Survival rpg dinosaur game! (in dev)


Hello everyone!


Hopefully it's okay for me to post this here. I wanted to share something I'm working on. It's not a browser based pet site, but is inspired from the basic idea of "finding eggs and raising them to adults". I've also taken inspiration from games like Stardew Valley, Terraria, Minecraft, ARK, etc! 

Basically Prehistorica will be a survival rpg game, with giant feathered lizards (dinosaurs) walking around. If you find abandoned eggs (or kill some parents for their eggs), the hatchling will imprint on the first thing it sees - you, the player. My idea at the moment is that each hatchling species will have specific needs met in order to successfully imprint and/or grow up, so even though you may get lucky and find a T. Rex egg right from the start, doesn't mean you have the capabilities to raise it to adult yet. You can use different species of dinos to help you with different tasks. They will be a lot more efficient at their tasks than a regular ole human, so it is very beneficial to steal some eggs even though the risk of injury or death is high! The game will start in a sandbox mode, but the main storyline quest can be activated after completing certain tasks.

Here's a teaser video I have, showing most of the assets I've created so far and the basic movement and collision system. Note the game is in very early access. I am working on it religiously at the moment. No date in mind for release, it will definitely be quite a while. If you want to support the game or follow its progress, you can find me on deviantART, Patreon, Twitter, etc under the same username: ToyOwlet. I also have a discord, so if you'd like an invite let me know! 

I wanted to share this with you all as I got my start in making games and learned to make sprites because of egg adoptable sites. I've made 2-3 egg adoptable sites, but I always abandoned them as they just weren't what I had in mind. However I will never forget where I came from, and being part of and creating my own adoptable sites got me here today, coding and making art for my own game! 

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@KingofCrows Thank you!! ❤️ I love dinosaurs with feathers too, and I haven't seen too many games design fully feathered dinos yet. Only one that comes to mind is Saurian, they're doing a pretty good job. T.Rex sure is  gonna be fun (and a pain at the same time) to sprite! 

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Thanks so much @Aminirus! Been working on the game every day! Since I am the sole developer I've been a bit disorganized but getting better. Hard to decided any given day whether to do art or code, but since I have most of the basic assets finished I'll be focusing more on code. Hopefully I'll have more mechanics to share soon. Thanks again! 

Ohhhhh, I wanna play *makes grabby hands* ???

This sounds and looks like an amazing game, I love sandbox designs, (and this really reminds me of Pokemon) so it’ll probably be something I’ll waste hours of my life playing! And most of all, dinosaurs! Yay! Can’t wait, good luck on making it and keep that good work coming ??

P.S: I personally don’t like how fast the human character can walk, I would like it to be a tad bit slower ? But that’s just personal preferences ?

Thanks @Bravefoot ! ❤️ I really love the style Pokemon uses and I think throughout the years my art has been heavily influenced by it. So thanks for that compliment! And yea, I'm really excited to see how Prehistorica evolves (heh) as I work on it. I have a lot in mind. ?

I also agree on the walk speed being a tad fast. I've since changed it. Here's another preview of a new area where the player will make their home. I'm not sure yet if this will be the only build-able area in the game.

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It would be great if every area was buildable. In minecraft I often build landmarks to help me navigate around the habitats so I can find my way back home (I get lost so easily ?)

@Bravefoot At the moment I have the game planned to have a static map and not really be generated procedurally, hence the one buildable area. I might allow all areas to be built upon, but some areas (like the swamp above for example) the player will have to get creative since space is scarce. Likewise building in a desert area or snow area will present their own problems with heat and cold. Hmmm, you got me thinking now lol. 

View attachment 2457

First preview of 3 different crop types. All from the fern family. They can be farmed for fern leaves, fiddleheads, and tubors that can be eaten or used to grow babies of whatever species that favors them. They will appear in the wild but not give much food back to the player. Fertilizing, watering, and perhaps ridding them of weeds will yield the max food. 

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So will all dinos eat one of the three crop types, or will there also be a way to get meats to feed to carnivores?

(Artwork is all looking very lovely!)

@KingofCrows I haven't completely worked out the mechanics yet on feeding/taming/raising babies, but yes the idea so far is that there will be many types of plants and meats that certain species favor. For example, an Ankylo might favor a flower that grows only in the beach/coastal biome. And a Rex baby favors Ankylo meat or perhaps favors just the eggs, which will be very hard to obtain. Every species will have its own plant/meat type it likes and no two dino species will like the same food. I may even make special "baby food" recipes (kinda like ARK kibble) but undecided yet. 

Speaking of flowers, I have plans to make a majority of the herbivores favor them. The Cretaceous period, which is what the game setting is based in, was when flowering plants first started evolving. That's what I'll be working on next, so if anyone has suggestions for flowers and their mother plants (that were present in the Cretaceous) feel free to shoot them my way! I thought research on Cretaceous dino species would consume a lot of my time but whenever I research Cretaceous plant life I find myself with 30 or so tabs open, yikes! ?

All those game plans sound amazing ?

I like the idea that you could be raising herbivores to feed the carnivores you’re also keeping ???

@Bravefoot Hehe yup! I realize my art style kind of has a cheery vibe to it, but my intentions are to make a more mature game despite that. Hence the corpses and baby dino killing. ? I'm sure my art will improve and adapt to my vision as I work on the game too. 
