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Everything posted by Bedouin

  1. When I'm on Windows, I use Notepad++ but on Mac (which is most of the time), I use a Transmit/Atom combo. I'm really shallow and love the themes that I can install on it. At work, I always get asked which theme I'm using because of all the pretty colors. Plus, it's just easy to use and really customizable like TDL said. I did try out Sublime, Textmate, and VS Code but Atom is home. If you're working in Angular 2 with Typescript, VS Code is the way to go though.
  2. All from scratch. I work on a day-to-day basis with Wordpress development and really like concepts from how they do things, but I wanted the organization of Laravel. It's a mash-up between the two that speeds up development for adding new features to an existing feature set. Sort of a CMS MVC. I am possibly going to add a library for database migrations though. Been looking at a few of those. It's something that doesn't make sense to code from scratch.
  3. Hey guys! Not sure if any of you remember me. I haven't been active since 2014-ish. I came over from VPL like it seems a lot of you have. I'm a programmer who is working on a game framework for all of my different games. It's my one hobby outside of work it seems. Anyways, I'm always up for learning new things or looking at things from different angles. My favorite animal is a dog. I have an 8-month extremely goofy German Shepherd puppy who keeps me company. He's also great to bounce ideas off of since his go-to response is to tilt his head attentively like what I'm saying is the most interesting thing in the world. If only people were that way. So! I'm going to try to actually be social and post things. Maybe. If I don't get sucked into my work tornado. Feel free to hit me up for anything, be it a random message or question or whatever. Peace!
  4. Same here, @Nate. It took a year just to get my framework nailed down before I could even really start on game stuff.
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