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About This Club

A place for the game owner to post news and host discussions regarding Faenaria.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Howdy all! We've smashed through some more stretch goals so today the staff and I sat down together and figured out some more! We also, through some feedback from our supporters, decided to add a new pledge tier. New Pledge Tier: Cavalier Based on supporter feedback we have decided to offer an option that does not include the physical rewards for users who want to pledge, but don't want to mess with shipping. This option includes everything that the Knight tier offers with the exception that instead of the stickers and coaster you will receive 2x Daydream Relics. This custom making item will allow you to create a custom legendary Daydreamer Pony. Read More on Kickstarter!
  3. Howdy Faenarians! I am over the moon excited to announce that we've been really busy in the last 24 hours and not only did we do a soft launch of a new Kickstarter campaign to our mailing list, but that we are already 267% funded!! We've met our original goal of $225, which will cover hosting for the site for another 12 months and also unlocked 7 of our 12 stretch goals! Allow me a moment to collect my jaw off the floor here.... This marks the beginning of our official launch and since we've been rather hush-hush about the whole thing, let me know fill you all in on details! For the first time ever, Faenaria is offering physical goods as rewards. We already have the following items printed and as such they're in limited quantity. They include two stickers and a custom coaster. In addition to the new rewards, we've also brought back the Exclusive pets and FA sets from our previous Kickstarters as addons. This is your chance to stock up before they're gone again! Hurry on over to our Kickstarter page (link below) and get in on the goodies before they're gone! Portal to Kickstarter
  4. Faenaria's new layout is officially live!! *celebrates by doing the peanut-butter-jelly dance like a complete weirdo* I have to give a HUGE thank you to weezee for the literal months of work that she poured into making the site look absolutely stunning! Well done, weezee! You definitely earned a 5 minute good, long break! We have made so many little changes in addition to a few major ones. I will do my best to list as many of them as possible, but first, a couple of notes! We are still updating the wardrobe and FA shops. This had to be done on the live site and so this is fair warning that these systems will be fluctuating as weezee gets to work bringing them in line with the rest of the site. Your snuggery may look a little off - pets missing, alignment janky - when you first load into it. The system just needs a little nudge in syncing up. So if this is the case, please click "Edit Snuggery" at the bottom of the page, then you can save your snuggery name again (it can remain the same!) and that will force it to re-sync. If you've done this and still are having issues, please post in the Bug Report thread. Changes of Note We've updated the site's buttons to be mostly icons, with a few exceptions for things like "send" and "preview". The back to top button now displays as an up arrow as soon as you start scrolling. The purple menu bar scrolls down with the page now. There is now a dark mode, in addition to the light mode. You can switch between them on your Account Settings page. Forums have been updated into dual columns to allow for less scrolling. They also have new icon indicators! All forum settings have been moved to tabs at the top of the forum index page. Use these to see recent posts (new!), manage subscriptions, update your signature, etc. Each forum post now has a beautiful header image and a faded image behind their avatar. In a future update, we will make it possible for users to select new header/bg sets to further customize their posts. Profile pages have had a little make over that condensed the info in a more attractive manner. We also added an "About Me" that will allow users to post a bit about themselves, share links, images, etc. as they see fit! Likewise, Pet pages have also been made over! They now have a nifty sidebar where all their info, mates, and offspring will be displayed. Many pages with lengthy information have been updated with collapsible headers - this allowed us to condense information, while still having it easily available. The compendium page will now show icons instead of text for all available entries. Once you have one unlocked, it'll show a colored preview of the associated artwork! There are a lot more little things here and there, but those are the highlights, I would say! Well, what do you think? What's your favorite new feature or aspect of the new layout?
  5. Howdy all! First and foremost I wanted to let everyone know that we will be rolling out our new layout this weekend! There might be some hiccups and downtime as a result, but not to worry, we'll get it sorted out. The changes coming with the layout are mostly quality of life and cosmetic fixes that the site has really been hurting for. A more detailed explanation of these changes will be provided in the official release post after the update has launched. In the meantime, I wanted to draw everybody's attention to our new Patreon bonuses! As a way of saying thank you to our wonderful Patrons, the staff and I have decided to offer some additional bonuses that can be acquired over time. The longer you pledge, the more goodies you will receive! Not yet a patron? That's okay, new patrons start earning as soon as they sign up! Monthly Appreciation Bonus Every month that you are a patron builds toward the following rewards. These are accumulative - if you have to pause your pledge you'll start earning where you left off once it resumes. 3 Months - Your name added to the credits page on Faenaria.com as a Patreon Supporter. Lifetime bonus. 6 Months - Receive a personal "letter" via PM from your favorite Faenaria character. 9 Months - Your name added to Faenaria's Holiday List. You will receive a digital Christmas card every December. Lifetime bonus. 1 Year - Receive a personalized, handwritten thank you card by mail from Rhowyn on behalf of the staff. Repeats every year on your "pledgiversary". Lifetime Pledge Bonus Every dollar you pledge will go toward these rewards. These are accumulative - if you have to pause your pledge you'll start earning where you left off once it resumes. Once you complete the highest milestone the rewards reset, allowing you to continue gaining bonuses. Should we have a need in the future, higher milestones will be added. $50 Milestone - Viridian Ticket x2 (CYO avatar item) $100 Milestone - Design a Shop Pet with staff $500 Milestone - Byzantine Ticket (CYO avatar set) $1000 Milestone - Design an FA set with staff (includes a Byzantine Ticket redeemable for a custom coloration of said set) That's all I have for right now! Please watch for further updates on the new layout!
  6. As Faenaria's pet system is largely based on being able to create your own custom designs, we are putting into place another way to obtain pets. "Shop pets" will be premade designs, available for purchase from, you guessed it, pet shops! While our wonderful programmer, Indy, gets to work on the code, the art team has been working on the initial designs that will be released when the feature launches. Here's a preview of some of those designs!
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