (could be "not as described")
    3) paypal does not protect commissions.
    4) its up to the discretion of the person on the phone what to do.
    5) chargebacks can still happen, even if you sell an ebay item and provide tracking. If they decide to go in your favor, you need to wait 72 days. (which sucks)

    I'm waiting for my friend to upload the photos and post to artist-beware.livejournal.com (he couldnt find a place to upload the files without compression, so I'm telling him to just use my server.)

    I'll talk to them about digital currency and user uploaded nsfw things. 
    I'm willing to risk a paypal account as long as its separate from my ebay business one, as long as I can document what paypal has said to me. 
    though, what I've read so far with paypal and commissions, it seems like a nightmare. people are commissioning entire fursuits for thousands of dollars, receiving their items, and then filing chargebacks. I think if I ever did high dollar commissions, It'd be through ebay, so I'd have at least SOME protection.

  13. Problem is... I've had 3 people contact PayPal about situations like this and all 3 gave different answers. The best way may be to create a separate site where credits could be bought and then used in multiple places such as my site. If I got a lawyer, it'd be to consult with PayPal.. but as it stands, after the information I've got, it's up to the discretion of the person on the phone what to do. Which is unhelpful. The only other thing I can think of is auctioning off sfw pets , but that wouldn't cover the currency to purchase "tokens" to upload your pet. Unless we just sell tokens. Hmm.

  14. how will these people "live together in a house" ? Which state will this be occuring in? 
    also if this is online and people wont be in the same place as each other, how will you solve the problem of mic quality, video quality, streaming, etc.? I know a lot of people, skype isnt a viable option. Will your parameters be based around audio/visual logistics?

    I know when I watch other live online shows and such and they have a viewer "call in" they often have to drop calls because video/audio quality.

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