Show off what you are working on

I can appreciate all the work that goes into something like that, Hare. Nice layer count! Haha.

I am working on a preview for HellKeepers, but I can't say more or show anything yet, because that will make it less exciting when it comes out. I'm going to do my best to finish it in a few days.


Working on this one here, trying to learn how to colour greyscales, as I find it easier to work in greys but I find it really hard to colour greyscales. I will figure it out eventually lol

I love seeing everyone's beautiful work! Also would love to see the finish products if you guys ever want to post them. 

Here's my latest one, doing a lineart commission of someone's bunny. 

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O.o I want to join your game :3 I'm actually entering the wonderful world of rabbit breeding again next week. So excited!

Awww so cute <3 Californians and lops! I am somewhat limited to the rabbitries in the area to start but I would love to breed(or just cuddle) some angoras too :)  

I'm working on a couple of things right now! Finishing up some finals.

In one class, I have to create illustrations that tell a part of a story. Of course I love making myself suffer and decided to do animations?? I have very little experience oops.

*Scene #2
*Scene #3

Those were the biggest scenes, so now I'm working on 1 and 4! If there's interest, I'll post them too when I finish  :P

I'm also working on a pop out card that's Beauty and the Beast inspired (still working on some of the clothes design for the cat, and the interior design!) Also something I have no experience with, but I decided to make this quarter all about branching out to see if something resonates. 

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